Sitemap - 2022 - Duffel Blog
Pornhub opens first SIPR website
Officers with Bronze Star license plates least likely to have left FOB
Chinook catches Army flirting with younger, thinner aircraft
I lived it: I stole the Navy goat, and now I just … have a goat
Duffel Blog Presents: Space Force field tips for lunar transport shuttle
Helicopter parents won’t insert son at hot LZ
Point/Counterpoint: How to help servicemembers vs how to help service members
Marvel's "War on Terror: No Endgame in Sight" loses $5.6 trillion in first 18 years
Sailor can’t pee unless someone is watching
Real Housewives of Raqqa about to blow up on Bravo
Sailors walking into strip club reminded to 'clap like Mike Pence is speaking'
Make-A-Wish kid spends day as a Marine standing in line at the armory
Ancestry DNA test reveals soldier comes from a long line of POGs
Opinion: If you call your spouse Household 6, I get to call your divorce a change of command
Marines open remedial 'Corporals Course for Staff Sergeants'
Space Ghost Files IG complaint over non-selection for Space Command
New Marine Commandant to bring back rolled trousers
Army strategists much better at planning fantasy wars instead of war in Afghanistan
Point/Counterpoint: Future wars will be fought with AI robots vs. 'Microsoft Word is not responding'
'Call for Fyre Festival' dupes Millennials into enlisting
Agent Penis reassigned after CIA intruder blows his cover
Alabama National Guardsman charged after aborting unplanned mission
Pentagon senior executive fired for inadvertently making a decision
Pentagon forms community of disinterest to plan Iran war
Admiral McRaven defends millennials in viral TikTok video
Iran attacks US warships in the Gulf of Tonkin
Bolton cites his avoiding war in Vietnam amid criticism that he's pro-war
Opinion: Once again, my shithead husband will be deployed for the birth of our child
Staff Officers hope for war with Iran to end Bronze Star drought
John Walker Lindh killed in drone strike moments after release
Pearl Harbor survivor unhappy with Mitsubishi Memorial Day sale
Soldier travels back in time to prevent his own wedding
President Trump orders Navy to scuttle USS John S. McCain
Coast Guard seizes 4,000 pounds of uncut Cheetos Dust
Rep. Duncan Hunter shocked Americans making such big deal about routine war crimes
Hero Pfc. spends entire enlistment at dental
Nation honors fallen soldiers by creating more of them
Navy says its not the size of the fleet, but how you use it
Quiz: ‘80s metal lyrics or things the lieutenant said at morning PT
OPINION: We shouldn’t build any new nuclear weapons until we use the ones we already have
Chaplain’s wife drives to different state in disguise to buy dildo
Americans commemorate D-Day by calling people they disagree with Nazis
Newly promoted admiral buys $500 million warship at 32% interest
All Marines are rifleman first, according to Marine who is admin clerk second
Army not looking forward to prostate exam after 244th birthday
Report: Sticky note saying “BROKEN” on equipment will be there forever
DARPA develops 'smart grass' that yells at you for walking on it
Chief of Naval Operations lauds return to tradition of 'false flag' operations
Marines send homemade cards, letters to Mattis on first Father’s Day apart
Sources say downed UAV penetrated deep into Iranian airspace
Humble SEAL drives ’93 white Ford Bronco to war crimes trial
Iranian bootleg DVD seller stocks up for huge influx of buyers
Pentagon relieved to discover tankers in Gulf Of Oman just collided with US Navy warships
BREAKING: Your weekend has been canceled, because Army
General Dunford picks this week to start sniffing glue again
RQ-4A shot down by Iran was 'just days from retirement'
US Army to drop ‘US’ from name over past links to slavery
John Bolton unwinds on vacation in Hiroshima, Nagasaki
President Moves Up Independence Day so it can be the #1 Day in July
Army to award ‘Expert Soldier Badge’ upon completion of MEPS
Report: Entire family blames you for younger cousin’s decision to enlist
Legendary recruiter’s top-3, can‘t-miss ways to bag a soldier
Medics Pushing Controversial Motrin-for-All Healthcare Plan
Thomas Jefferson gives your July 4th holiday weekend safety briefing
Lesbians, Lance Corporals compete for shortest engagements
New twist in SEAL war crimes case: 'The ISIS fighter is still alive, and I am him,' Gallagher says
Soldier catches wife sleeping with woobie
Polk soldier: ‘No shit, there I wasn’t’
Incoming Sergeant Major of the Army hints at new throwback uniform design
Audiobook of Army Operations Field Manual hits seven downloads on iTunes
Russian T-14 tanks spotted on the National Mall
Oh, no! This bridezilla wants her bridesmaids in full MOPP 4
Lieutenant unsure if platoon behaving better or just not getting caught
Pilot trusts feelings, turns off targeting computer, bombs hospital
Drone pilots now authorized to telecommute
Trailblazing Marine refuses to identify as rifleman
Army Cyber Brigade requests exemption from online training
Wow! This Colonel just inspired his Marines to not lock their knees and pass out as he talks
OPINION: I mushroom stamped the moon
Warrior souls searching Valhalla for missing hammer
Taliban confirms they won’t visit the White House if they win the War on Terror
National Guard general who avoided combat in every war since Vietnam retires
Meet the DOD contractor who has not told anyone he is a retired colonel
ISIS militant not promoted after failing to complete suicide awareness training
Ford Announces 'Deployment Edition' Mustang
Sgt. Maj. ‘Pre-Workout’ Just Coffee Grounds, Dip
Green Beret stripped of Special Forces tab after using issued gear
Millennials are killing these 7 military traditions
Buzz Aldrin to return to Moon to find missing space canteen
Greenpeace supports Iran’s seizure of oil tankers
JAG officer loses argument in food court
Mom Of Four Goes To SERE School, Gets Amazing Sleep
Military Conspiracy Theorist Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter
Car Totaled After Striking Marine Wearing Reflective Belt
Thousands of officers with Bronze Stars terrified after Trump rescinds four bullshit awards
Base flags at half staff for ‘Erectile Dysfunction Awareness Day’
Opinion: I would’ve joined the military too if I didn’t think it was beneath me
USAF changes name to ‘US As F*ck’
Millennial Taliban too soft for jihad, Mullahs complain
Upgraded Harpoon missiles will scream 'DJ Khaled' just before impact
Trump nominates Guy Fieri as Chairman of Joint Chefs
Liaison officer fired for intentionally working a full duty day
US negotiator Charlie Brown says Taliban promises not to yank football away again
Salty Kindergartener keeps calling recess “deploying to The Sandbox”
VA now only second most ineffective suicide prevention program
Maj. Tulsi Gabbard receives surprise deployment orders to Antarctica
LEGO commemorates War in Afghanistan with ‘Unlimited Edition’ set
The Taliban don't have video games. So why are they so violent, US wonders
Army captains to complete ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ at career course
ISIS switches to Prius over environmental concerns with aging Hilux fleet
PSYOPS officer reprimanded for providing realistic capability briefing
Islamic State joins UN Human Rights Council
Sgt. Maj. of the Army tells Chief of Staff he’ll never make it on the outside
Lindsey Graham volunteers to remain behind in Afghanistan and fight Taliban if troops withdraw
New Army Chief of Staff Introduces #TryWinning Campaign
Major awarded Bronze Star for ‘uncommon valor during wargame’
This Air Assault soldier never skips leg day
New ‘1-Click Enlistment‘ program set to increase military recruiting
Navy Relocates BUD/S To Fort Leavenworth
Dirtbag colonel forgets to make coffee, vacuum floor again
DoD bans single-use plastic explosives
Marie Kondo urges nation to thank veterans for their service before discarding them
Grown man yells at other grown man for not wearing a hat outside
New Pentagon superweapon spreads jobs throughout every congressional district
War dog returns from combat with necklace of enemy buttholes
NOAA spots massive hurricane over Tehran
Veteran can't decide which service medal pocket square to wear to new job
DFAC enters ‘Chicken Sandwich War’
Army names Astronaut Anne McClain as Senior Cyber Crime Officer
Taliban warns against travel to U.S. due to gun violence
Texas A&M Corps of Cadets found guilty of 143 years of stolen valor
Charity helps veterans without cars shit-post rants
Kabul Relieves Traffic Congestion By Creating Car Bomb Lane
Aircrew hoping congressional subpoena will move travel voucher along
VA Secretary calls department’s suicide hotline after latest scandal
Nation 'pretty sure' it's forgetting something
Oops! VA mistakenly prescribing PTSD instead of curing it
REVEALED: China hacked Pentagon to ensure only incompetent officers get promoted
'Once a Marine, always a Marine'—Duffel Blog presents 21 job titles for former jarheads
Duffel Blog Presents: 8 Ways to Win Your Next Argument
Air Force testing vegan napalm
PSYOPs officer told to cut hair, dies
Former SMA excited to sell military prints at PX
Space Command GS-15: Nobody leaves orbit until they complete DTS training
We forced a bot to watch 20,000 hours of Sgt Maj Academy courses. It committed suicide.
Happy birthday, Coast Guar—Oh crap, that was two months ago?!
Military returns early from Afghanistan, catches America cheating
Houthi rebels audition to be America’s next quagmire
General not allowed to take emotional support mistress on deployment
Guy in UCMJ brief asking a lot of questions about age of consent
Minot AFB airmen take the Tetris Challenge with all the equipment they lost this year
Inexplicable: Marine shaved every day but still violated Geneva Convention
Red Power Ranger admits he never went to Ranger School
Army feeling cute, may change its uniforms again
Drug cartels launch ‘Don't open the hatch!’ safety stand down
Four-star general gets only one star on Yelp
Pentagon recalls Dunford over transition binder full of dicks
Pentagon reveals that cats push objects off tables to make most Defense decisions
Awesome! This law allows vets with no family to pick someone to be buried with them
Guantanamo prisoners to receive Social Security benefits
OPINION: Only Snowflake families demand safe, explosion-free housing
Heartwarming! Airman surprises girlfriend by returning early from 8-hour shift
Sgt. Maj. fired after failing to caveat off what the commander said
Retired Gen. Dunford looks forward to being hired, fired as SecDef
Tekashi 6ix9ine named as whistleblower on Trump-Ukraine
Commander relieved for filling out readiness report on lethality form
U.S. tells Kurds it’s just going out for a pack of cigarettes
Army to discuss swag-bag strategy at AUSA conference
First Space Force base named after Confederate general for some reason
Syrian Kurds: If you’re going to f*ck us, could you at least buy us dinner?
Op-Ed: You can't have a terrorist training camp without monkey bars!
Equal opportunity drone kills combatants and civilians indiscriminately
Breastfeeding infant court-martialed for putting his SIPR on the NIPR
U.S. General blessed the rains down in AFRICOM
Haunted Navy Lodge room still worth the rate
REVEALED: ‘Stranger Things‘ season 3 filmed at Ft Bragg
Army prohibits marriage for 18-year-old soldiers
Master Sgt. beats discrimination charge by proving he hates everyone equally
Leadership class changes everyone’s lives after one guy just keeps talking
Heavy CG: New Coast Guard weight rules make other services jealous
Contractor promoted from jeans and T shirt to polo and khakis
Pentagon text Kurds at 2 a.m. "U up?"
Marine crayon eating competition goes horribly wrong
Historic first! Female Infantry private marries male stripper in Killeen, TX
ISIS to review toxic organizational culture after al-Baghdadi suicide
Al-Baghdadi blows himself up in ISIS VA parking lot
EOD Tech loses 60 pounds instantly with this one weird trick!
Al Baghdadi confirms he has more virgins than Epstein in the afterlife
Airline says servicemember families now receive triple miles for Honor Flights
The six guys who hit on your wife at every Marine Corps Birthday Ball
Shop the Blackwater Friday sale for unbeatable prices on great Christmas war crimes!
BREAKING! 22 Veterans Kill Themselves Everyday But Jeffrey Epstein Didn't
Hero dog declines White House invitation
Coast Guard telethon kicks off fundraising season
Midway movie makes hating Japan cool again
Vet clothing co. releases 'Tactical Bathrobe' for unemployed veteran operators
Leg becomes airborne qualified
Pentagon says tactical rollerblades only way to defeat China's growing fleet of vert ramps
Russia accidentally kills senior Islamic State leader while bombing hospital
NORAD Tracking Satan for the Holidays due to Typo
Meet the Army’s elite, Top-Secret admin unit
PSYOP authorized to wear new tin foil berets
Top barracks lawyers weigh in on impeachment hearings
Promotion ceremony has better cake than officers
Kurds oppose pardoning Turkey at Thanksgiving
Trump overturns extra duty for three E-4s who were late for formation
Duffel Blog endorses Tulsi Gabbard: A symbol of our batshit crazy veterans
Coast Guard asks to crash on Navy’s couch 'just for a little while'
Cold weather training canceled due to snowstorm
Legal Update: The Top 16 crimes you won’t get pardoned for!
Commander adds your mom’s house to off-limits establishments list
Impeachment bombshell: Col. Mustard testimony puts Trump in the library with candlestick
Trump asks for declaration of war on Settlers of Catan
New joint cyber camo just pixelated dicks
New SEAL trident will depict eagle taking selfie with corpse
Womack Army Medical Center’s infant mortality rate inches above Afghanistan’s
Point/Counterpoint: Participation trophies are for the weak/Thank me for my service!
Military working dog fears immigrants are taking his job
Trump wants Eddie Gallagher 'to do that watermelon-smash thing' at White House
Space Force trainees excited to explore weightless masturbation
Pentagon finally admits ‘God Bless the USA’ is a fucking terrible song
Delta Force rescues woman trapped in Peloton commercial
Navy Football unveils “Donald Duck Heritage” pants-less uniforms for Army/Navy
Study: Some Mids/Cadets on the field actually unwilling to die for everyone watching
US kills mid-level Taliban commander, wins war
Military members disappointed to learn Heaven just another duty station
SHOCK: Army admits flu shot paperwork keeps getting lost because it wants you to die
Leaked 'Afghanistan Papers' reveal officials may have told truth about the war
Lieutenant just two privates in trench coat
Officer on death bed wishes he'd spent more time with his training schedule
Staff Sergeant dodges deployment to avoid Star Wars viewing
West Point to offer online degrees and credit for service
REVEALED: Hearing test buttons send electric shock to nipples of detained terrorists
General unsure where to post Cardi B lip-sync after DoD TikTok ban
Saudi defense contracts marked ‘safe’ following Pensacola attack
NORTHCOM cubicle farm grows record number of colonels
Artillery tries out new 'OK Boomer!' motto
Hotels in Iran deemed unsuitable for Air Force deployment needs
Meet Jeff and Tina, Cyber Command’s new senior executives for network defense
Iranian tourist killed by American strike in Baghdad
Nation's defense contractors promise no attack against US will go unprofitable
82nd soldiers excited to paint rocks in Iraq for next few months
DoD-wide audit calls bullshit on every Legion of Merit ever awarded
Army scrambles to invent useless combat uniform before war with Iran
TRUE PATRIOT! Local veteran supports whatever random thing Trump is doing in Middle East right now
Airborne? More like AirBORING, amirite?
Iran memorializes dead general by continuing tradition of aimlessly slaughtering Iraqis
Iran War would be only one letter different from Iraq War
Construction worker/amateur military analyst urges US turn Iran into a 'goddamned parking lot'
Fake draft notification texts just LA Fitness marketing campaign
US and Taliban on verge of deal to extend Afghanistan war forever
Here are the terrible bands and D-list celebrities doing USO tours in 2020!
Lieutenant read a book he thinks you’d like
General Funk bringing the ’70s back to Army TRADOC
Navy: Obese sailors more buoyant, save billions in life jacket costs
U.S. sees shadow, predicts 10 more years of GWOT
NSA collects enough data to know where your girlfriend wants to eat
North Korea praised for ‘green’ effort to expand horse cavalry
Army lieutenant beginning to regret OCS class motto tattoo
Drill instructor murdered with drill in hilarious prank
Pest control inadvertently exterminates all civil servants at Army North
Marine Corps introduces maternity body armor
Dying hero worried all the good on-ramps already named
Space Force doctrine mostly plagiarized from StarCraft video game
Soldiers don't know what demeaning nickname to use for Space Force
7 Chief Warrant Officers who are actually just coffee mugs
Pentagon upgrades computers to Windows 95
Police break-up unlicensed dentistry ring in barracks
Kobe Bryant's death best possible time to bring up 22 a day, local veteran reasons
Army HRC successfully matches 110% of officers to #1 assignment choice
Meet the camel spider hiding in your deployment luggage
Marine who saved child from burning car without his cover to be punished
Islamic State leader disappointed by his lame target name
Specialist furious after finding general’s rifle unattended in latrine
Military doctors prepare to treat coronavirus just as ineptly as other ailments
Opinion: Everyone’s a Soulja Boy until it’s time to superman that ho
Inspiring! This admin clerk does his job!
SEALs quietly end relationship with PR firm behind ‘bad boy’ image campaign
Iraq sand still stuck in soldier's ass excited about returning home
Raven believes in its dreams, successfully takes off
America’s top uniformed hacker guarding Fort Meade gate
Navy Combat Fatness Test starts soon for chiefs and super chiefs
Mess hall commander fired due to 'loss of condiments'
Army unveils 8 new badges you’re going to want!
VA finally mails disability rating decision to Navy veteran Kirk Douglas
Daredevil Felix Baumgartner first recipient of Space Force jump wings
Commander of ForceyMcSpaceFace deeply regrets crowdsourcing branch name
Commander lets staff leave before 1900, loses war
Army adds peer and near peer adversary reviews to new command selection system
General’s command philosophy just inspirational quotes from pinterest
Father of nine tasked with planning Afghanistan pullout
First sergeant gives up on his soldiers for Lent
Army’s new coal-powered tiltrotor gaining traction in Congress
For Lent, Russia gives up annexing neighbors, poisoning dissidents
Coronavirus stricken soldier just thankful he’s not stationed at Fort Polk
7 countries to invade now that we're leaving Afghanistan
US tells 18 year-old Afghanistan War to get off couch, find a job
Taliban peace deal hinges on US surrender of zookeeper who killed Harambe
Coronavirus triage procedures put majors last
Nation plans memorial to mark solemn anniversary of Pearl Harbor
Major General buried with copies of all his favorite PowerPoint Slides
USCG cutter quarantined offshore until crew gets COVID-19 tests, not STD tests
Afghanistan refuses to breakup with US
VA requests more evidence for negative survey feedback
Commander holds Mandatory All Hands Town Hall for Coronavirus
Local General Has Epic Day Off While ‘Sick’ With Coronavirus
Space Force ‘Ark’ nothing to be concerned about, commander tweets from orbit
ISIS cancels all suicide attacks amid coronavirus scare
SECNAV: The best way to halt COVID-19 is a 355 ship navy
First case of coronavirus traced to Marine putting hands in pockets
Young man follows family tradition as fourth generation to almost join military
Retiring NCO craps on unit's morale one last time
Pentagon vows to upgrade burn pits into ball pits
“Hard times don’t last, hard men do” says visibly erect Sgt. Maj.
DoD quietly pulls bat tartare MRE from circulation
Gunny wishes toddler would stop misbehooving
Coast Guard boat crashing through waves is having a f*cking blast!
Homebound colonel creates Telework Center of Excellence
F-35 tests positive for Coronavirus
North Korea orders nonessential military personnel to starve from home
Army announces first ever female PowerPoint Ranger
Space War College struggles to find applicable Clausewitz readings
Jade Helm 2020 canceled over COVID-19 concerns
E-4 Mafia designates Sergeant Majors nonessential personnel
Colonels Gone Wild—War College spring break stirs anger in Florida
Expert land navigator can’t find his girlfriend’s g-spot
Mysterious Hero Emerges to Fight Toxic Leadership, COVID-19
Report: Moving companies selling your personal goods to offset PCS freeze
Sergeant Major can't decide whether to solve COVID-19 crisis with uniform inspections or haircuts
Princess Cruises offers Navy tips on Coronavirus
Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps says he can quit getting haircuts whenever he wants
I was wearing a facemask for years before it was cool
Pentagon awards landmine contract to LEGO Group
Furloughed CIF worker really misses treating soldiers like absolute garbage
Pentagon tells senior leaders to limit sexual harassment to texts and email
Army to combat COVID-19 by ignoring it, punishing soldiers who follow testing directives
Veteran supports nurse friend with care package of chewing tobacco, porn
Mullets are back as Navy relaxes grooming standard
Stolen Valor Association approves stealing medical valor
Ousted Navy Secretary Modly vows to find out who stole frozen strawberries
Unit with spartan mascot hesitant to wear face masks
Teleworking? Here are four Chinese websites sure to improve your connections
Pentagon worries Capt. Crozier’s concern for his sailors may be contagious
Veteran outraged by reserved health care parking at strip mall
This pilot has 20/20 vision, but can he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Marines Must Innovate to Defeat New Threats vs. F*ck Social Distancing, You’re Getting a Haircut
Marine dies after 8 days without haircut
Influx of barracks tiger cubs as stimulus checks arrive
CDC: Obnoxious airborne COVID-19 mocks “leg” viruses
General Funk announces 20 new fundamentals in response to Coronavirus
Coronavirus Cancels Billions of Man-Hours of Pointless Military Bullshit
Meet the WWI veteran who started ‘Trench Warfare Coffee Company’
West Pointer keeps telling everyone Quartermaster was his first choice
New program helps retiring colonels decide which Civil War battle to study
Teleworking warrant officer unsure where to disappear to
Navy reduces sailor obesity with ‘slow-feeder’ galley trays
Lieutenant Colonel actually Major Asshole
North Korea reports first obesity related death in more than 70 years
Kim Jung Un in critical condition, Kim Jong Deux in line for the top job
Raytheon not exactly sure what $400 million contract from USAF is supposed to be used for
Generals who failed to defeat Taliban explain how to kill a virus
‘The Carrier is Vulnerable and Obsolete’ according to 100 years worth of military journals
DOD vows to double number of slides in annual sexual assault prevention training
Pentagon announces ‘green’ 6th-gen fighters to burn $100 bills as fuel
Barracks stock market expert totally about to make a killing
Desperate quarantined Jody forced to bang own wife
Deep State honors essential crisis actors with chemtrail flyovers
Military pilot takes overt alcoholism to private sector
Blue Angels remind healthcare workers who the real heroes are
Navy fitness-instructor school plagued with inexplicably high rates of diabetes
Barracks lawyer hoping to be barracks judge someday
Fort Bragg to open Army's first on-post strip club
Warrant Officer confuses unit by showing up for PT
Drill Sergeant awarded NCO of the year for not having sex with trainees
Report reveals Otis Spunkmeyer was Nazi muffin scientist who defected to US
French military surrenders to coronavirus
New Call of Duty Terms of Service actually army enlistment contract
Opinion: Do you know what is more infectious than COVID-19? COURAGE
North Korean Space Force successfully launches man into space
Kim Jong Chub: How to stay trim and fit while oppressing your people from isolation
Space Force graduating class suffocates after tossing helmets
A guide to breaking up with your deployed spouse
Rand Corporation study recommends immediate mandatory fun runs
Air Force gentrifies Marine MOUT
Space Force draws space penis over eastern coast of Florida
Minnesota National Guard reports situation is ‘Real serious doncha know, no foolin’
US wins second place in Afghan War
Space Force Admits Space Doctrine Mostly Just Adding ‘Space’ To All Space Nouns
Syria sends advisors to aid US rebels
Physically fit National Guard impersonator not fooling anybody
SecDef authorizes ‘Skype-suit’ for teleconferencing
Ben & Jerry’s Honors Mattis With New Ice Cream Flavor
Airborne urges Pentagon to defund MP Corps
Middle East intelligence agencies closely monitoring American Spring
MPs replace tear gas with digested-MRE-scent fart spray
Military COIN experts claim they can stop protests in just 17 years
Air Force authorizes ‘combat podcaster’ career field
Ghost of U.S. Grant pisses on main gate of Fort Lee
General keeps social distance by throwing coins at soldiers
Military ends racism, sexism after eliminating climate surveys
Military working dog films kennel rant defending ‘Paw Patrol’
Divorced general thinks bases should be named after officers who understand loyalty
John Bolton’s book revealed to be just 400 pages about bombing Iran
Space boot won't stop wearing exoskeleton out in town
‘Terrifying and violent:’ Drill sergeant’s eyebrows exemplify lethality
Army shuts down specialists’ Barracks Autonomous Zone
Navy names missile after Crozier just to fire him a third time
Reflections of a retired Army Combat Uniform that never saw combat
57th identical evening parade in a row really something tonight
VA commits suicide in veteran’s driveway after reading post-care survey
Naked admiral still talking to you in gym locker room
Donald Trump Jr's Afghanistan bounty hunting trip draws criticism
Army career manager ‘emotionally exhausted’ from screwing so many people
Major awakens Balrog by delving too deeply into shared drive
Russian cyberterrorist stuck on six month wait list to hack into VA
Furry from the sky: Meet the military’s elite airborne cat force
Toxic Leadership seminar hosted by Ninja Turtles
Opinion: Bring back ‘ramming speed’
Fort Hood added to list of Fort Hood off-limits establishments
Victory! U.S. defeats CHOP, ending 75-year losing streak
Congress deadlocked over bill to force armory to accept our goddamn rifles
New stealth bomber completely undetectable by budget oversight
Pigeon: We should not tear down Confederate statues!
Military child care reopening, if your kid can pass this extreme PT test
Airshow canceled over concerns of being too boring
Congress declares war on Spain after burning of USS Bonhomme Richard
Fort Hood leaders planning Toby Keith concert, cancel command climate survey
Crappy carrier EMALS repurposed for burials at sea
Soldiers vote for WiFi Hotspot enabled rifles
Academy grad declares tasking ‘right in his wheelbox’
Coast Guard Commandant severely injured after getting 230 birthday punches from Joint Chiefs
Sergeants Major drink Buds Light
2nd Lieutenant lectures Sgt. Maj. on leadership
Army backs down from renaming Fort Slavery Was Cool
82nd Airborne to fuel its own DUIs
DOD unveils new MRE for pregnant service members
USS Bonhomme Richard boasts zero COVID-19 cases
SECDEF: The dog ate my orders book
Airman charged with not having enough rank to mishandle classified information
Motto acknowledges unit probably some other part of the spear
Taylor Swift lyrics for military experiences
Federal agent feels like he ‘never really came back’ from Portland
New military pay charts to compensate women 23% less than men
Coronavirus gives your weekend safety briefing
Lieutenant confident Moleskine journal cooler than green leader book
China’s Terracotta Army reaches 100% compliance on mandatory training
TikTok ban exposes PSYOPs-led secret dance battle with China
Duffel Blog Presents: The 5 best tips for women to dodge the draft
Don’t use troops on protesting US citizens—Use drones
Newly metamorphosed SECNAV emerges from cocoon
‘Not racist’ soldier has surprisingly negative things to say about supply NCO
Space Force happy people would rather steal its valor than Coast Guard’s
Staff Engineer tired of hearing about clogged toilets
Soldier with paper cuts from grid squares now has burns from exhaust samples
Department of Defense plans to win next war by using only #hashtags
CyberCom scrambles after lieutenant accidentally deletes Alaska
'He’s A Marine' spouse gives your weekend safety brief
Iranian ship wins award for not being actively on fire
‘No, I can't help you sue 3M’ by your brigade JAG officer
Army headquarters commander demands more respect around here
Captain Uglúk, Blood Commander of the Uruk-hai, gives your weekend safety brief
Toxic Air Force colonel promoted to toxic Air Force general
SEAL Team 6 to ditch body armor to prove they’re not ‘p--sies’
SPOILER: Fort Hood isn’t ‘The Great Place’—It’s the Bad Place
Kanye West interrupts your weekend safety brief
Coffee station receives unit’s sole Bronze Star from recent deployment
Tardigrade selected as Space Force mascot
Biblical scholars: King David was the original 'Jody'
Homeless Veteran Sleeps Under DD-214 Blanket
Black soldier feels safer on post because MPs aren’t real cops
Nation shocked to learn Army North nowhere near Canada border
E-7 caught field stripping for tips
National Guard never realized how beautiful Kenosha was until they saw it burning to ground
Army chief says service doing great, has ‘pretty much no problems’
'Near-peer threat' just 3 Afghanistans in a trench coat
Army-Navy Game to be renamed 'Suckers vs. Losers Bowl'
TikToking Lieutenant excited to meet Army Chief of Staff ahead of peers
After shark attack, Coast Guard asks Congress for a bigger boat
Army stunned to learn Fort Hood had commander
Americans outraged that Trump is publicly voicing their private contempt for military service
Grand Theft Auto Fort Hood 'a little too realistic'
Hodor of House Stark gives your weekend safety brief
Force Recon Marine writes tell-all coloring book
Homemade SCIF just a closet covered in aluminum foil
New Army fitness test measures how much pain you can endure over 20 years
Coast Guard accused of boater suppression
Lifeless corpse almost buried with military honors—then they realized it was a living GS-15
Air Force veteran’s PTSD triggered by familiar office ringtone
Sources: 2020 'just a series of NTC injects'
Retiring major struggling to translate ‘watching YouTube on gov’t computer’ into civilian skillset
James Mattis's memoirs written entirely in crayon
Taliban and ISIS announce opening of Joint Terrorism Center of Excellence
Air Force robot dog sad it never had balls to lick
Intel officer won’t shut up about that one time he was right
Trump downplays impending arrival of Galactus, Devourer of Worlds.
Spartan who missed phalanx forced to wear giant sundial for fortnight
Navy announces ‘paperless system’ with mandatory paper copies
More than 200 E-4s endorse ‘whoever gets us out of here by 1600’
Raytheon wins contract to send six guys to stare at shit
Who hates the troops? This vending machine won’t take challenge coins!
Walter Reed medics tell President to return during sick call hours
Proud Boys form up at 0330 to standby to standby to standby to standby
Six injuries that ice and Motrin would have fixed, but no—you want a $4,000 MRI
Marine Corps excited not to be first to infect everyone this time
Afghan task force will deploy to monitor U.S. election
Space Force quarantines lieutenants in wormhole to protect them from COVID-19
Vet brand coffee beans pass through intestines of four vet bros before they hit your cup
Morale skyrockets after mandatory fun event canceled
ClauseFic? Army to publish ‘Fifty Shades of War’ fanfic erotica
COVID-19 executes flu d’état, seizes control of US capital
Michigan Militia fights to take back domestic terrorism industry from foreigners
Trump and Biden give your weekend safety brief
Squad leader dies after first sergeant tells soldiers to ‘immolate’ good leaders
Biden: Let the troops decide where to invade next
Air Force smart bomb too clever for dumb Navy bomb
Baby boomer jet realizes it may never be able to retire
DoD fields ‘Brown Star Cluster’ flare for when mission goes to shit
Pentagon circle-jerks grind to halt as coronavirus fears spread
MILFaceApp allows civilians to see how they would look had they served
sPoOky! This soldier is going as Fort Hood for Halloween
National Guard botches plan to suppress the vote
BREAKING: You didn’t print enough copies of your orders
Celebrities devastated by lack of invitations to Marine Corps balls
New female body armor just pink, more expensive regular body armor
Pentagon admits defense budgeting modeled on Hungry Hungry Hippos
Stolen valor: Phony ‘soldier’ walking around accepting candy for his ‘service’
Fort Bragg to get all energy from burn pits by 2025
DARPA AI can embroil US in unwinnable wars 100s of times faster than generals
Military to officially replace adequate sleep with energy drinks and Adderall
SEAL book chronicles challenge of being a SEAL without a book deal
Afghan teen wondering whether to apply for college, or just enlist in Taliban
New 6-foot Marine Corps bayonet protects against COVID-19
DoD adds online ‘Coup Awareness’ to annual training requirement
Air Force ignores ‘take one’ trick-or-treat sign
Sergeant major says no one is leaving Afghanistan until all the brass is picked up
Iraq Veterans Against The War Change Name To Be More Inclusive
Marine Lance Corporal Tries To Attack Japan After Watching ‘Pearl Harbor’ Movie
Tired Of 'Chair Force' Nickname, Air Force Colonel Bans Chairs
Taliban Cameraman Beheaded For Forgetting To Praise Allah In Video
Environmentalists Applaud Army Move To Replace Humvee Fleet
Panetta: Defense Cuts Will Be ‘Especially Tough’ On Marine Corps
Afghan Army Soldier Attacks US Troops, Fails Miserably
Another Scandal Wreaks Havoc On Marine Sniper Community
Army 2nd Lieutenant Leads Platoon Five Kilometers Without Getting Lost, Awarded Medal
Lieutenant's Dedication to Mission, Protective Equipment, Saves Lives
Controversial 'Navy SEAL Slide' Move Now Taught At BUD/S
Talks Break Down With Taliban After Brit Ambassador Says Their Tea Sucks
Chuck Norris Joins Army, Immediately Promoted Chairman Of Joint Chiefs
The Duffel Blog Nominated For Pulitzer Prize
Deployed Airmen Sacrifice, Visit Nickelback
Dozens Wet After Coast Guard Cutter Capsizes Off Florida Coast
PT Leader Discovers CrossFit, Sailors Less Than Thrilled
Investigation Uncovers Controversial 'PowerPointing' Interrogation Technique
Pentagon Study Finds Beards Directly Related To Combat Effectiveness
IPFU Changes Says New Army G-4, Tells Duffel Blog To 'Shove It'
Quantico DWI Policy Ruled Unconstitutional, Marines Have A Few Drinks To Celebrate
CBRN Marine Fills Vital Role Digging Holes, Burning Feces
Stolen Valor Claim After Man Poses As Elite Administrative Soldier
DoD Seeks Corporate Sponsorship, Copenhagen, Budweiser Already On Board
Marines To Deploy On Revolutionary New Aqua-FOBs
MRE Maker Introduces Throwback Meals, Troop Favorite 'Hot Dogs' and 'Bean Burrito' To Return
Marine Private Named 'Super-Boot Of The Year'
DLI Couple Will Last Forever, Reports Boyfriend
General Amos Asks Syrian Rebels To Move Conflict To Pacific
Military Can’t Figure Out What The Hell To Do With MRAPs, Re-Invades Iraq
Air Force Starts Using Highly Effective ‘Glitter Bomb’ Against Taliban
Soldier Dropped From WLC After Terrorizing Fellow Students With ‘Knife Hands’
Army Cav Platoon To Star In Reality Show On ABC
National Guard Unit Takes Wrong Turn, Invades Iraq
Nervous Chief Tells Awkward Thailand Story In Retirement Ceremony Speech
Female Interrogators Want You To Stop Hitting On Them, It’s Getting Out Of Hand Now
CENTCOM Commander 'Mad Dog' General James Mattis Set To Retire
Navy: Strip Clubs And Bars To Be Installed Aboard Aircraft Carriers
Fleshlights Issued To Male Soldiers In Bid To Decrease Combat Zone Pregnancies
Marine Cook Awarded Navy Cross For 'Best Instant Eggs The Colonel Has Ever Eaten'
Marine Officer’s Wife Emotionally Disturbed After Being Denied Salute
Marines: ‘Combat Diaper’ Ineffective Against Rifle Rounds, Defecation
Kilts Make Comeback For The British Army
Duffel Blog Writers Launch Surprise Air Assault On Onion News Network
Art Criticism Draws Outrage From Guantanamo Detainees
Drill Sergeant Follows Through On Threat To 'Rip Out Heart and Snuff Soul' Of Recruit
Intelligence Section Produces High-Quality Bullshit
Boredom, Liver Cleanliness Determined Cause Of Death In Okinawa Barracks Tragedy
Brave Airman Sends Steak Back At DFAC, Fights For Well Cooked Meal
North Korea Launches Rubber Ducky Into Sea of Japan, Splashing Ensues
Coast Guard Finally Shoots Something
Citing OPSEC Fears, DoD Bans Tapout Clothing For All Military Personnel
Navy Prospect Desperate To Avoid Sea Service, Recruiter Has Been 'Big Help'
IED Emplacement Postponed For Another Goddamned Safety Brief
Marine Scout Sniper 'Burning Cross' Logo Raises Controversy
SPC Smith Really Wants You To Do Police Call, Claims 1SG Said To
In Stunning 5-4 Decision, Supreme Court Declares Air Force Unconstitutional
Obscure Piece of Equipment ‘Probably' In The Conex, 2nd Lt. Says
President Obama Visits Afghanistan, Shoots Three Taliban Fighters
Wave Of Afghan Protests After Koran Burnings, Not Fans Of 'Twilight'
Grizzly Bear Wanders Into Unlocked Recruiting Office, Joins Navy
Army To Cut Back on Vernacular Cliches, War Story Exaggerations
Army Wife Re-enlists Husband Indefinitely With General Power of Attorney
Taliban Proposes 'Call Ahead' Night Raid Policy for U.S. Military
The Dingo Ate Your Battalion: Marines in Australia Plagued by Wildlife Attacks
US Army Says The Avengers Is 'Do-Able'
Son Proudly Follows In Father's, Grandfather's Footsteps In Faking Military Service
Soldier Home from Afghanistan Face Down in Ultimate Nachos, Wife
1st Marine Division Paves Way for 'New Corps', Changes Unit Logo
Delusional Intelligence Analyst Briefs Plan To Repel Invasion Of Westeros
New DoD Language Regulation Bans 'Indecent Language', Soldiers Fucking Pissed
Sergeant Major's Heroism, Quick Thinking, Saves Entire Platoon From Certain Death
Fake Teen Navy SEAL Rescued In Yemen By Real Navy SEALs
TSA Screeners Encounter Terrorist At Checkpoint, Not Sure What To Do
Terminal Lance Creator Revealed To Be Sergeant Major Of Marine Corps
Army PFC Buys Ford Mustang After Deployment, Gets 'Really Great Deal'
ISAF Drops Candy To Afghan Children, Kills 51
Reflective Belts, Risk Management Required After ROTC Commissioning Tragedy
Lieutenant Screws Up Inventory, Dropped In Shark Tank
Bitter Irony For Coast Guard, Seaman Apprentice Arrested For Piracy
Elderly Vietnam Special Forces Veteran Rampages Through Oregon
First Sergeant Orders Troops To Polish Black Boots 'Just Because'
USS Haditha Accidentally Sinks Fishing Boat, Machine-Guns Survivors
US Denies Prisoner Torture, Allegations Of Forced Listening To Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black
Islamic Customs, IED Tactics From War on Terror Find Misuse In Honduran Drug War
Marine Faces Charges After ‘Stealing’ Commanding Officer’s Wife
Man Unsure What To Do With Grandfather’s WWII Japanese Skull Collection
Senior Officer More Concerned With Grooming Standard Than OPSEC
Former al Qaeda Executioner Finds New Work As Stage Magician
POG’s Isolated Lifestyle, Wood Chopping, Brings Little Chance of CIA Mission
Chinese Hacker Complains About ‘Perverted’ American Military
Bin Laden Informant Jailed For Treason, Obama Retaliates, ‘Unfriends’ Pakistan on Facebook
Taliban Reprimands Suicide Bomber For Posing In Photos With US Troops
First Non-Filipino Culinary Specialist Breaks Barriers, Screws Up Constantly
Troops Issued New Karzai-Approved Rifle Combat Sights, Engraved ROE
Vietnam Veterans Outraged Over Navy Christening Of USS Jane Fonda
Advice Column: Ask Top, Your Non-Friendly Neighborhood First Sergeant (Ep.1)
New 'Pro-Sin' Religion Extremely Popular In Infantry Units
Mission Accomplished: Soldier Screws Up PowerPoint Slide, Ends War in Afghanistan
Marine Recruits Used To Generate Power To San Diego, California Energy Crisis Solved
Air Force Investigation Finds Rampant Cheating, 'Frat House Behavior' Among Key Leaders
Air Force MQ-9 Reaper Diagnosed With PTSD, Refuses To Fly
PETA: Marine Corps Terminology, ‘Leatherneck’ Term Promotes Animal Abuse
Semper Pink: Gay Marines Protest Possibility Of Female Infantry
Church Outraged After Care Package Returned, Included Note Asking For Porn, Beer
Starcraft Game Added To Military Officer Training Curriculum, Offers Realistic Leadership Simulation
Afghan Weapons Cache Digging Uncovers Dinosaur Skeleton
Navy Submarine Avoids Tragedy, Whale Rape Off Virginia Coast
DoD Unveils New Troop Leading Steps For Military, 'RIMJOBS' To Streamline Mission Planning
Women’s Rights Activist Demands More Women Killed In Combat
American-Born Jihadist Really Just Wants Attention From Hollywood
Hawaii Army National Guard Unit Has Luau With Afghan Locals, Invites Friendship, Riots
Unemployed Anti-War Protesters Demand Syrian Invasion
Ole Miss Welcomes Student Veterans With Verbal Abuse, Menial Tasks
Pentagon Proposes Controversial Policy Assigning Ranks To Military Spouses
Advice Column: Ask Top, Your Non-Friendly Neighborhood First Sergeant (Ep.2)
General’s Controversial Graduation Speech Sparks Riots, 11 Killed
Desperate Airmen Crowd 'How To Pick Up Women' Classes
Afghan Army Responds to Corpse Desecration, Mentors US Troops On Culture
New Army Physical Fitness Test To Incorporate Yoga Event
Pakistani Doctor Who Helped Nab Bin Laden 'Was Corrupt', Says Corrupt Government Official
Non-Rates Angered At 'Rank Profiling', Demand Court-Martial Of NCO
DoD Announces New Inverted Multi-Purpose Ballistic Tomahawk Bayonet (IMBTB)
Iraqi Government Awards Liberation Medal To Veterans Of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Hearts & Minds: Actual Strategy In Afghanistan War Replaced With Great PR
African-American Skipper Makes History, Takes Command of USS Nathan Bedford Forrest
Corps’ Lone Thief Apprehended; Marines Rejoice, Burn Missing Gear Statements
'American Al Qaeda' Spends Entire Jihad Making Phone Calls, Watching Movies
Navy Captain Relieved After Collision In Mediterranean, Says 'Not His Fault'
Army Awards Dining Facility Contract to Burger King, Troops 'Have It Their Way' For Chow
Southern Command Reports Unexplained Murders In South American Jungle
Pentagon Releases Preliminary Military Spouse Rank Chart
Advice Column: Ask Top, Your Non-Friendly Neighborhood First Sergeant (Ep.3)
Taliban 'I'm Sexy And I Know It' YouTube Video Reaches 2 Million Views
Outrage: Army Announces Officer Promotions To Be Based On Merit, Performance
Expert Legal Advice Column: Ask The Barracks Lawyer (Ep. 1)
Army Marksman Wins Olympic Gold; Stop-Lossed, Deployed to Afghanistan
Marine With Brain-Dead Quadruple Amputee Wife Upset Over 'My Girl's A Vegetable' Cadence
Army Increases Combat Effectiveness With More Reflective Belts, Extremely Safe Combat Patrols
Media Excited To Report Sikh Temple Mass Shooter Was In Military
‘Hurt Locker’ Team Hired By WikiLeaks To Produce Bradley Manning Biopic
Casualty Team Stuck Notifying Family Of Marine Who Died Masturbating
Former Marine Sergeant Trademarks ‘Wagner Loves Cock’, Sues Government For $41M
Infantry Troops In Contact, Waiting For Presidential Approval To Return Fire
Political War: Candidates Fight For Troop Votes, Highlight Military Experience
Battalion Commander Receives Silver Star For Gallantly Doing Job, Bravely Supervising TOC
Navy Praises Blue Digital Uniforms After Two Sailors Lost At Sea
DLI Students Compete For Nerd Of The Quarter Crown
Chaos: General James Mattis Announced As Next Commandant Of Marine Corps
Veterans Affairs Hires 27,000 Additional Workers To Procrastinate, Collect Paycheck
Humvee Axle Snaps, Engine Stops Working; 'Not Our Fault' Says Motor T
NBC Cancels Series, Entire Cast Of 'Stars Earn Stripes' Killed In Afghanistan
Ask A Public Affairs Officer (Ep. 1)
Army Struggles To Respond To Epidemic Of Suicides During Suicide Prevention Briefs
Medal Of Honor Recipient Invited To Join Crime-Fighting Superheroes
Man In Afghan President's Uniform Shoots Secretary Of Defense In Latest 'Green-on-Blue' Attack
Military Times Releases 'Hit Piece' Against Duffel Blog, Calls Stories 'Fake'
'Combat Clothing Company' Reaches Out To Wannabes, Former Varsity Jocks
Senator Clarifies Remark Telling Troops To 'Go Fuck Themselves', Says Quote Taken Out Of Context
Homeless Vietnam Veteran So Traumatized By War, Can't Remember Unit, Military Terms
President Obama To Receive Honorary Green Beret, Induction Into Special Forces Association
New Red Cross Messages To Relay 'Dear John Letters', Sports Scores
DoD Announces Support For 'Military Bronies'
Weight Loss Guru Teaches Marines How To Quickly Get Within Standards
Army Times: Military Working Dogs Smarter Than Junior Officers
US Army Introduces 'Revolutionary' New Woodland Camouflage Uniform To Replace ACU
New Program Teaches Transitioning Soldiers How To Properly Fluff Résumé
In Apparent Supply Order Mix-Up, Air Force Gives AIDS To Afghan Village
Book Review: Military Thriller 'Fifty Shades of Green' Hits Bestseller Lists Worldwide
General Mattis Crashes RNC, Shreds On Triple-Neck Guitar For Grunts In Helmand
Army Spends $100 Million On Piece of Equipment That Doesn't Do Anything
Taliban Commander: Ramadan Not A Factor In Afghan Insider Attacks
Defense Department Investigates Fraudulent Navy SEAL Operation In Bahamas
Geraldo Rivera Divulges Plans for Gen Mattis' Surprise Birthday Party
Breaking: Ramadan Insensitivity Caused 'Green-on-Blue' Shooting of SECDEF
Junior Enlisted Party Presidential Candidate: Free Copenhagen, Porn at the Shoppette
In Memoriam: Neil Armstrong; Astronaut, Naval Aviator, 'Sexiest Man Alive' For Record 23-Year Streak
Duffel Blog Readers Confused, Angered By Non-Humorous Article
DoD Implements Innovative New Policy to Combat Sexual Assault
West Point Professor Always Knew Cadet Would Become A Terrible Officer
9/11 Anniversary Marked By Confused Looks, Awkward Questions From Junior Military Members
Op-Ed: Formation Is Definitely Happening On Time Today
Fred Phelps' Death Prompts Westboro Baptist Church To Protest His Funeral
Navy SEAL Awarded Silver Star For First Ever Confirmed Kill With Prosthetic Leg
Teenage Enlistee Negates Oath of Enlistment With Fingers Crossed Behind Back
National Association of Second Lieutenants Responds To Criticism
Marine Hospitalized After Confrontation with Grizzly Bear
Report: Base Corporal Always In PT Gear
First Female Commander of 53rd Wing Comes Out Of Closet As Straight
Air Force Announces New 'Tape Under The Fold' Regulation For PT Test
Bin Laden's Body 'Tastes Awful', Reports Barracuda
Marine Killed By Complacency In Afghanistan
Army To Field Mine Resistant Ambush Protected-Walker Vehicle
American Flag Nearly Dies After Inhaling Fumes Of Burning Protesters
South Carolina Police Hunt 'Fake' Drill Instructor
Platoon Connex Hungers For Flesh Of Innocent, Occasional Private
Navy SEALs To Infiltrate Libya In Secret Mission, Major Book Publisher Reports
Following Cultural Awareness Class, Marines Burn Down Own Embassy
Final John Paul Jones Letter: Denounces US, Requests Russian Burial
Don't Ask: One Year After DADT Repeal Sergeant Major Tells, 'Still Work To Be Done'
Airman Receives Award For Bravery After Stopping 'Green-On-Blue' Attack
Dishonorable NCO Forced To Commit Ritual Suicide
Navy's Outbreak of Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Traced to Single Bar Hog
DoD Ends All Future LGBT Events, Declares Military 'Gay Enough Already'
Army Replaces Defective Radios With Carrier Pigeons, Smoke Signals
New Girl On Base 'Totally Hot', Report Multiple Sources At Guantanamo
Shocking Report: Air Force Colonel Explodes
Marines Begin Crashing Ospreys On Okinawa
Army Launches 'Eat Right, Don't Eat At The Chow Hall' Campaign
Entire Unit Relieved After Hazing-Related Death In Afghanistan
Vice Presidential Candidates Talk Tough On Afghan War, Military
US Army, Marine Corps Facing Charges Of Forcible Sodomy
Guantanamo Prisoners To Receive GI Bill Benefits
Romney Surges In Polls, Following Promise To Personally Pay Entire Defense Budget
Veterans Affairs Announces Claims Backlog Cleared, Technology Key Factor
Ask A Public Affairs Officer (Ep. 2)
Top U.S. General Distances Himself From 'Nuke Afghanistan From Orbit' Comments
Breastfeeding Moms By Infantry Barracks 'Not Fooling Anyone'
2012 Best Sick Call Ranger Competition Winner Announced
Female Marine Charges Obstacle Course With Sexual Harassment
Duffel Blog Presents: Mattis vs. Norris
Navy To Deploy USS Constitution To Strait Of Hormuz
Entire Battalion Flattened By 7-Ton After Road Guard Fails To Post
Department of Defense Unveils T-700, Highly Advanced 'Death Robot'
Congressman Horrified To Learn Soldiers Issued Green Fleece Caps
Every Marine A Rifleman: Under New Policy, All Marines To Receive Infantry MOS
'Act Of Valor' Targets Exact Recruitment Demographic For Navy SEALs
Air Force Releases New Computer Based Training To Increase CBT Efficiency
Afghan Soldier Accidentally Shoots Taliban He Mistook For US Marine
Distraught Terrorist Takes His Own Life On Crowded Bus
Blasting Shrill Whistle Throughout Ship Great For Morale, Navy Study Finds
Wikileaks Releases Shocking mIRC Transcripts From Afghanistan
Ted Turner: 'Troops Should All Commit Suicide, I'm A Moron'
One-Up: Felix Baumgartner Skydive Record Already Broken
Gangnam Style Gets Taliban Fighter Executed
Marine Bucks Tradition, Refuses to Ask Celebrity To Birthday Ball
Wounded Warrior Assaults Five In Bar Brawl
Nidal Hasan Says He's Amish In Last Ditch Effort To Save Beard
Commander Relieved For Violating Entire UCMJ
Veterans Affairs Shuts Down West Coast Operations Ahead Of Hurricane Sandy
Navy Replaces All Sailors With Overpaid Contractors To Cut Costs
Ghost of Chesty Puller 'Won't Shut The Fuck Up', Complains Ghost of Dan Daly
Veteran Arrested For Attempting To Secure IED Site On Colorado Freeway
Navy To Send a Strong Message To Iran With Pointless Multinational Exercise
Poll: Joseph Kony Currently Leads U.S. Presidential Race
Lifetime Releases Details On ‘Army Wives’ Spinoff Show: ‘Army Husbands’
Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney
Opinion: Listen Up Devil Dogs, Good To Go, Ooh-Rah?
Public Affairs Marine Suicide Note Praises New Base Exchange
Confused WWII Veterans Demand To Know Why Rommel On Presidential Ballot
Study: Random, Pointless Formations Tied To Increase In Combat Performance, Morale
Taliban Charge Rapper Chris Brown With Stolen Valor
Halfway Heroes: 'Near Veterans' Seek Recognition For Almost Serving In Military
The Duffel Blog Editorial Board Endorses Charles Lincoln Boatright For President
Disney Buys Rights To Afghanistan From Department Of Defense
Marine Corps Admits 5.0 Marines Actually Exist
Opinion: General Petraeus, Allen Nothing But A Bunch Of Goddamn Amateurs
Area Man Has Money To Buy Shitty DVD, Not Enough To Help Nation's Veterans
Army To Encourage Belittling Soldiers With Mental Health Issues
Hero MP Stops Speeding Car Going 8 Mph, Saves Countless Lives
Marine Falls Asleep Desperately Refreshing MARADMIN ‘Awards Update’ Search
Controversy Surrounds Gay Marine's ‘Make Him Famous’ Text Message To Platoon
Hardest Working Sailor Determined By Shiniest Boots, Immaculate Uniform
Pentagon Channel Celebrates 100th Viewer
Veterans Affairs Makes Life Easier For Vets; Modifies, Loses Records
US General's Pornography Collection Promotes Female Empowerment In Afghanistan
Mob Violence Breaks Out At West Point, 63 Wounded
Marine Corps Releases New ‘Red Dawn’ Recruiting Commercial To Theaters
Paula Broadwell Linked to Affairs With Half Of The Clandestine Services
Army Delays Robotic First Sergeant PRC-E8 Program
U.S. Air Force Turns 65; Looks Forward to Retirement in Spring
After Petraeus Scandal, Tampa Strip Clubs Look For More Biographers
General Dunford Accepts Wager To Spend Year In Haunted Command
Returning Patrol Enjoys Thanksgiving Feast Of Otis Spunkmeyer, Near Beer
Mandatory Christmas Party Is 'Completely Voluntary', Says Sergeant Major
Opinion: Putting Your Hands In Your Pockets Will Get You Killed
Drone Pilot To Receive First Air Force Medal of Honor Since Vietnam
College Chicken-Hawks Hold Annual Conference, Vow Support For More Wars
Study: Dramatic Increase In Fitness Test Scores When Participants Are Crying
Supply Chief Has Complete Conversation With Grunt Without Understanding Single Word
Public Affairs Baffled After Anti-Drug Advertisement Actually Works
Decorated War Hero, Airborne Ranger Emasculated By Wife At Local Mall
Army Study Proves Majors Worse Than 2nd Lieutenants
Marines Engage In Reckless Behavior Due To Lack Of Safety Brief
Marines Go On Killing Spree In 'Blue-on-Red' Attack
Source: Most CENTCOM Officers Fail Basic Geography
Texas Marine Refuses To Annoy Others By Telling Them Where He's From
Syria to Host Iraq War Reenactors
Sailor Sentenced To 30 Days In Okinawa After Falling Asleep On Watch
Bradley Manning Charges Dropped; Soldier Exploits Loophole in UCMJ
Desperate Army Football Team Beats Navy With Gunfire, JDAM
Jesus Announces Second Coming, Tells Westboro Baptist Church To Stop Being A-Holes
Massive Debt In Preparation For Mayan Apocalypse Backfires On Fort Drum PFC
Bill O'Reilly Wounded In Latest Salvo Of War On Christmas
'Accused Faker' Marine Guarding School To Receive Honorary Promotion
Airman Standing Guard At Florida Middle School In Stable Condition After Bullying, Assault
Heroic Marines Volunteer To Stand Guard At Local All-Girls High School
Marines Deploy to Facebook to Stop Flame War
Packs of Wild Gays Terrorizing Families At Fort Bragg
Mortar Section Keeps Getting Interrupted By 'Goddamn Fire Missions'
DoD Announces Casualty In War on Christmas
115th Mobile Abortion Detachment Provides Crucial Support At Kandahar
US Army Awarded Medal Of Honor After Jumping On Fiscal Grenade
Annapolis Swim Team Champion Found Dead In Bucket Of Water
F-22 Scores First Combat Kill Against Eight-Engined Red Aircraft
Soldier Shoots Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Shock Report: Returning Soldier Has No Issues, PTSD
New Study Shows PTSD, Alcohol Lead To Increased Sexual Performance
Soldier Discharged For 'Having His Goddamned Hands in His Pockets', Says CSM
Marines Charged With DUI, Sexual Battery On 'Price Is Right' Gameshow
Chief To Airmen: Just Say No To Autoerotic Asphyxiation
Terrorists Attack Kuwait Military Base With Rain Storm
Marine Mascot 'Chesty' The Bulldog Accidentally Euthanized
AWOL Private Returns After Seven Years With Box Of Grid Squares
Military-Themed Porn Films Enhance Realism With Veteran Technical Advisors
First Sergeant Gives 72-Hour-Long Weekend Liberty Brief
Sergeant Major Angered By Lack of Asbestos In Newly Constructed Barracks
U.S. Military Divorcing Afghanistan For Hotter, Sexier War
Army Approves First Chaplain From Westboro Baptist Church
Vet Placed On Academic Probation After Murder Of Student Who Asked 'If He Ever Killed Anyone'
Wikileaks Releases Shocking Transcripts Of Duffel Blog Writer's Conference
Afghanistan Declared Gun-Free Zone
Vatican Denounces Soldier Who Ate MRE Poundcake, Had Miracle Image Of Virgin Mary
Obama's Pick For Secretary of Defense Under Fire For Connection To 'E-4 Mafia'
Seal Team 6 Calls 'Zero Dark Thirty' Inaccurate; Say They Don't Pop Collars Or Wear Tapout Gear
Military Drawing Up Plans For Nationwide Gun Confiscations
U.S. Intelligence Community Successfully Predicts Super Bowl
Rogue Sailor Leads Army of Retribution Through Yemen
Active-Duty Drag Queens Find Home With Air Force Musical Ensemble
Commandant Orders Marines To Wear Service Uniforms At All Times
Nobody Asks, Soldier Still Tells About His New Boyfriend
$387 Billion Congressional Study Proves 'Pen Not Mightier Than The Sword'
Google Street View Team Hits IED In Kandahar, 2 Killed
Former TRADOC Soldier Confused, Scared After Discovering Army Changed
Garrison Sergeant Major Swears He Really Wants to Deploy
Surprising Investigation Reveals Afghan Border Patrol Incompetent
Change Of Command Ceremony Dissolves Into Giant Orgy
Soldier Fights For, Gives Up American Freedoms
Method Actor Prepared For Bin Laden Role By Founding Al Qaeda Cell, Blowing Up Bus Station
Drunken Okinawan Assaults Marine, Passes Out On Barracks Floor
Navy To Apologize To Junior Officer For Shitty First Tour
Bragg Officers' Spouses Club To Allow Same-Sex Spouses To Also Wear Military Rank
Pentagon Announces Plan Guaranteeing Disabled Americans, Teenagers Right To Military Service
French Troops Push Further Into Mali, Desperately Try To Surrender
Marines In Afghanistan Spending All Their Savings On Zombie Apocalypse
Patriotism, Jeep Sales Skyrocket After Super Bowl Ad
Jewish Marine Refuses To Conduct Annual Gas Mask Qualification
Panetta Signs Memo Authorizing Men to Join Adjutant General Corps
Former E-1 Hired As Military Consultant On New Action Film
Soldier Extends For Ninth Consecutive Tour Because She 'Likes To Feel Pretty'
Typo Leads To Creation Of $179 Million Gorilla Warfare Program
Intelligence Concludes North Africa Still 'Pretty Much A Shithole'
Third Battalion, Fourth Marines To Be Cryogenically Frozen
Battalion S1 Manages To Mention Her Bronze Star In Every Conversation
Enemy Hackers Deem AKO, MyPay 'Not Even Worth It'
Department of Defense To Announce 'Wear a Condom You Idiots' Campaign
Controversial Views Hold Up Hagel Confirmation, Favors Negotiations, Having Reasons To Fight War
DoD To Charge Admission Fee For Base Access To Fix Budget Shortfalls
HISTORIC: First Mother, Son to Attend Infantry School Together
CG Cutters Accidentally Equipped With Harpoon Launchers
Military To Stop Adding Saltpeter to Chow
Top Drone Pilots Battle At Elite Training School
Sequestration Cuts Would Close Service Academies, End ROTC Programs
Study: Infantry Battalions Commanded By Females More Likely To Stop For Directions, Arrive Late
Pope Benedict Resignation Tied To Paula Broadwell Affair
Pentagon, Hollywood Team Up To Produce Better Military Films
General Worried About Finding Job As Lobbyist, Defense Consultant After Retirement
Soldiers Don’t Know If Sergeant Major Intentionally Doing Bill Cosby Impression
Heroic Predator Drone Is First Recipient of Distinguished Warfare Medal
Soldier Kicked Out Of Special Forces Because He Can't Grow A Beard
Army Implements Mandatory Divorce Policy To Improve Readiness, Lower Costs
Soldier Asks Black Army Buddy To Be Best Man At Wedding, KY Community Stunned
New XO Attempting To Stamp Out Misuse of Word ‘Literally’
Naples Sailor Paints Haze Gray Masterpiece
Department Of Defense To Award Purple Heart For Butthurt
Hipster Joins Army To Be Ironic
New Marine Ready to Tell His Story, Pens Memoir About Bootcamp
Facing Mass Layoffs, Taliban Protest US Sequester
Confused FBI Agents Continue Search For Harlem Sheikh
US Military Begins Annual Exercise 'Enduring Freedom'
Military Quietly Phasing Out Horse Meat MREs
Southern Command Closes After Losing War On Drugs For One Billionth Time
North Korea Launches Podcast Aimed At 'This American Life'
New Marine Corps Show Fights Humor With Humor
Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Hasan Receives Promotion, Legion Of Merit
Marines Break Division Record For Alcohol-Related Incidents On St. Patricks Day
United States Ready To Declare War On The Sun
Exclusive: Former Special Forces Soldiers Fight New War On The Internet
First Enlisted Service Members Union Approved by Army, Strike Imminent
Air Force Holds Bake Sale To Buy Bomber
Veterans Affairs And Staples Team Up To Produce Mega-Shredder
Iraq War Retroactively Justified By Discovery Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction
ISAF Uses Counterinsurgency to Secure City of Camp Bastion
Sailor Spontaneously Combusts After Cutting Across Grass In Uniform
President Obama Signs Executive Order Outlawing The Taliban
US Army To Cut Ribbons, Medals By 50 Percent In Cost-Cutting Measure
Budget Cuts Won't Reduce Massive Size Of First Cavalry Division Patch
James Mattis Retires To Search For Ancient Artifact
F-35 Fighter Is Newest Exhibit At New York City Air Museum
Drunken Secretary Hagel Asks Deputy To Cover For Him At Pentagon Formation
Air Force Grounds $345 Billion Experimental Uniform Program
F-35 Scores Historic First Combat Kill By Shooting Down F-35 Program
Confused O-3 Celebrates Rank By Changing Profile Photo To Red Equal Sign
Chaos, Anarchy Reign Supreme At Chuck E. Cheese Under Retired General Tommy Franks
Taliban Spring Offensive 2013: What's Out, What's In, And Where To Find It For Cheap
Fort Bragg Soldier Charged With Impersonating A Civilian
Military Bans Tobacco Products To Improve Combat Effectiveness In Afghanistan
Sailor Only At Strip Club To Keep Liberty Buddy Safe
BREAKING: Massive Search Underway For Hot Italian Chick Spotted At Base Chow Tent
Petraeus Apologizes for Affair, Asks Auditorium of 600 If He Can ‘Crash On Anybody’s Couch Tonight’
Masters Program Turns Captain Into ‘Academicky Douchebag’
Cases Of Medically Non-Redeployable Soldiers On The Rise
Navy: Tagalog To Phase Out English As Official Language
Marine Celebrates Historic Six Month Marriage
Marines Discover Actual 'Arms Cache' In Sub-Sahara Africa
Rastafari Chaplain Blazes Through High Mass
Fort Bliss Soldier Spends Three Months In Front Leaning Rest For $200 Bet
Predator Drone Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
Marine Corps Struggles To Keep Up With Massive Influx Of Female Volunteers For Infantry
Oh Shit, You're Already Late For That Medical Appointment You Had Today
Haqqani Network Struggles To Use Up Explosives For Fiscal Year
Kim Jong-un’s Wife: If I Finally Give You Head, Will You Stop This?
Phony Veterans Of Foreign Wars Fight Back Against Military Bloggers
Trauma Of War Brought Back By Opening Of Local Green Beans
Soldiers Re-Invade Germany By Mistake, Reignite WWII
Massachusetts Guardsman Legally Changes Name To 'Boston Strong'
Defense Secretary Put On Restriction For Taking Duty Van On Late Night Beer Run
New Urinalysis Tests Whether Military Members 'Actually Give A Shit'
Shore Sailor Stricken By Navy's First Case of Scurvy In 150 Years
Navy Investigators: No Suspects In Alleged Shipboard Bear Attacks
Navy's New 'NJP 365' Program Targets Random Sailors Before They Commit A Crime
Army Determined To Eliminate All Operational Memory Of War On Terror
Public Affairs Officials Seek To Reduce Incidents Of Combat Photobombing
Marine Corps Establishes 'Service Utilities' For More Professional Look
UN Special Operations Unit Wears Camouflage Helmets, Shoots At People
'Take Your Fobbit To Work Day' Ends In Newfound Respect, 27 Wounded In Action
Report Finds Vast Air Force Conspiracy To Recruit Hot Chicks
Aerial Friendly Fire Incident Ends With Medal, Promotion
Citing Mental Health Threat, Minnesota Requires Veteran Designation On Drivers' Licenses
Congresswoman Victim of 'Make Her Famous' Campaign
Unemployed Veteran: Wow, I'm So Happy The Unemployment Rate Dropped
J-bad Joker Wreaks Havoc On Coalition Airfield
Soldier Re-Classes To Cav Just So He Can Recite Lines From 'Apocalypse Now'
Eye Protection, Reflective Belt Unable To Save Bagram Batman From Badghis Bane
You Know What? Screw It, Everyone's Gonna Wear Three Reflective Belts At All Times
In Wake of Sex Scandals, Air Force Dismantles Fleet Of 'Pussy Wagon' Recruiting Vehicles
Staff Sergeant Scared Shitless of ‘Mission Command’
Veterans Suicide Memorial Unveiled In Nation's Capitol
Defense Department Mandates Anti-Dueling Classes
Army Says Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Sailors Tweeting Navy's $130 Million Version Of Twitter 'Sux Ballz'
Red Sox Military Tribute Forces Fans To Stand At Parade Rest, Pick Up Cigarette Butts
Combat Deaths Now Considered 'Acts of Allah' — No Longer Covered By Life Insurance
Rage Against The Machine’s USO Concert Convinces Entire Audience To Defect
Marine Disappointed Sexual Assault Training Didn't Teach Anything New
Marine Unit Forced Back From Sea Deployment After Encountering Biological Weapon
Coast Guard Recruit Likely To Make Enlisted Career Of Changing Career Fields
Navy Officer In Hot Water For Sorority-Like Email Tirade He Sent To Shipmembers
Sailor Runs World Record 1.5 Mile, Fails Pushup Portion of Fitness Test
Opinion: The Army Gave Me Drugs And It Was The Best Day Of My Life
Opinion: To Really Understand Sexual Assault, You've Gotta Slap A Woman's Ass At Least Once
Captain Charged With Manslaughter After Leaving Lieutenant Unattended In Parked Car
Muslims Outraged After Boston Bomber Buried In Confederate Cemetery
NASA Discovers Red Star Cluster, Entire Military Ceases Fire
Marine Still Trying To Craft Perfect Signature Block After Promotion To Staff Sergeant
Troops Agree Staying In Afghanistan For Next Ten Years Or So Would Be Awesome
Public Affairs Sergeant Executed For Not Capitalizing Marine In Press Release
At Naval Academy Graduation, Obama Lauds Future Scandal-Ridden, Sexual-Assaulting, Drunk Divorcées
New Guy Thinks Cups Of Tea With Village Elders Worth Promotion Points
Commandant Attempts To Fire Entire Marine Corps
Soldier Assigned To AFRICOM Angry, Confused After Landing In Germany
Opinion: Seriously You Two, Get A Room
US Defense Network Disabled By Porn-Displaying 'Suxnet' Virus
DUI Wreckage Reminds Soldier It’s A Holiday Weekend
Separating Soldier Dies Rescuing DD-214
US, China Agree To Hate Each Other As Friends
Captain Spends 13 Hours Coming Up With Cool Operation Name, 15 Minutes Planning Mission
Military Justice System Augmented By Shariah Law
Afghan 'Game of Thrones' Fans Stage Real-Life Wedding Massacre
Following NSA Leak, Droves Of Domestic Terrorists Switch To AT&T, T-Mobile
Camp Leatherneck Begins Hunger Strike
Staff Officer Excited To Pull Shift In Guard Tower
Military Spouse Gets Chip Bag Stuck On Its Head
Judge Accepts Plea Deal From Afghan Soldier Accused Of Murdering 16 US Troops
Realistic Episode Of NCIS Revolves Around Catching E-3 With Two Grams Of Spice
Army Announces New Occupational Specialties; Includes Decruiters, Clearing Barrel NCO
New Army Field Manual Trains Soldiers For Zombie Apocalypse
Army Doesn't Get What It Wants For Birthday, Throws Tantrum
Newly Commissioned Officer Gets First Salute From Stranger, Admits ‘Pretty Disappointing’
Operations Officer With PTSD Still Planning Suicide After Five Years
Court Martial Acquits Airmen Of Giving 'Code Red' To Basketball Player From Hell
'Real Housewives Of CENTCOM' To Debut On Bravo This Fall
Activision Partners With Al-Qaeda For Latest Installment In 'Call Of Duty' Franchise
Everyone Back Home Very Impressed By Deployed Soldier's New Facebook Profile Photo
Air Force Institutes 'Don't Be A Dumbass' Safety Campaign
West Point Superintendent Avoids Punishment After Cat Remains Silent During Interrogation
Lance Corporals Course Honor Graduate Receives 'Honorary NJP'
New 'Progressive' Marine Recruiting Campaign Under Fire
American Suicide Bombers Attack Taliban Office In Qatar
Shocking DoD-Wide Smut Inspection Finds Bras, Panties In Female Barracks
In Memoriam: James Gandolfini, Star Of 'The Last Castle', Dead At 51
General McChrystal Gives Police Airtight Alibi In Rolling Stone Reporter’s Mysterious Death
Happy Independence Day From The Duffel Blog
Fighting Suicide: Marines Try Posthumous Non-Judicial Punishment
Entire Military Comes Out Of Closet, Confirms They Are All Gay
Soldier Renames Post Obstacle Course 'The Spartan Dash', Makes A Fortune
Pearl Harbor Survivor Accosted By Airport Security
Investigation Reveals Subliminal Recruiting Messages Hidden in 'Army Strong' Song
Opinion: If You Don’t Like How Things Are, Get Out
Petty Argument Between Petty Officers Leads to Unrest, Aircraft Carrier Being Disabled
Number; Number; Phonetic Letter Leads The Way At Fort Some General's Name
VFW Opens Membership To Military Fakers Due To Lack Of Interest From Young Veterans
SEAL Team’s Raid On Dr. Claw’s Mountain Fortress Stymied By Fake Arm, Old Timey Bomb
Army Study Finds Marines' Tun Tavern Was Actually A Gay Bar
Gen. James 'Hoss' Cartwright Blames Stuxnet Leak On 'Those Daggum Duke Boys'
Meet The Army's Friendliest Soldier: Claims 2,746 Confirmed Friends
The Disco Casualty That Became A War Hero
Local Man Confirms Tough Mudder Race Is Practically The Same Thing As Combat
Company Commander Suffers Existential Crisis After Losing Green Notebook
Schizophrenic NSA Analyst Keeps Hearing Voices, Seeing Emails And Skype Calls
To Avoid Further Leaks, NSA Bans Intelligence
Reaper Drone Found Not Guilty In Death Of American Teenager
Army Declares Bankruptcy, Appoints Navy Admiral As Emergency Manager
Army Fights Drop In Morale With More Flair, Unit Awards
Anthony Weiner Selected As Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention Chief
Pentagon Study Confirms: Napalm Does Stick To Kids
President Obama Announces Capture Of Warren Terror
Awkwardness Ensues As Taliban And US Outsource Operations To Afghan National Army
Marine Convicted Of Wearing Baseball Cap Indoors
Plan To Have Cadets Shadow Deployed Units Abruptly Cancelled After 5 MIA
Soldier Buffs Floor With Skill Of Casanova Penetrating A Young Venetian Handmaiden
Lance Corporal Sentenced To 20-Year Career, Vows To Take Vengeance On Subordinates
‘Eccentric’ Sergeant Major Is Actually Completely Insane
Soldier Recalled From Afghanistan To Take Wife To Appointment
Army Expands PT Belt Regulations to Cover Spouses, Wildlife
George Zimmerman Tracks Down Joseph Kony, Executes Him
Hollywood Planning Remake Of 'Sands of Iwo Jima'
Hagel's Upcoming Travel Plans Include Burning Man, Visiting Troops At Strip Clubs
Study Finds Every Girl In The 504th Military Police Battalion Is Obviously A Lesbian Whore
Army Air Defense Artillery Unit Recognized For 365 Days Without Shooting Down Friendly Aircraft
NSA Director Announces Purchase Of All Four Major Cell Phone Companies
Afghan Exchange Student In US Army Course Gets B+ For Planning Mass Killing Of His Classmates
Private Turns Himself In After Dreaming Of Killing All His Higher-Ups
War On Terror Just Inception-Induced Dream Of Honduran Immigrant Named Jose
Sailor Masturbating In Hotel Room ‘Barely Keeping Up’ With Sound of Couple Humping Through Wall
New Army Policy Makes Fraternization Mandatory
Sharp Divisions Rise From Controversial Hooah-Free Zone At Fort Benning
Opinion: Staff Sergeant Bales Is A War Criminal
Hero Drone Finds GI Bill Doesn't Cover Software Upgrades
Report: Lee Greenwood's 'God Bless The USA' Plays Soviet Anthem When Reversed
Opinion: Sexual Assault Is A Greater Threat To Freedom Than The Third Reich
Kid At The Gate Taking His Sweet Fucking Time Checking ID This Morning
EOD Officer Getting His Ass Kicked By Intermediate Game Of Minesweeper
The Duffel Blog Needs Your Support
Deployed Submariner Wakes From Army Nightmare
Deployment Queen Expecting Royal Baby
Up-Armored Golf Carts Arrive At Bagram Country Club
Nidal Hasan Granted Terminal Leave
US Military Deploys Two Airsoft Battalions To Syria For 'Operation: Softening Blow'
Bradley Manning Sentenced To 35 More Years As A Dude
Soldier Avoids DUI At Base Entry, Arrested For Jaywalking
Manning, Hasan, Sinclair And Bales To Star In 'Real World: Leavenworth'
Atlanta Braves To Hand Out Tomahawk Cruise Missiles For Military Appreciation Night
Military Uses Miley Cyrus Performance To 'Crush Soul' Of Al Qaeda
After Dempsey's Son Uses Computer, DoD Issues Directive: 'I SUCK WEENER'
AFN Europe Nominated For 'Best Zulu Time' Emmy
Army Interior Decorating Service Fixes House, Destroys Neighborhood
US Praises Massacre Of Syrian Civilians Without Use Of Chemical Weapons
Admin Error Sends Bradley Manning to Death Row, Nidal Hasan to Gender Reassignment Surgery
Marine Putting Together Moto Video Of War Crimes Not Sure What Music To Use
John Kerry Announces Protest Of Syrian Conflict As Soon As He Finishes Starting It
9/11 Truther Mysteriously Killed By Falling Building
Nidal Hasan's Death Sentence Delayed By Supply Checkout
Opinion: I Support The Troops As Long As It Doesn't Cost Money
Marine Corps Limiting Liquor Sales In Effort To Keep Troops Fighting Mad
Obama Weighs Intervention After Secretary Hagel Crosses 'Drunk-In-Public' Red Line
Navy Chief Indoctrination Culminates In Human Sacrifice
Syrian Electronic Army Hackers Stranded On Marine Online Login Page
Michelle Obama Challenges Asma al-Assad To No-Holds-Barred WMD Cage Match
Sailor Getting Tired Of Waiting Around To Push Missile Launch Button
REPORT: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Has A Smoking-Hot Wife
Syrian War Delayed For College Football Season
Meth Lab Discovered In General's Office At 29 Palms
ISAF General Really Enjoying Forward Deployment To Kabul Restaurant Scene
Pentagon Claims 'Homeland' Is Unrealistic, Says No Marine’s Wife Is That Hot
Report: No One On Ship’s Bridge Has Any Clue What’s Going On
Sergeant On C-17 To Afghanistan Puking Like He's About To Storm Normandy Or Some Shit
Meet The Porn Star Who’s A Lieutenant In The Army Reserve
Operation: Yard Sale To Ease Military Retrograde From Afghanistan
Report: Solution To Syria Chemical Weapons Crisis Result Of Drug And Alcohol Bender
Soldier Writes Letter To NFL Player Who Bashed 'Unskilled' Military
Boatswain’s Mate Shocked To Discover ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Isn’t A Painting Manual
Washington Redskins Look To 'Real Warriors' To Replace Offensive Indian Name
Pearl Harbor Veteran Almost Starts WWIII at Japanese-US Training Event
Defense Secretary Hagel Blows Remaining FY13 Budget On Hard Rock Cafe ‘Rager’
Obama Appeals For Calm As Assad Wreaks Havoc On Homecoming Parade
Disgruntled Veteran Kills Fourteen Beers, Shoots Tequila
In Memoriam: Vo Nguyen Giap, Admitted US 'Almost Won' Vietnam War In 1975
Female Cadet Rushes Home With Copy of Grand Theft Auto V, Can’t Wait To Experience Raging Misogyny
Opinion: Keep Bitching, I'll Bring Back Black Boots And Make You Sleep In Quonset Huts
Sailor Writes Bestselling Memoir About Failing Out Of SEAL Training
WWII Veterans Storm DC Memorial, Take Park Rangers As Prisoners Of War
Iranian President Prank Calls White House, Asks For Barack Osama
JAG LAWYER: If You Make A Storyboard, It's Not A War Crime
Report: Two Generals Unlikely To Visit Base Commissary At Same Time
Patriot Battery Cuts Tebow During Training
Pentagon Proposes New Antarctica Command
Navy Solves Budget Woes By Selling Ship Naming Rights, Launches USS Ford F-150
They're Scrapping The USS Enterprise? Oh, Cry Me A River
West Point Hopes Government Shutdown Prevents Another Crushing Army-Navy Defeat
Federal Employees, Military Banned From Viewing Wikileaks Movie
New Intelligence-Themed Restaurant Serves The Best ████████████ We've Ever Tasted
Thanks To These Shitty Budget Cuts, I Almost Never Get Blown Anymore
Government Shutdown Grounds Black Helicopter Operations Near Alex Jones' Home
Naval Academy Stops Paying Teachers, Encourages Tribal Knowledge
Army Corps of Engineers Cap Off 'Old Faithful' During Government Shutdown
Obama's Pick For DHS Chief Tied To Right-Wing Radicals Who Returned From Iraq, Afghanistan
Drug Incidents, Morale Skyrockets After Army Halts Urinalysis Due To Government Shutdown
Bashar Al-Assad To Receive Nobel Peace Prize
BREAKING: Navy SEALs Capture Terrorist In Somalia, Or Kill Him, Or Shit We Don't Know
Pentagon Mandates Suicide Prevention Briefings For Afghan Troops
Military Spouses Host Anti-Stereotyping Meeting At Off-Base Strip Club
Lieutenant Promises 'Not To Screw Up' In First Address To Wrong Platoon
EOD soldier files discrimination suit after Army denies marriage to his robot
Rush Limbaugh Calls Troops 'Welfare Queens, Moochers'
'Teenagers Are Sexting Less' Complains NSA
Herd Of Dependents Found Grazing In Local Supermarket
SEAL Team 6 Designated As Class 3 Dental
Guy In Back Of Formation Doing That Fucking Thing Again
Bermuda Triangle Sailors Having Time Of Their Never-Ending Lives
Al Qaeda Comeback Tour Will ‘Blow Audiences Away’
Sebelius Threatens To Put VA In Charge Of Obamacare If Critics Don't 'Back The Fuck Off'
Pentagon Announces Pre-Deployment Training To Take Place In Detroit And Chicago
Battalion Flees Afghan District After Discovering 'Spider Hole' Containing Giant Arachnid
NSA Analyst Tries To Sell Secrets To Russians, Fails
First Sergeant With GED Tells Corporal He'll 'Never Make It On The Outside'
Local PX Girl Honored To Service The US Military
Soldier Fails Grenade Range, Dies
Marine Corps Marathon Spawns Less-Successful Marine Corps Spelling Bee
Government Pamphlet: 'What To Do When The Veteran In Your Classroom Attempts A Mass Shooting'
Senior Air Force NCO Stationed In Alaska Wonders What Happened To His Career
Paperwork Error Sends Marines To Guard Streets Of Hell
Obama Orders 'Tech Surge' Of Programmers From AKO, DTS To Fix
Marine Eating 238 Pies In Honor of Marine Corps Birthday
Strange Man Stalks Local High School, Talks To Children
Amber Alert Issued For Missing US Foreign Policy
The Duffel Blog Calls Upon Army Secretary John McHugh To Admit His Secret Zoroastrianism
Pentagon Scraps 'Lightsaber' Weapons Program After Gross Misconduct, Numerous Injuries
I’ll Back Out Of My Parking Space As Slow As I Goddamn Please
Lee Harvey Oswald Quietly Added To CIA Memorial Wall
MRE Just Wants Some Foreplay Prior To Getting Ratfucked
Tom Cruise Returns From 39th Combat Deployment To Burbank, California
General Indifference Assumes Command Of Afghan War Effort
NAVY: 100-Year-Old 'It's Not Gay If It's Underway' Directive Rescinded
Scars Of War Healed By Free Meal At Denny's
Al Qaeda Protests 'Unconstitutional' Airline Gun Ban
First Women In History To Pass Infantry Training Pick Up Cigarette Butts, Mop Floors
Applebee’s Declares Bankruptcy After Offering Free Alcohol For Veterans Day
Sergeant Described By Peers As ‘Playfully Racist’ Actually Extremely Racist
US Navy SEAL Actually Just ‘Really Tactical’ Gunner’s Mate
Junior Marines Ponder Edgy New Film, 'A Day Without A First Sergeant'
Grunt-Turned-POG Insults POG-Turned-Grunt
SPONSORED: Choose The Exchange For All Your Not-Being-Naked Needs!
US Army: 'We Needed To Destroy This Holiday Party In Order To Save It'
Unit Chemical Officer Has No Idea What He's Doing
Point/Counterpoint: The Range Is Clear
In Discipline Row, Skipper of USNS Mercy Keelhauled
War 'Actually Just Like the Video Games' Drone Operator Tells Guy at Bar
Marine Infantrywoman Checks Into Unit, Buys Ford Mustang At 46% Interest
Outgoing Company Commander: 'I Hate You All'
DHS Wishes Local Arab-American Would Just Hatch Terrorist Plot Already
Obama On Military Cuts: If You Like Your Job, You Can Keep It
Army Convoy In Iraq Still Waiting For EOD To Arrive
Bagram Airbase Helps Army Broadcaster Be Batman For A Day
North Korea Expands Air Defense Zone To Include Eastern United States
Iranian Comedy 'Jihad' Bombs Onstage
Nation Demands Deployed Troops Return Home—Oh Shit The Game Is Starting Again
Beetle Bailey Rebooted As ‘Sexy, Ultra-Violent Noir Graphic Novel’
Iran: 'We Have Much To Be Thankful For'
Obama Takes 'Selfie' At Fallen Soldier’s Funeral
Thank You America, That Wall Really Needed To Go Anyways
Desperate Army Football Team On Verge Of Discovering Forward Pass
General Mattis Crosses Potomac With 100,000 Troops; President, Senate Flee City
Navy Town Celebrates Return Of Drunk-Driving, Bar-Fighting Miscreants
Soldier Responds To Letter From A First Grader
0-11 Army Football Team Excited to Finish Most Consistent Season Yet
'This Is The Most Important Training Of Your Career,' Says Chief Teaching Pointless Class
Air Force Suspends Teleworking Drone Operator After Wedding Party Bombed
NORAD Spends $231 Billion Tracking Santa Claus
Fake SEAL Team 6 Commander Outs Don Shipley As Real Navy SEAL
Hagel Celebrates 'White Christmas' With Mountain Of Cocaine In Pentagon Office
NSA Intercepted Children's Letters To Santa
MyPay: 'I Can't Let You Do That'
Air Force Apologizes For ‘Tasteless’ Christmas Ham Drop In Afghanistan
Media Confirms Race And Gender Of First Female African-American Admiral
Detainee Live-Action Christmas Diorama at Guantanamo Triggers Controversy
South Sudan: U.S. Military To Respond With Overwhelming Concern
North Korea Executes Dennis Rodman
First Sergeant Performs Taekwando Naked In Front of Mirror
Is Air Force Major Eric Newburgh The Fastest Man Alive?
Dead AK-47 Inventor To Be Buried In Mud For A Week, Cleaned Off, Then Put Back To Work
BREAKING: 10th Mountain Division Nowhere Near Any Fucking Mountains
Hagel Names Woman As Next Marine Commandant
Sergeant Smith From Alpha Company Is A Total Dick
Obama Hawaiian Vacation Enhanced By Marine Barracks Stay
Point/Counterpoint: Navy SEALs
Smallest Guy In Infantry Platoon ‘Really Excited’ To Be Humping The 240
NORAD 'Santa Tracker' Accidentally Reveals US Nuclear Targets
The NSA Is Watching You Masturbate Right Now
We're Proud Navy Parents, But Only One Weekend A Month
Iraq Keeps Drunk Texting CENTCOM
Pentagon Shocked By Wave Of 'Knockout Game' Attacks
Entire Military Has No Idea What Happened Last Night, But It Was Probably Bad
Al Qaeda's Jewish Accountant Starting To Get A Bit Worried
Marine Veterans Launch Kickstarter Project To Retake Fallujah
E-4 Mafia Debuts 'See Nothing, Say Nothing' Campaign
Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates Slips, Falls On Knife 68 Times
They Need You At The Company Office Right Now
‘Enlisted’ Wows TV Audiences With Realistic, Gritty Portrayal Of Army Life
CIA Agent Dennis Rodman Fails In Kim Jong-un Assassination Attempt
W. Va. Guard Soldier Under Fire After Relationship Discovered With Woman Not His Sister
Veteran Decides To Start Running Again, Next Thursday Morning
Nation's Veterans Demand Farmland In Gaul
Study Finds 86% of Soldiers Spend Majority Of Career Standing Outside Connex
Total Asshole At Operations Meeting Asks A Question
It's A Delicate Balance Being Somebody's Mentor And Fuck Buddy
Captain Being Photographed Unaware It'll Be On Cover Of Navy Times When He's Fired Next Month
The Duffel Blog Would Like To Retract Its Story Regarding Sergeant Smith
Soldier Who Said He'd Fight War So 'Son Wouldn't Have To' Feels Like An Asshole Right Now
72 Black-Eyed Virgins Still Waiting To Give It Up
Man Who Puked All Over Roommate's Clothes Months Ago Now Huge Factor In Whether You Live Or Die
'My Recruiter Fucked Me,' Laments Marine On Recruiting Duty
Juggalos Get Pentagon OK To Wear Religious Face Paint In Uniform
1st Sgt Tells Troops To Drive Drunk, Assault Women In Vain Hope They'll Do Opposite
Pentagon Announces Upgrade Of Military Web Browsers To Internet Explorer 4.0
Amos To Reawaken Spirit Of Marine Corps Through Trial-By-Combat
DHS Purchases 1.2 Billion 'Domestic Anti-Personnel' Rounds
Judge To Justin Bieber: Join The Marine Corps Or Go To Jail
LEAKED MEMO: We Need To Purge Soldiers Who Deployed To Iraq Or Afghanistan
Navy Flexes Muscle, Tows Retired Aircraft Carrier Toward North Korea
Marines Convert To Norse Paganism, Demand Horns And Wings On Helmets
Sailor Spends Hours In Locker Room Bashing Gays While Completely Naked
Ask A Needlessly Complex Army Flowchart
President Obama Preemptively Apologizes for Future US Wars
The Hardest Part Of Sobriety Is Waking Up Having To Remember The Transsexual You Accidentally Banged
Veteran Continues To Serve Country By Pointing Out Uniform Discrepancies On The Internet
Officer Fixes Problem Soldier By Transferring Him To Another Command
Deployed Recon Unit Convinced 49ers Will Win NFC Championship
F-35 Delayed After Fourth Prototype Becomes Self-Aware And Has To Be Destroyed
Army Times Apologizes For Adding 'Hilarity Ensues' To Iraq Car Bombing Article
Heartwarming Steel Reserve Super Bowl Ad Welcomes Soldier Home To Empty House, 40oz Beers
Russia Issues Terror Alert For 'Moose And Squirrel'
Soldier Who Just Graduated Boot Camp Writes '18 Things You Should Know About Army Life' At BuzzFeed
Army Officer Beaten In Super Bowl Commercial Backlash
The Colonel May Not See It, But I Know You're A Total Shitbag
Hagel Caught Cheating On Defense Secretary Proficiency Exam
Winter Is Coming: Cannibalistic Warlords Arise At Ft. Bragg In Wake Of Winter Storm
Sergeant Major Petulantly Orders West Point Grad To Use More Big Words
Budweiser Purchases Naming Rights To Arlington National Cemetery
Sergeant Major Goes On Rampage After Office Equipment Refuses To Obey
The 5 Most-Happening Military Spring Break Destinations
Marine Commandant Hosts Book Burning At 8th & I
A First Sergeant Flipped His Desk In Anger. What Happened Next Will Make You Shit Your Pants.
Gen. Amos Nervously Awaiting Results Of Career Board
EOD: We take too long to respond because screw you
Soldier Excitedly Posts Career-Ending Picture To Facebook
Suicidal Al Qaeda Operative Calls Jihadist Crisis Line
Colonel Preemptively Fires Himself While Assuming Command
Gen. Odierno Places Third In Odierno Lookalike Contest
Budget Cuts To Bring Military Spending Down To Pre-Civil War Levels
Space Marine: Oh, You Think My Job Is Cool? Try Police Calling In Zero Gravity
Sailor Stays In Navy To Continue Going To College
Navy Goes Six Months Without Changing Uniforms
A-10 Warthog Seen Crying On Sidelines After Being Cut From Defense Team
'I Will Never Mix Absinthe With Ouzo Again,' Says Ousted Ukraine President
On Defense Cuts, Obama Just Comes Right Out And Says He Wants The Terrorists To Win
Jerks Have Bigger Penises, DARPA Study Confirms
Vladimir Putin 'Deeply Concerned' Following US Invasion Of Cuba
Obama Authorizes Drone Strike On Putin
President Obama Calls Group Intervention To Stem Vladimir Putin's Crimea Addiction
Air Force Doubles Down In Afghanistan, Fields New Band
47 Arrested After Alcohol Abuse Skit Goes Horribly Wrong
Separating Soldier Desperate To Climb Back Into Army Vagina, Safety Of Federal Womb
Gen. Alexander Released From NSA, Forced To Register As Spy Offender
First Female Army Ranger Brags About Her Veiny, Seven-Inch Clitoris
Nobody Cares New Admin Guy Ran Diary At Recon
Navy Orders More Maintenance To Ensure Machinery Stays Properly Broken
Intel Officer Plans To Kill Next Soldier Who Uses 'Afghani' Incorrectly
Military Police Buy 92% Of World’s Truck Nutz, Study Finds
140% Of Crimeans Vote To Join Russia In Landslide Referendum
LEAKED: Full Listing Of Duffel Blog Writers Posted To Gawker
Hagel Blowing Deployment Money On Strippers, Beer
Kremlin Seized By Self-Loathing, Fear After Kafkaesque Putin Press Conference
Crusty Old Fuck In The Pentagon Hopes Cold War Just Got Hot
Hugo Boss Awarded Contract For Joint Service Uniform Design
The Military Needs To Take Sexual Harassment Seriously, Except In My Case
Police To Question USS Vincennes Over Malaysian Airliner Disappearance
Fred Phelps Surprised To Discover Heaven Is 'Really Goddamn Hot'
SEALs, Large Great Dane Solve Mystery Of The Phantom Oil Tanker
Fred Phelps To Be Buried In Arlington National Cemetery
Point/Counterpoint: Should You Join The Military?
Contractor Designs Air Force Jet, Chinese Missile To Shoot It Down
Soldier Earns Medal Of Honor Using Video Game Skills
Admiral Plans Ship Visit To Check For High Dust, Gear Adrift
Is This A Leaked Photo Of Apple's New Military Smartphone, The iPhone PRC-5D?
Solution To PTSD, Suicide Crisis Only Couple Thousand Facebook Likes Away
US 'Cautiously Optimistic' After Mullah Omar Wins Afghan Election
Sergeants Major Academy Spokesman Admits E-9s Are 'Pretty Much Worthless’
Corpsman Tells Whiny Marine To Patch Up His Own Damn Gunshot Wound
Cave-Dwelling Hermit Tribe Discovered In Fort Bragg Impact Area
Russia Threatens Export Ban On Cheap Vodka, Organized Crime
SHOCK: 'Monster' Energy Drinks Do NOT Cause Positive Drug Test, Study Finds
In April Fools Prank, Hamid Karzai Thanks American Military For Their Sacrifice
Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysia Airliner Admits It Was Easier Target Than 9/11 Planes
Brig. Gen. Sinclair To Take Command Of French Foreign Legion
Student Veteran Also Happens To Be Expert On 18th Century Irregular Warfare
Ukraine Invades Russia Because YOLO
Pentagon Considers Ban On CrossFit Workout Program
U.S. Accidentally Repatriates Israeli Spy To Iran
Deployed Soldier Has 'Walking Dead' Spoiled By Inconsiderate Asshole On Facebook
Troops Discover Soviet-Era Forces Hiding Out In Afghan Cave Network
Defense Secretary Discovers Magical Realm In Pentagon Coat Closet
NSA Director Can't Stop Wife From Reading His E-Mails
Some Americans Believe Coast Guard Is Massive Wall To Keep Mexicans Out, Study Finds
Loud Vibrators Are Causing Soldier To Lose Sleep
82nd Airborne Division To Lose Famed 'Airborne' Status
Op-Ed Writing Added to Infantry Officers Course
Iraqi Freedom Veterans Hold Reunion In Baghdad, At Least 42 Killed
President Obama Says Latest Fort Hood Shooting ‘Definitely' A Terrorist Attack
Army Establishes ‘Excellency Excellent Center of Excellently Excelling Excellence’
REPORT: 2.6 Million Americans Traveled To Iraq, Afghanistan To Fight Guerilla Wars
Veterans With PTSD Linked To Everything That Could Kill Your Children
Lawmaker Introduces Bill Requiring Veterans To Warn Neighbors Of Their Combat Service
There's A Piss Test This Morning
General's Wife To Receive Presidential Medal of Freedom After Playboy Appearance
Veteran Goes Crazy After Reading Another Goddamn Article On Veterans Going Crazy
'You're Going The Wrong Way Asshole,' Land Nav Course Says
Amputee Finds Robotic Leg Just As Cool As He Thought It Would Be
Troops Say Generals Understand Need For Cuts To Aides, Personal Drivers, And Golf Courses
Find Out How Israel TRIPLED Its Size Using This One Weird Trick!
Navy Accidentally Appoints Career Counselor Who Helps Sailors Advance Their Careers
Center for Operational Risk Management Catches Fire
Navy Captain Fired After Leading Unauthorized Whaling Expedition
Bullied High School Student Excited To Reinvent Self After Basic Training
Atheist Lieutenant Annoys Entire Platoon Into Christianity
Army Disbands Chaplain Corps, Says Military Is 'No Place For Superstition'
Taliban Marks First Month Of No Combat Deaths With Celebratory Gunfire, 37 Killed
Obama Accepts Putin's Invitation To Drinking Contest For Control of Ukraine
Platoon Leader Hospitalized After Horrific Car Accident, No One Notices
Chicks Totally Wet For Affliction Shirts And Axe Body Spray, Survey Finds
Top 13 Jobs Navy SEALs Take After Service
Hagel Supports Ban On Tobacco Sales, Combat Operations To Improve Military Wellness
Meet The Trailblazing Army Psychiatrist Treating PTSD With Hookers And Cocaine
Puerto Rican In Your Platoon Tired Of Your Questions About Cinco De Mayo
Michelle Obama Headlines Jobs Fair For Vets Unemployed Due To Defense Cuts
Pentagon To Disband 'Useless' Warrant Officer Corps
Army Colonel: Females Are Underrepresented As Sexual Predators
VA Secretary Eric Shinseki Tries To Resign But White House Still Has Him On Hold
Senior Officers Boldly Echo Meaningless Nothings During Staff Meeting
REPORT: Ukraine Menaced By Large Threatening Arrows
Teddy Bear You Sent Your Wife Reports She Really Enjoys Banging The Neighbor
Naval Academy Commissions Newest Class of Weirdos
General You Don't Give A Shit About Needs No Introduction But I'll Give One Anyway
US Navy Adds Intense Creative Writing Course To SEAL Training
Newly-Promoted O-3 Glad He’ll Finally Be Taken Seriously Around Here
7 Hashtags The White House Used To Solve Major World Problems
Review: 'Jarhead 2' Is One Of Top 8,000 Best Military Movies We've Ever Seen
NFL Promises Not To Exploit New Player’s Service With Army Rangers
VA: Please Hold. You Should Hang Up And Just Watch Cat Videos Instead
Army NCOs Told To 'Check Their Privilege'
Boko Haram Demands 10 Million Retweets In Exchange For Kidnapped Girls
Special Forces Soldier Excited To Train Men Who Will Try To Kill Him In Five Years
Navy Approves Valor Award For Units Involved In 'Godzilla' Film
Sailor Claiming Made-Up PTSD Has Nightmares Of Not Receiving Disability Check
This Memorial Day, Gold Star Mothers Can Save Up To 60%!
Can I Interest You In Joining The Navy, Or Perhaps Pouring Hot Candle Wax All Over Me?
Latest Troop Deployment Has Americans Asking, 'Who The Fuck Is Chad?'
Tearful Homecoming: Returning Soldier Surprises Wife At Abortion
Staff Officer Crafts Perfect PowerPoint Slide
New FOBBIT Camouflage Blends Perfectly With Gravel, Plywood, And Computers
Army Welcomes AAFES-Sponsored Tattoo Parlors, Pawn Shops On Base
CIA Admits: Edward Snowden Was Top Assassin
US Intelligence Finds Likelihood Of Military Revolt In Thailand 'Extremely Low'
Atheist Group Sues To Remove All Crosses From U.S. Overseas Military Cemeteries
11 Photos That Bring Back The Terrible Horrors Of War
Gwyneth Paltrow Slams Green Beret: 'Thank You For Your Service'
'Homeland' Producers Celebrate Success Of 'Bowe Bergdahl' Guerilla Marketing Campaign
Bling-Bling! I Got My P.O.W. Medal, Bitches!
Meteorologists Forecast Bowe Bergdahl Shit Storm
Obama Trades Seoul To North Korea For Return Of USS Pueblo
Army Investigates Soldier Who May Have Defected To North Korea
Insurgent Offensive Bogs Down After Capturing US Humvees
Dick Cheney Negotiates No-Bid Contract To Maintain Insurgent Humvees
Hagel Admits Prostitution Ring Allegedly Run By SHARP Rep Pretty Hilarious
Navy Doctor Cures Cancer With Motrin
Major Thinks He Can Just Walk Into My Intel Shop Without An Escort
Job Fair Teaches Veterans How To Apply Online Like Everyone Else
California Marine Corps Base Holds First Same-Sex Wedding
Companies Demand More Retired First Sergeants With Homeland Security Degrees
Intel Accuracy Increases 272% After Analysts Begin Reading Entrails
Lt. Col. Sinclair's Genie Awaiting Final Wish
Iraq Veteran: This Is Not What We Tortured Detainees For!
After Reaching Baghdad, ISIS Militants Declare 'Mission Accomplished'
White House Bus Badly Damaged After Running Over Defense Secretary
WHITE HOUSE: Not Enough US Citizens In ISIS To Make Air Strikes Worthwhile
Drone Pilots Overwhelmingly Support US Release Of Five High-Value Targets
US Troops Rapidly Prepare For Non-Response To Iraq Security Crisis
Listen Guys, I Have The Perfect Solution To This Iraq Thing
Unorthodox Iraqi General Considers Fighting The Enemy
Army Enters 'Washington Redskins' Debate: Massacres Team, Takes Land
COVER-UP: 23 Questions Marine Corps Times Was Too Afraid To Ask Cpl. Kyle Carpenter
Green Beret Ponders 'Just War' Theory While Shooting Man In Face
Top 10 Reasons The Iraq War Was An Elaborate Hoax
Duffel Blog Names Lt. Col. Jeffrey Sinclair 'Soldier Of The Year'
U.S. Sends 10,000 Green Berets To Iraq
Corps To Issue Afghanistan Campaign Medal To Garrison Marines
Spartan-Worshipping Marine Throws 'Defective' Son Off Cliff
Travel Claim From Missing Malaysia Airliner Still Unpaid
I Don't Know How To Tell You This, But I Sort Of, Um, Lost My Rifle
Spike In Combat Casualties Blamed On Life Insurance Benefits
DHS Reports ‘Nothing To Worry About’ Next Wednesday In Tucson, Especially Around 10
Engineer Keeps Introducing Himself As EOD In Bars
Marine's PTSD Claim Scorned By Leader Who Caused It
Battalion Divided On How To Spend Entire $3.5 Million Budget By Friday
Navy Chief Who's Proud To Be A Chief Wears Chief T-Shirt That Says So
Soldier Waits Until Last 48 Hours In The Army To Begin Civilian Job Search
Blackwater Murders Its Stellar Reputation
Sergeant Major Diverts Surveillance Drone To Check For Uniform Violations
Mattis Named CEO Of 'Soldiers Without Borders' Non-Profit
South Carolina Celebrates Independence Day By Shelling Fort Sumter
I Hate The Troops, So I Can't Wait To Scare The Shit Out Of Them
That's The Nicest Penis I've Seen In All My Years As A Urinalysis NCO
Major Openly Hoping For Separation
Pro Athletes To Ask Troops For Military ID Prior To Giving Up First Class Seats
Marine Band Condemns Anti-Sousa Heretic to Death
Point/Counterpoint: Sergeant Major
ISIS Militants Surrender After Seizing Massive Shipment Of Meals Ready-To-Eat
Former Marine Turns Bass Angler Model
Pentagon Welcomes Afghanistan As Newest F-35 Program Partner
New Private Eager To Join US Army's 'Socialist Paradise'
What Kind Of Underwear Is Sergeant Jackson Wearing Under Her ACUs?
Your Sociopathic NCO Has A Wife and Kids While You’re Still Alone
Sergeant Major Pretty Sure That Captain Was Being Disrespectful
8-Year-Old Begs Air Force Dad For Terrible Military-Style Haircut
US Announces New Plan To Destabilize Middle East In Hopes Of Failure
Point/Counterpoint: Women In The Military
US Says Donovian Militants Responsible For Shooting Down Malaysia Airliner
Veteran Working Dog Has Trouble Marketing Skills To Local Employers
Professional Veteran Takes Pride In New Career
Man Charged With Stolen Valor After Failing To Recall Horrors Of Supply Checkout
Jane Fonda Revealed As Heroic CIA Operative
Senator Blames Halitosis, Russian Mistress On PTSD
Marine Preparing For First Date Undecided Between Tucked-In Polo Or Boot Camp T-Shirt
Army Disbands Logistics Corps After Signing Contract With
Marine Feels Left Out After Redeploying To Faithful, Hot Wife And Full Bank Account
Wolf Blitzer Shot Trying To Infiltrate Gaza Strip In Underground Tunnel
Chesty Puller’s Half-Eaten Sandwich Discovered In Old Refrigerator
Sailors In Berthing Capable Of Showering And Doing Laundry Unsupervised
Staff Major Really Looking Forward To Proofing Your Slides
'We Would Have Won The War If I Was In Charge,' Low-Ranking Afghanistan Veteran Says
Private 'Pretty Sure' His Headache Is Ebola
Point/Counterpoint: WTF Did Sergeant Major Just Say?
Drone Involved In Latest Pakistan Wedding Strike Has Long History Of Violence
Air Force To Adopt Prancercise Physical Fitness Program
Army Chooses New PT Uniform With Help Of No Soldier Feedback
US Prepares Massive Shipment Of Thoughts And Prayers To Kurds
Opinion: There’s No Way I’m Discussing The Ship’s Budget At This Swingers Orgy
Marine Digging Slit Trench Finds Himself In China
Army War College Welcomes Foreign Exchange Class Of Future Brutal Dictators
Epic Open Letter To An American Badass Veteran From ISIS
General Mattis Takes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Missouri National Guard Arrives In Ferguson, Begins Police Call
REPORT: Witnesses Say Tragic Parachute Accident 'A Hell Of A Way To Die!'
Man Who Lived Through Cold War Says Terrorist Group 'Imminent Threat' To America
National Guard Ordered Back To Ferguson After Soldier Reports Missing Canteen
NATO Officer Unsure If Briefer Is British Or Just Brain Damaged
The Army’s Greatest Battle Will Be Waged Against Combat Leaders And Tattoos
Marine With ‘Death Before Dishonor’ Tattoo Does Something Dishonorable
Opinion: The Philadelphia Eagles Hate The Troops
Navy: I Can Quit Drinking Anytime I Want
US 'Deeply Concerned' After Chinese Jets Sink Navy Aircraft Carrier
I Am A Reflective Belt Of The United States Of America
ISIS Is A Clear Threat To The West That Must Be Stopped
Russia Claims Ukrainian Border Inexplicably Jumped Over Its Paratroopers
ISIS Credits Recruitment Success To Lax Regs, Tattoo Policy
Sailor Just Litters In Public, Like He Doesn’t Even Care About The Core Values He Represents
Local Veteran Stunned Not To Receive Discount Today
The Top 10 Candidates For The Next Sergeant Major Of The Marine Corps
Conflict Zones Worldwide Declare Cease-Fire After Nude Celebrity Photos Leak Online
You're Getting Out Of The Marine Corps? Are You Insane?
Marine Corps Cancels Helicopter Crash Trainer And Just Crashes Real Helicopters In Gulf Of Aden
NSA Hails Apple's New iPhone 6 And Smartwatch
First Sergeant Relieved For Not Being Enough Of A Dick
Marine Corps Gazette Discontinues Controversial Swimsuit Issue
2014 Unintelligible Staff NCO Of The Year Award Announced
Non-Deployed NCO Already Acts like Non-Deployed SNCO
REPORT: US Failure To Confront ISIS Could Lead To Jews Pulling Off Another 9/11
Muslim EOD Soldier Blows Up Stereotypes
Obama Calls On ISIL To Carry Out 'Moderate, Inclusive' Beheadings
Sick Of Cleaning Toilets And Mopping Floors, Janitor Enlists For Navy Adventure
Middle Eastern Card-Stacking Championship Placed On Hold Again
Creepy Guy In S-2 Thinks You Have Really Nice Skin
National Guard Stands Ready To Defend Constitution, Conduct Vehicle Maintenance
US Navy's 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' Celebrations Go Terribly Wrong
Lieutenant Immediately Regrets Showing Picture Of Girlfriend To New Platoon
Pentagon Deploys 3rd Adviser Division To Iraq
Marine Security Guard Excited To Protect Embassies, Be Taken Hostage
Obama Deploys 3,000 Troops To Catch Ebola
Three Afghan Officers Who Disappeared On Cape Cod Found Squatting On Side Of Road Staring At Cars
We Will Defeat ISIL Just Like We Defeated Al Qaeda
Marine Hopes For 'Boots On The Ground' In Syria To Leave Wife, Serve Country
Toddler Who Ignored Military Protocol Receives Non-Punitive Letter Of Caution
Specialist Spending Deployment Bonus On Massive Van Mural
BIDEN: 'Let's Bomb Those Camel Jockeys Back To The Stone Age' In Iraq And Syria
Missed Connections: Sniper Wants To Connect, And More
Soldier Calls Latrine Wall Phone Number, Does Not Have Good Time
Army Females Demand Return Of Old Grey-White PT Gear 'So We Can See The Goods'
Study: 96% Of Troops Walking On Run Route Are Lazy, Shiftless Malingerers
Navy Sends Rescued Fishermen $37 Million Bill
Seasonal, Pumpkin Spice MREs Set For Release
Sailor Asks Not What His Country Can Do For Him But What He Can Do Half-Assed For His Country
Navy Chaplain Corps Commissions First Death Cultist
Navy Celebrates Lonely 239th Birthday In Bed With Pint Of Ice Cream
US Army Still ‘The Best in History’ After 50-Year 1-1-7 Record
Point/Counterpoint: Workout Routines And Supplements
Local Syrian Man Learns 'No ISIS Here' In English For Potential Work As US Translator
White House Security Replaced By Ugandan Contractors
National Guard Drill Weekend Optional, Command Picnic Mandatory
AMAZON BOOK REVIEW: 'Worthy Fights: A Memoir' By Leon Panetta
Coup D'état: Dennis Rodman Takes Over North Korea In Violent Overthrow
General Dunford Uploads YouTube Video Urinating On Amos' Career
Marine Girlfriend Planning Storybook Divorce
ISIS Terrorist Named 'George Bush' Sick Of Being Teased About Name
That Three Weeks You Actually Gave A Shit About Us? That Was Great
Marines Stunned To Learn Gen. Amos' Record Shows He's An Infantry Officer
Marines Arrive In Liberia To Gather Blankets For Syrian Rebels
Most ISIS Militants Still Have Not Completed Safety Stand Down For Islamic New Year
Veteran-Turned-Waiter Appalled No One Is Thanking Him For His Customer Service
Admin Review Finds Defense Secretary Hagel Actually Still Army Specialist
Base Barber: Do You Want A High And Tight, Or A High And Tight?
Ex-Pentagon Janitor Writes Tell-All Book Roasting Leon Panetta
SPONSORED: The Islamic State, A Global Force For God
CO Drunk During Safety Briefing, Sources Say
Half-Finished War Memorial For Iraq And Afghanistan Announced
Pentagon Adds Smoking Ban To Code Of Conduct
Opinion: We Need To Hit ISIS With Everything We Have, Starting With TOW® And Javelin Missiles
General Dunford's First Official Act As Commandant: Ban 'Ooh-rah'
Army Memo Claims Hand-Washing And Gas Masks Will Prevent Ebola Infection
The Essential Guide To Moving Up The Ranks Of The US Military
Opinion: Stop The Ebola Calm-Mongering
Opinion: Drug Users Are A Disgrace To Navy Values
Soldier Dresses As Marine For Halloween So He Can Finally Get Laid
Spouse Accidentally Wins 'Slutty Sailor' Costume Contest
US Military Cuts Off Support For 'Fallujah: The Musical'
Navy Recruiters Struggle With 'Alarmingly High' Sexual Good Conduct Among Senior Leaders
Army To Charge Ebola Quarantine Time Against Annual Leave
Opinion: I Serve My Country By Staring At Anuses All Day
White House Updates Relationship With Military To 'It's Complicated'
Blue Force Tracker Becomes Self-Aware, Has Existential Crisis
REVEALED: Thank You Letter To Defense Contractor For Saving A Soldier's Life
Captain Receives Navy Cross After Successfully Finishing Entire Deployment
Marine Corps Announces Plan To Develop, Cancel New Amphibious Vehicle
Soldier Escapes Ebola Quarantine, Catches Gonorrhea
‘Hey, Watch This’ Memorial Commemorates Service Members Killed In The Line Of Entertainment
Taliban Charges Bowe Bergdahl With Desertion
'I Killed Osama Bin Laden': A 5.56mm Bullet Tells His Story
Error Leads To Confederate General Accidentally Receiving Medal Of Honor
U.S. Creates World's Largest Marine Preserve In Pacific
Opinion: I'll Tell You Why We Lost Iraq And Afghanistan For Only $14.99
Pentagon Warns Troops To Take Shelter From Internet
Afghan War Veteran Elected To Congress Promises New Mosques, Civil Affairs Projects
Pentagon: Troops Without 'Ebola Awareness Certificate' Will Be Locked Down To Base
Superman Rejected For Military Service Since He's An Illegal Alien
Navy Quietly Scuttles Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Prevention Video
Are You There God? It's Me, 1st Sgt
ISIS Overruns Marines' Mock Iraqi Training Village
Army Welcomes First Openly Transgender Military Working Dogs
Chivalrous Sailor Always Lets Females Go Up Ladderwell First
Department Of The Army Diagnosed With ADHD
Tech Sergeant ‘Loves The Smell Of Toner In The Morning’
Pardoned White House Turkey Defects To ISIS
Survey: Basic Training Now Easier Than When You Were There
Drunk Sailor On Liberty Pretty Sure He Can 'Climb That Fucker’
Marine Band To Be Awarded Presidential Unit Citation
Hagel Scheduling Everything Important Until After Successor Takes Over
This Cutting-Edge Winter Gear Will Soon Be Issued To Soldiers, Banned For Wear
Army Realizes It Left Troops in Kosovo
Gen. H.R. McMaster Injured After Leaping Off Roof Wearing Homemade Wings
REPORT: Ashton Kutcher On Short List For Secretary Of Defense
Afghan Amusement Park Lasts Almost 13 Hours
Opinion: How Many Defense Secretaries Do I Need To Fire To Strengthen Our Military?
Opinion: The CIA Did Not Torture
Navy Restricts Honorary Chief Bill Cosby To Scrubbing Honorary Toilets
Army’s New ‘Quick Reaction To Bullshit Force’ Stands Ready For Pointless Details, Waiting Around
Veteran Who Hated Being Thanked For His Service Now Feels Ignored
Soldier Consumes More Than Two Beers At Unit Holiday Party, Dies
Sailor On First Deployment Shocked Other Countries Have Cars, Electricity
Study: 99% Of Lieutenants In Abusive Relationship With Platoon Sergeants
‘Everyone Poops’ Added To Commandant’s Professional Reading List
Obama Ratifies SOFA By Marrying Afghan President's Daughter
Point/Counterpoint: The Base Defense Siren Just Went Off Mid-Jack
SNOWDEN: 'Elf On A Shelf' Actually Hugely Successful NSA Project
How The Sergeant Major Stole Christmas
Major ISIS Offensive Goes Unnoticed During Army-Navy Game
Army-Navy Game Prepares West Pointers For Similar Battlefield Results
1st. Sgt. Invokes 'Primae Noctis' On Christmas Care Packages
BREAKING: Your Christmas Leave Is Cancelled
BREAKING: San Diego Sailors Make Peace With God As Steady Rain Threatens Life As We Know It
North Korean Hackers Upload Pornography To Sergeant Major's Work Computer
CO Mystified Troops Aren't Enthusiastic About Holiday-Themed Moto Run
Opinion: To Fight North Korea, We Need An Agency With Massive Surveillance Capabilities
Sailor At Command Holiday Party Grimly Realizes He Never Left High School
North Korean Hackers Threaten 9/11-Style Attack On Basic Rules Of English Grammar
Afghanistan: A Look Back On America's Longest War
Marine Spends Weekend Libo On Shitter After Two-Week Field Op
Study Finds Most Infantrymen Want Females In Their Platoons
Santa Mistaken for Passenger Jet, Shot Down Over Ukraine
‘I Weep For Our Nation,’ Remarks Fly On Wall At Navy Basic Training
First Sergeant Not Guilty For Summary Execution Of Shitbag
SPONSORED: Veteran Company Debuts Line Of Pro-3rd Amendment T-Shirts
Major Isn't Sure Where His Security Detail Went
Opinion: The Fucking Mirror Moved Again, Fix It For Me
Pentagon To Euthanize All Troops Not Adopted For Holidays
Navy Worried Sailors Quitting ‘Faster Than They Can Be Fired’
Ranger School Replaced By 9-Week Long Online Game
Psychological Operations Debuts New 'Longest Tab'
Veteran Disappointed By Lack Of Workplace Violence
BREAKING: Right-Wing Terrorists Murder 12 Mother Jones Employees Over Palin Cartoons
State Department Awards Immigration Visas To 1,000 Dead Interpreters
Army Dive School Quietly Changes 'I Can't Breathe' Unit Motto
SPONSORED: Taco Bell Honors War Widows With New Beef Bereavos
Biden: Civilian Drone Deaths Totally Worth It
Opinion: Thanks For All The Vengeance
Military Pushes For Same Broad Rules Of Engagement As Civilian Police Forces
It's Not Easy For Me To Say This, But Look: I'm Not Straight
Negligent Weapon Shoots Watch Stander In The Foot
Private Swarmed By Women Wanting Cut Of That Sweet E-2 Pay
The History Of The Battleship In 15 Awesome Pictures
New Army Program Allows Recruits To Join Delta Force
Soldier Figures Out Where To Put The Tomahawk On His Kit
Outgoing Commander: 'I Still Hate You All'
Marine Informed He Is Dead By Corpsman
BREAKING: The Truck Carrying Your Household Goods Just Drove Off A Cliff
Updated Army Evaluation Now Includes Mandatory 'Facebook Presence' Requirement
Fort Hood Achieves Record-High 1½ Star Yelp Score
Boko Haram Struggles To Find Victims People Give A Shit About
Gamer Who Joined ISIS Has Terrible Kill-To-Death Ratio
AFRICOM General Killed By Wildebeest Stampede
DoD Recognizes Your Wife's Boyfriend As A Dependent
Combat Artist Fired For Drawing Too Much Penis
Alcoholic CO Charges Star Soldier With Drunk on Duty
Colonel Finds Plenty Of Supporting Evidence For Confirmation Bias Report
Veterans Threaten Michael Moore Over Cartoon Depicting Chris Kyle
Brewers To Help Veterans With $100 Million In Beer Commercials
Base-Wide Alert After ISIS Breaks Into Soldier's Car
ZZ Top Sues TSA For Racial Profiling
American-Born ISIS Recruit Beheaded For Calling Cadence
Marine One Crew Wishes President Would Shut the F--- Up Already
Marine Corps Spiritual Reawakening Inadvertently Causes Zombie Apocalypse
Pilot Uses Kickstarter To Adopt Predator Drone After Deployment
Obama Fails To Salute Flag Decal On The Back Of Pickup
Sailor Who Can't Wiz Accurately Into Toilet Still Manning The .50-Cal
GNC To Release Pre-Workout Dip
Punxsutawney Phil Predicts At Least Ten More Years Of War
Okinawa Approves New Marine Air Station On Unstable Volcanic Island
Veteran Rage-O-Meter Pushed To 'Elevated' In Response To Brian Williams Scandal
Colonel Who Needlessly Sent 44 Men To Their Deaths 'Dumbfounded' By Super Bowl Play
Corpsman With Stellar Performance Record, Great Tits, Named Sailor Of The Year
New Sergeant Major Of The Army: Prostheses Don’t Meet Standards
The Hottest Sergeants Major of the Army, Ranked
Army Releases List Of Innocuous Phrases It Will No Longer Tweet
Marine Corps Creates New MOS For Recruiting Posters: 4311 Model, Basic Marine
Injured Spouse The Real Victim of Deployment
NBC's Brian Williams Drops Claims To Have Been Personally Beheaded by Al Qaeda
Senator Heroically Saves Obsolete Program, 20,000 Coincidental Jobs In His State
Acme Corp. Exonerated By Military In Rocket Skate Tragedy
Deployment Speed Dating Clears Air, Speeds Rejections
Army Replaces Air Assault Badge with Sexual Assault Badge
Advanced Weapons Tested For Destroyer That Will Never Destroy Anything
'Imminent Threat' Issued After Chaplain's Report Of Religious Extremists
New ISIS Propaganda Video Claims American Colors Do Run
Dress Debate: 27 Beheadings, As Arguments Turn Deadly
Mystery Odor: Somebody Shat Themselves, Or Sgt. Bersekutu's Lunch?
Iranian Missile Test Disrupts Navy Sexual Assault Prevention Class
OPINION: All This Recreational Devil Worship Might Be Affecting My Day Job
Artilleryman Starves to Death Inside Hearing Test Booth
LEAKED: The Training NCO Creed
Sniper Field Manual Excerpt: Shitting In An MRE Bag While Prone
Duffel Blog Reviews The Top 5 Meals Ready-To-Eat
Air Force Launches 'Virtual Work' Mobile App
Scientists Fight To Protect Jellyfish Explosion In US Shower Units
Soldier dies from massive erection after firing .50-Cal for the first time
USMC To Deploy Alabamian Code Talkers
Army Field Tests Emoji-based Operations Order System
Military To End Fat Shaming, Embrace Full-Bodied Warriors
Philosopher NCO Poses Age-Old Logical Paradox: ‘Are You Calling Me A Liar?’
Ballet-Dancer Turned Officer Pirouettes Into TOC
Opinion: Riding In A Humvee Always Gives Me A Boner
Brian Williams Enlists To Prove You Were All Wrong About Him
Suicide Bomber Not Participating In After-Action Review
Putin Spotted In Chicago Driving Ferrari, Dancing On St. Patrick’s Day Parade Float
M*A*S*H Reboot Struggles With Audience
ISIS, Boko Haram Merger Clears Critical US Antitrust Hurdles
OMG! A Navy SEAL’s Tips For Throwing The Perfect Bridal Shower
VA To Deny Disability Claims For Troops Not Wearing PT Belt When Injured
An Open Letter From Iran To Sen. Tom Cotton
ISIS Launches Salsa Night For Morale, Ends With 39 Beheaded
DOD Tax Centers Overwhelmed After Alcohol Declared 'Work Related Expense'
CO Dressed as Easter Bunny Beaten, Robbed at Easter Egg Hunt
Ex-Wife Funds Wedding Weekend With Your SGLI
'Military Working Cat' Project Derailed By Intriguing, Empty Box
BOLO List To Include Every Color And Year Of Corolla
Sailor Really Regrets Putting You Down As A Reference For Top-Secret Clearance
Modern Tips For Noise Discipline In The Field
Opinion: My Worthless Marines Are My Heroes
Study: Mom Jokes Significantly Funnier If Mom Is Dead
Op-Ed: I Sexually Identify As An A-10 Thunderbolt
Bergdahl Found Guilty Of Violating Uniform Policy, Missing Online Training
Controversial ISIS ‘Kill List’ Leaves Off Female Army Captain
The 9 Best Military Pranks For April Fools' Day
ANALYSTS: ISIS 'Kill List' Suspiciously Contains Only Names Of Shitbags
Entire Platoon Will Act As Father For Barracks Queen’s Baby
Opinion: The Best Way To Support Our Veterans Is By Bombing Iran
Navy Fires More Captains than Torpedoes
Indiana National Guardsman Opts Out Of ‘Totally Gay’ Drill Weekend
Soldier Also From Your State Has No Idea What ‘Ironic’ Means
OPINION: America’s Military Needs Softer, More Stealable PTs
Soldiers In Kuwait Awarded Purple Heart For Chlorine Exposure
Despite Switching Urine Samples, Soldier Still Tests Positive For Drugs
Report: PSYOP Neurotoxin 'Patriot Gas' 100% Persuasive
USMC Warfighting Lab Developing Garrison Fitness Test
Army Transfers Chelsea Manning To Marines "So She Can At Least Feel Like A Woman"
Platoon Sergeant Claims 38 Soldiers On His Tax Return
OPINION: It Sure Was Nice Of Sgt. Smith To Let Us Use His Shower
Navy Issues Tablets To Prepare Sailors For Careers Working With 1970s Electronics
New SMA Fired, Army Says It Has Nothing to Do With Tattoo Policy Change
Bi-Racial Female SNCO Sick Of Always Being EO Advisor
Opinion: Why I'm Resigning My Commission, Even Though I'm The Greatest Officer Ever
JOINT CHIEFS: Why We Don't Care That You're Resigning
Platoon Idiot Charged With Larceny In Oxygen Theft
Soldier Hospitalized After Masturbating With CLP
Gen. Dempsey Vows To Unmask The 'Doctrine Man'
Judge Sentences Aaron Hernandez To Serve Time On West Point Football Team
Single Sailor With Nothing Better To Do Really Hoping To Work Late Again
In Desperation, Afghan Women Turn To PETA For Legal Representation
EOD Techs Strike In Protest Of 'No-Alcohol' Policy
Submarine Captain Relieved For Fraternizing With Mermaids
Mysterious 'Hillary' Turd Surfaces After 15 Years
Following Top Secret Leak, David Petraeus Reinstated As CIA Director, Given Backpay
Army Teams Up With Whole Foods To Offer Non-GMO Soldiers
Sailor Won't Shut The Fuck Up About Being In 'Pearl Harbor' For Three Seconds
VA and BuzzFeed Partner To Clear Disability Claims Backlog
Marine Comes Out To Father As POG
Out-of-Regs Staff Sgt. Convinces Marine Privates He's With Delta
Army Recognizes Dedicated Soldier As Meat Gazer Of The Year
Taliban Kicks Off Spring Offensive With Bake Sale
Veterans In VA Waiting Room Accidentally Form Therapy Group
Pfc. With Huge Boobs, Three Bronze Stars, Says They’re Real
Gen. Dempsey Says Iraq 'Not Strategically Significant'
Coast Guard Defends Baltimore's Inner Harbor Hard Rock Cafe
Study: Use Of Military Jargon Validates Pathetic Existence
New Battle Command Network Offers Unprecedented Micromanagement Opportunities
NSA Overturns Court's Overturning Of Surveillance Program Ruling
Militants Unhappy Recruit Got ‘Ariel’ On ‘Which Disney Princess Are You?’ Quiz
Baltimore Unrest Tied To Saudi-Iranian Proxy Wars
ISIS Grudgingly Admits Half Its 71 Soldiers In US Already Married, More Than $50K In Debt
New Navy 'Battle Stations' Simulates PowerPoint, Trash Sorting
Air Force Permits Atheists To Mentally Omit 'God' During Forced Prayers
Females Complain After Administration MOS Opened To Males
Conservatives Invited To A Weekend Of Burning Shit For Just $50k
Odierno Mandates Bigger Name Tape So He Doesn’t Have To Get New Glasses
Army Plans 'Dad Bod' Physical Standards For Males With Dependents
Fat Sailor Claims He’s Overweight Because He Just Eats Too Much
OPINION: I Fight Human Sex Trafficking By Always Giving My Hookers A DVD To Learn Karate
Pro-American Brand Launches 'Tapped Out' Patriotic Casket Line
Controversial Video Shows ISIS Fighters Entering DFAC With Dirty Gear
REPORT: State Department Losing Propaganda War To Group That Recruits Suicide Bombers
OPINION: Oh, I Guess We All Just Enjoy Memorial Day Now, Ha! Ha!
Soldier Disappointed To Learn Jade Helm Not In Fact A Coup
ISIS Hit With Massive Wireless Bill After Sending 'Message To America'
NCO Gives Daily 45 Minute Speech on Importance of Not Wasting Time
Facebook Convinced You Should Be Friends with Your Sgt. Maj.
Army Investigating Claims Battalion Fought War With Deflated Morale
Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Public Affairs
7th Cavalry Regiment Hosts 'Trail of Tears Memorial 5K'
Headquarters Commander Doesn't Command Anything
Congress Repeals Ban On Nudists Serving Openly
Heartwarming! This Man Honors Soldiers Every Day By Putting On The Same Uniform They Do
CO: Oops, I Meant To Say 'Closed Door' Policy
US Sanctions Iran With Aging Nuclear Weapons
Army Cancels Black Light Equipment Inspections
Seabee Can Fix Anything But Broken Heart
Islamic State Pays Tribute To WWII Veterans
School Tells Student He Can't Wear Dad's Necklace Of Severed Enemy Ears
Soldier Looking Forward To Deployment To Catch Up On TV, Video Games
Air Force, Marines Cancel F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
NSA Launches 'Revenge Porn Site'
Chinese Hackers Access Performance Reviews Of 3 Million Shitty Federal Workers
Pentagon To Bypass Iraqi Army And Supply ISIS Directly
SAFETY FIRST: We Let Extremists Torch Three US Flags To See Which Brand Was Most Flame Resistant
Syrian Hackers Took Over The Army's Website In 2009 And This Soldier Just Noticed
Surprise Homecoming Ruined By Camera Malfunction
USS Gabrielle Giffords Christened As Navy's First Gun-Free Warship
Fort Ho Chi Minh Opens, Hosts Reactivated 23rd Americal Division
Chairman Says 'Fuck This Noise' In New National Military Strategy
OPINION: A Jelly Doughnut Responds To Gunny Hartman
CSM Fired After Offensive 'Eskimo Dick' Cadence
Navy SEAL Writes Tell-All Book About Delta Force Raid
Japanese Sailor Embraces US Culture With Traditional American Tattoos
Yankee Candle Company Unveils New Line For Veterans
Inaugural ‘State Of The Caliphate’ Address Met With Blank Stares From Pyramid Of Severed Heads
DD214 Can’t Believe This Douche Is About To Separate With Only Three Ribbons
CO: Soldiers Will Wear Marine Corps Uniforms To Improve Morale
Marine Identifies As Someone Who Did Not Get A DUI This Weekend
Veteran With PTSD Tells Neighborhood Not To Have Any Fun This 4th Of July
SECDEF: This Canada Day, We Are Totally Over War Of 1812
Iraqi Army Running Desperately Short of Deserters
China Announces 'US Intelligence Officer' Job Openings
Drones Added To USAF 'Heritage Flight'
Fort Bragg Cancels July 4th Passes, Implements Mandatory 'Self-Awareness' Training
Female Ranger School Attendees Question Pickle Jar Opening Test
Pentagon To Rename Confederate Bases For Army Values
HOMELESS: Volcano Dragon From 1998 Marine Corps Ad Living In Van On Skid Row
Terrorists Clamor To Apply For US 'Power Vacuum Sweepstakes'
New VFW Study Estimates More Than 15 Billion Enemy Dead Since 1776
National Guard Announces Bold New ‘Third To Fight’ Advertising Campaign
Gallup: Moto Decals Distinguish Heroes From Zeroes, Americans Say
New Father Volunteering To Stand Duty For Everyone
Autocorrect Fail Leads To CIA Waterboarding In Semen
Army Print Shop Training Accident Turns Deadly
New F-35 Technology 'Radar' May Detect Objects In Sky
National Guard: We Need Our Apache Helicopters to Defeat Gay Marriage
Charitable Soldier Installs Doors In Afghan Homes, Kicks Them Down
Air Force Asks EU For F-35 Bailout
Marines Issue Policy For Off-Duty Personnel To Cover Heads With Bags
Marine ‘Emotionally Exhausted’ By Having To Plan To Kill Everyone He Meets
Veterans Unsure Whether They Can Make Fun of Medal Of Honor Hero
Troop Cuts Spark New 'Army Of None' Marketing Campaign
USMC Eliminates Safety in Attempt to Cut Numbers
Opinion: Everyone In The Military Is A Coward
West Point Revokes Diplomas Of Confederate Graduates
Intel Officer Uses All These Big Words
Opinion: Let’s Fight Them Here So We Don’t Have To Fight Them There
Staff Officer Weeps After Finding Old Combat Gear In Garage
ISIS Veteran Creates Line of Militant-Themed Apparel
Recruit Skeptical Of Drill Instructor's Claim To Have 'More Games Than Milton Bradley'
General Misses Division Review Racked Out At Sick Call
TALK LOUDER: A Military Guide To Group Work
Pentagon Regrets Taking Out Payday Loan for F-35
Winded Warrior Project Helps Soldiers, Vets Get Fit
ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Orders More 'Family-Friendly' Execution Videos
Award Downgraded By Recommender
Boko Haram Outraged By Murder Of Innocent African
SECNAV Announces Actual Physical Fitness Program
Odierno: Taco Tuesday Only Thing Holding This Damn Country Together
God Strikes Down Ranger School For Allowing Women
I Will Always Remember Where I Was When Cecil The Lion Was Killed
CIA Asks Coast Guard For Its Cocaine Back
Navy Will Charge Sailor So Allen West Won't Look Stupid
Iran Condemns Anniversary of 'Non-Zionist' Country Getting Nuked
Lieutenant Assumes Warrant Officer Must Be At Work If His Hat's Here
ISAF Orders Afghan-Theater-Wide Police Call For Spent Brass
Kentucky Man Al Kader Rejected From Military Recruiting Stations
OPINION: My Wife Will Probably Leave Me Now That She's Been Learning English
Major Realizes His Job Is Completely Irrelevant, Achieves Nirvana
Soldier Commits Suicide By First Sergeant
Marine Thrills Family With Surprise Homecoming From Strip Club
Army Too Busy To Play Navy This College Football Season
Guy Who Got Petraeus' Old Phone Number Sick Of Hearing From Paula Broadwell
Out-Of-Standards NCO: 'Female Rangers Will Be A Disgrace'
Special Forces, 75th Rangers Build 'No Girls Allowed' Club House
REPORT: Female Ranger Grads Going To Crush So Much Fucking Pussy This Weekend
Market Crash Linked To Odierno's Peddling Of High-Risk Financial Instruments
Lockheed Upbeat Despite F-35 Losing Dogfight To Red Baron
Paris Train Gunman ‘Ashamed’ Of Being Stopped By Airman, National Guardsman
Airman, Guardsman Heroically Subdue Media Interest In Female Army Rangers
Fleet Cyber Sailors Train On 'Notional Computers'
Make-A-Wish Helps Dying Vet Get Day Of Attention From VA
Pentagon Angered At Speed Of French Military Awards System
Guantanamo Bay Revealed To Be Elaborate 'Gay Groping' Conspiracy
Gatorade Awarded $1 Billion Piss Bottle Contract
For Sale: AGM-114K Hellfire Missile, Slightly Damaged. Asking $1000 OBO. Location: Fort Drum, NY
Politically Correct Officer Unsure Who Enemy Should Be In Wargame
New Regulation To Prohibit Marines From Inviting Celebrities To Marine Corps Ball
Hillary Clinton Denies Knowledge Of Benghazi Trailer
E-4 Mafia Frantically Expending Surplus Fucks Before End of Fiscal Year
Army Times Hackers Threaten To Release Names Of Paid Subscribers
Pentagon Requests 500 Gold-Plated F-35s
Ultra-Efficient Personnel Officer Loses Leave Request Forms Faster Than Ever
All-Veteran Paintball Team Can’t Win Without Air Support
John McCain: 'I Always Felt That I Was In High Stakes Real Estate' In North Vietnam Prison Camp
Army Clerk Refuses To Issue DD214s
After Al Qaeda Declares War on ISIS, US Unsure Which Terrorists To Back
World Begs U.S. To Use Military Force in Syria So They Can Bitch About It Later
Major Changes Announced For Army's Expert Infantryman Badge Test
Delta Flight Unable To Takeoff After Pilots Give Up Their Seats For Veterans
Crime Rates Near Air Force Bases Plummet As Vigilante Airmen Seek Promotions
Jade Helm Observers Unsure What To Do With All This Tactical Shit Now
Syrian Teen Builds Clock, Beheaded For Witchcraft
Soldier With Colostomy Is Real Shitbag
Access to Printer 3242678.mcqc//s3 Earned, Never Given
Press Just Now Realizing What All Those 'Man Love Thursday' Jokes Are About
Marine In Japan Regrets Confusing 'Kabuki' With 'Bukakke'
Intelligence Officer Fired For Misuse Of Classified Stapler
Navy Chief Gives Fatherly Nod Of Approval To Junior Sailor, Calls It A Day
Private Sporting ‘Infantry’ T-Shirt Fully Prepared For ‘Miles Of Pussy’
Local Mom Pretty Sure Ribbon On Son's Uniform Is The Medal Of Honor
Navy Cook Perfects Recipe For Burnt Pancakes
Army Unveils Pink Camouflage Uniform For Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Despite Retirement And New Job, Dempsey Won't Stop Observing Army Training
Pentagon Downplays Significance Of Taliban Taking Over All Of Afghanistan Last Night
Special Forces To Change 'Free The Oppressed' Motto After Complaints From Afghans Holding Sex Slaves
22 Ways to Be a Modern Military Man
Afghan Soldier from Kunduz Really Dreading Work Tomorrow
Russian Troops 'Optimistic' Deploying To Decades-Long Quagmire
Dempsey Unable To Retire Until CIF Signs Off On Missing Canteen
DOD Announces 'Stop Doing Dumb Shit' Challenge
Ex-JCS Chair Dempsey Replaces Bulls' Point Guard Derrick Rose
Heroic Veteran From Oregon Shooting Just Glad He's Not In VA Hospital
National Guard General Resigns After 'Hurtful' Pranks By Other Joint Chiefs
OPINION: You're On A Five-Mile Company Run, But Your Anus Can't Go On
Air Force Orders Spencer Stone Placed In Secure Bunker For Rest Of Enlistment
Military Hiring Linguists To Translate Military Instructions
Admiral Unable To Understand Tactics Without Cool Rhyme
Sgt. Maj. Ruins Career By Publicizing Female Infantry Study Results Instead of Destroying Them
Deployed Airman Struggles To Balance Work With Education, Relaxation Time
Man Donates Grandfather's Intolerant, Narrow-Minded WWII Letters To Local Museum
Army Agrees to Accept 20,000 Syrian Migrants To Meet Retention Goals
Warrant Officer Accidentally Does Some Work
Coast Guard Calls Off Search For Missing GoPro Camera
Mutant Super-Soldier Can’t Find Job After Service
Jim Webb Promises Not to Kill Again if Elected President
Gate MPs: 'Taliban Fighter' Costumes Popular This Halloween
Coast Guard Swimmer Only Saves People Who Believe In Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ
Commanders Dispensing Awards To Lieutenants Like Candy For Halloween
Obama To Continue Airstrikes On Hospitals In Afghanistan Beyond 2017
New 'Gender Neutral' Latrines Will Require Troops To Sit While They Pee
Pentagon Confirms Delta Force Helmet Cam Footage 'Bad-Ass'
Army To Offer Two-Mile Walmart Scooter Ride For APFT
Third Female Ranger School Grad Still Awaiting Fame
'Why Aren’t You Married' A Popular Game At Mandatory Fun Weekend
Coast Guard Ghost Ship Inspection Finds Two Safety Violations And Expired Haunting Permit
Head Of Cyber Command Worried Robot Maid May Kill Him In His Sleep
Commander Struggles To Find Three 'Sustains' During War-Crime AAR
Drone Pilot Traumatizes Kids At Local Career Day
Candidates Vow To Support Troops With Prepared Statements, Facebook Posts Through Election
Panic, Chaos During Air Force-Wide Facebook Outage
Air Force Academy Cadet's Sacrifices Honored With Free Veterans Day Meal At Chili's
Oprah Winfrey Hosts Veterans Day Giveaway Special
Opinion: Welcome back to work, Airman... I mean, Staff Sergeant Stone.
Marine Demands Marathon Winner’s Birth Certificate
Drones In Syria 'Serving Strictly In An Advisory Role'
Bernie Sanders Promises To End Military Ban On Marijuana
Congressional Resolution Reinstates 'French' Fries, 'French' Toast
Ben Carson Claims He Refused Full Scholarship With Navy SEAL Team 6
Military Mom Of Ungrateful, Whiny Kids Relieved To Be Deployed For The Holidays
Enraged Pope Vows To Enlist In The French Foreign Legion
OBITUARY: Mohammed Emwazi, AKA Jihadi John
2016 GOP Candidates Strengthen Foreign Policy Credentials By Watching 'American Sniper'
US Not Sure Who It's Fighting In Middle East, Bombs Israel 'Just To Be Sure'
Doctors Close To Cure For Butthurt Disease
SMA Dailey Authorizes Festive Holiday Uniform Modifications
Aide Catches USAFE Commander Trying To Sneak Out Again
Army To Lower Divorce Rates By Training Soldiers Not To Marry Strippers
Trump Revealed To Be Vladimir Putin In Hilarious Wig
Emotional Homecoming As Coast Guard Cutter Returns From Ten Long Days At Sea
Syrian Refugees Relieved Not To Be Sent To Detroit
Navy Unveils $14.99 (+ s/h) Strategic Planning Technology
Student Veterans Convert Northeastern University's Veteran Center Into Brothel
White House Cancels Turkey Pardon After Russian Fighter Incident
Americans Unite To Welcome 10,000 Syrian Refugee Dogs
OpEd: Male Troops, Aged 18 – 19, Welcome At My Home For Thanksgiving
DARPA to Weaponize Thoughts and Prayers
ISIS Threatens To Sue Anyone Who Claims Their Justice System Is Different From Saudi Arabia's
Syrian Refugee Vetting Assigned To VA, 10-Year Backlog Announced
OPINION: This Corporal’s Reenlistment Speech Really Life-Changing
Pistol Tattoos Aiming At Vagina A Unique Way To Celebrate M-9 Qual
Pearl Harbor Vet Splashes Low-Flying F/A-18 During Memorial Parade
Japanese Emperor Admits Pearl Harbor 'Kind of a Dick Move'
SOLDIERING ON: Sgt. Refuses Medical Retirement Before 100 Percent
No One Gives A Shit About CO's ‘26.2’ Bumper Sticker
Navy Beats Army in Annual Pillow Fight
Can Of Dip Miraculously Lasts Eight Days In The Field
Thank God This Briefer Is Here To Robotically Read The Slides Word-For-Word
DoD Releases Intercepts of New ISIS ‘Help’ Line
SF Soldier-Turned-CIA Officer Disappointed To Find Out It's Not 'Just Like Splinter Cell'
The ISIS Holiday Shopping Guide
Female Infantry Marine Caught Scribbling Vaginas On Port-A-John Walls
Sergeant Major Disappointed 'The Force Awakens' Not About Reveille, Morning PT
ISIS Shows Mercy Through Indiscriminate Mass Murder
Suicide Bombers Outraged Over Having To Work Christmas Day
'Twas The Duty NCO Before Christmas
West Point Blames Allowing Women On Team For Loss
Citadel's Most Embarrassing Fall Moment Is Not Football For Once
Marine Corps Band NJP'd for Playing 'Baby its Cold Outside'
ISIS Secures Comms By Putting '*Star Wars Spoiler*' Before Every Message
National Guard Receives Coloring Book At Gift Exchange, Told To Sit Quietly In Corner
Records Reveal Commander In Chief Has NEVER Deployed!
Weird Guy On Watch Talking About How He Can Freeze Time Again
A-10 Squadron Intentionally Naughty To Get Coal For Fuel
Martin Shkreli Pays $3 For Only Copy Of Final 'Tops In Blue' Album
Army Bans Whistles To Discourage Future Whistleblowers
Army Replacing Enlistment Bonuses With Welfare Checks
Colonel Without Combat Patch Decides It's Finally Safe to Leave the Pentagon
Coast Guard Inspects Epic Party Boat Over And Over And Over
STUDY: Mobile Porn Sites Work Better On Chapel WiFi
Vets With Similar Combat Experiences Try One-Upping Deployment Masturbation Stories
Federal Agencies Solve Veteran Unemployment Problem By Linking To USAJobs
Terminally Ill Make-a-Wish Child Accused Of Stolen Valor
Army Reserve Raises Terror Threat Level To 'Meh'
Guard Recruiter's 'Netflix And Drill' Not Catching On So Far
BREAKING: Page Actually Unintentionally Left Blank
Bride of ISIS Fighter New Year's Resolutions: 'Please Help Me, I've Made a Terrible Mistake'
Jewish Soldier AWOL After Misinterpreting ‘Christmas Exodus’
DoD Combines All The Nutjobs Into New Super Unit
Pentagon Spends $10 Million On Powerball Tickets With Hopes Of Bolstering F-35 Program
Oregon Militia Bored With Lack Of Shock Or Awe
F-35 Blows New Year's Resolution, Gains $25 Billion
Conspiracy Theorist Warns US Ignoring Incredible Threats
Bin Laden Shooter To Release Sex Tape
Navy Downgraded To 'Regional Force For Good'
First Cavalrywoman Looking Forward To All The Ponies
Homeless Veteran 'Super Happy' People Paid Attention To Him On Facebook For A Week
U.S. Air Force Sells A-10s to ISIS
Coast Guard Unveils FY16 GoFundMe Campaign
Lieutenant Uses Memes To Connect With Soldiers
US Hires George R. R. Martin To Wipe Out ISIS, Kill Off F-35
ISIS Blames Suicide Bomber Life Insurance For Financial Woes
Facebook OPSEC Violation Causes Delayed Redeployment
Officer 'Recently Transitioning' On LinkedIn Since 2011
Sailor Spent Months Learning To Blink Morse Code, 'Kind Of Pissed' He Didn't Get To Use It
DoD: Spouses Selling Snake Oil and Potions at All-Time High
New DOD Regulations Confirm That OPSEC Doesn’t Apply To Everyone
Joe Biden Criticized For Praising Snowden
Brave DC Guardsman Runs Towards the Sound of Snowflakes
VFW Brawl Erupts Between Old Guard, Chosin Vets
Trump Vows To Increase Wounded Warriors By 2,000%
Tomb Guard Wishes Asshole Photographer Would Go Away So He Could Get Out Of This Damn Storm
Army To Keep 450,000 Soldiers If It Gets 450,000 ‘Likes’
ISIS Threatens Attack On Puppy Bowl
STUDY: Majority of Army Personnel Report They Are Just ‘Social Drinkers’
Soldier Plans Romantic Dinner For Pregnant Girlfriend Atop Long Staircase
Alcoholic JAG Attorney Fails To Pass Bar
Ashley Madison Hires Jeffrey Sinclair For Super Bowl Commercials
Coast Guard Mostly Saves Very Stupid People, Study Finds
Man Who Found 'ISIS Hunter' Shirt Unable to Find Recruiting Station
Hasbro Announces New, More Realistic G.I. Joe Action Figures
Marine Gives Birth to Record-Breaking 12lb 8oz MRE Food Baby
Units Ban Gym Use After Army Chief Approves Earbud Use In Gyms
DOD To Save Funds By Paying Women 73 Cents On The Dollar
Illicit Relationship Between S3 And S4 Is Logistical Operations Nightmare
New Veteran ID Cards Delayed Until Tracking Devices Fully Functional
VA Outsources Call Centers To North Korea
F-35 For Snow Removal? Multirole Fighter Destroys AF Academy With Avalanche
Hacker Named 'Penis' Penetrates Restricted Network, Makes A Mess
Click, click, zoom! Military outfitter releases tactical selfie-stick
Zika Warnings Suspiciously Coincide With DOD Maternity-Leave Expansion
Shock Poll: Over 68% of Terrorists Don't Believe Obama Is Muslim
EOD Detonates Unattended Teen At Airport
F-16 To KC-135: I Thought We Had Something Magical
A Reaper Drone Speaks: 'America Needs A President Who Supports Endless War'
Soldier Leaves 100% Of SGLI To Poncho Liner
Anonymous Health Survey Raises Concerns About Spc. Higgins Of 340 Dover St.
Veteran Excited To Waste GI Bill At For-Profit School
Airman wishes people would stop asking 'Which branch of the Army' he's in
Pentagon Announces Gender Neutral Hair Standards
Lab Grown Testicles Give New Hope To Incoming Platoon Leaders
MTV's ‘Pimp My Smoke Pit’ creates cool new space for Marines
Pentagon Destroyed Islamic State Cash By Investing In F-35
Afghan Hipster Crafts Locally-Sourced Artisan Bombs
Drunk Soldier Supports Women Registering For The Shaft
OP-ED: Please stop building the terrain model next to the slit trench
REVIEW: 'Jarhead 3: Benghazi' Is A Powerful Character Study Of Marine Todd
VA celebrates Brain Injury Awareness Month by forgetting to celebrate Brain Injury Awareness Month
Army worried terrorists may target 'NCO Development Town Hall'
Leadership Manual Becomes Newest Coast Guard Skipper
Retired Sergeant Major urges Peshmerga fighters to remember 'safety is paramount'
New Army 'Performance Triad': Unprotected sex, steroids, and tobacco
Coast Guard enlists phone sex operators to make search and rescue more sensual
Poll: Support for another Crusade at highest level since 14th century
Vulgar Marine Sentenced To Finish Enlistment In Air Force
Lieutenant who wouldn't sign for billion-dollar power armor facing Court Martial
Army Times celebrates 50th cover story about APFT changes
Inventor creates 'Rock Or Something' to lean your MRE on
Veteran bashes Americans for exercising freedom incorrectly
Pentagon Declares Global War On Whistleblowers
Alcohol industry praying for increased National Guard training days
VA Tests 'Service Shark Therapy' With Mixed Results
ISIS surrenders after reading veteran's open letter
Breakthrough military technology enables cutting-edge micromanagement
Coast Guard 'moderately confident' newest cutter won't break in half
Incredible Photos Of Rescue Swimmers Shitting Their Wetsuits After Jumping Out Of Helicopters
Air Force switches to gender-neutral 'unpersonned aerial vehicles'
Air Force begins lobbying for next trillion-dollar flying clusterfuck
Captured Paris attacker sentenced to make mild disagreement at Trump rally
Air Force reveals artist rendering of $5 trillion stealth money pit
Irish Americans accuse Army of ‘cultural appropriation’ over color green
Pentagon worried about strategic nerd shortage on electronic battlefield
Army marksmanship shoots up 15% after online qualification
DOD requires remedial sexting classes for Generals, Admirals
Soldier learns innovative harassment techniques at SHARP training
Bowe Bergdahl praises Star Wars VII as 'runaway hit'
'Black Lives Matter' protesters disrupt ISIS beheading
Marine Commandant changes tattoo policy after drunken night in Vegas
Ikea signs $800 million contract to assemble Iraqi prime minister's cabinet
'Millennials are lazy freeloaders,' says nation whose longest wars fought by Millennials
SHARP, EO Training Necessary for 'Readiness,' Army Leaders Insist
Pentagon 'pretty sure' it can ditch Counterinsurgency Manual this time
Soldiers thrilled by new DoD sperm storage program that allows masturbation on duty
Sergeant Hur Dur seeks to change military by saying 'Hur dur ba dur dur'
Russia releases improved ‘director's cut’ of soldier calling airstrike on self
Navy officer sold secrets to China for Dave & Buster’s Power Card, officials say
Food Service POG suggests women are useless in the military
Coast Guard scraps towing contract after horny dolphins leave cutter adrift
Buddy fucker charged with sexual assault
Soldier discovers cheat code to SHARP training video game
Commander punished for using 'Hajji' in plan to wipe out entire village
Gen. Mattis 'no ballsed' into running for president
ROTC Cadet logs 500 hours in flight suit
Navy gym evacuated after Axe Body Spray incident
Congress cuts enlisted pay to fund F-35 stereo system
Study links sound of distant helicopters to veteran disappearances
Ship's XO executed after command climate survey criticizes skipper
Army approves uniform modifications for Furries
Kyle Carpenter stripped of Medal Of Honor for failure to complete online training
Woefully unqualified veteran blames rejection on anti-veteran tech company
Report: Openly gay Secretary of the Army does job
After Prince death, Airborne admits maroon berets actually raspberry
Budget cuts force Defense to downsize Pentagon to a square
Coast Guard K9 returns home to wife sleeping with other dog
Retired sergeant major discovers freedom is free
After pressure from Native American groups, Apache helicopters renamed ‘Haji Killers’
"Whac-A-Mole: Jihadi Edition" A Hit At CENTCOM
OPINION: The UCMJ Ban on Threesomes is Fucking Bullshit
Army Chief of Staff arrested buying $17 million worth of pistols from undercover ATF agent
Captain America promoted to major, moved to staff position
DOD Announces new SitBit Activity Tracker for Staff Officers
Military working dog forced to carry 225-lb bag of shit on leash for entire deployment
Health And Comfort Inspection Overlooks Black Mold, Exposed Wiring
Platoon sergeant likes to think himself as abusive father figure
America’s Navy: Are you going to finish eating that?
Point/Counterpoint: Women In Kombat
Grooming standards relaxed to give balding military members ‘one last go at it’
Suicide bomber can't believe he forgot to send a Mother’s Day card
Ray Mabus admits that he just hates the Navy
The DB interview: White House Press Secretary clarifies U.S. involvement in Iraq
Lockheed-Martin sues 82nd Airborne for C-130 cadence royalties
West Point Cadets expelled for racially motivated salute
Coast Guard vows to move to Canada if Trump is elected
Marine Corps' new titles remove 'man' from infantryman, other jobs
VA to start providing same childlike joy as Disneyland
Nation anxiously waiting out yet another veteran-oriented holiday
Opinion: I can't believe Bradley Cooper would just lie like that
Submarine develops toxic shock syndrome after forgetting to change commanders
Obama ends Vietnam trip with ceremonial helicopter evacuation from rooftop
Obama apologizes for bombing Hiroshima speech
NEX offers 'Express Lane' for veterans who only purchase booze and cigarettes
Midshipman missing after being consumed by vacuum toilet
Battalion to hold sleep deprivation awareness brief at 0430
Mentorship Corner: You’ll be successful with a goal in mind, and my goal is health insurance
Army celebrates 10 years of porn-free warzones after 100% effective General Order 1B
JFK Special Warfare School preemptively changes name to Trump Yuuge Platinum Warrior Academy
Obama touts legacy of renaming wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, saying he would close Gitmo
Opinion: The Navy should grant me paternity leave whenever a boat mama pops out another of my kids
Prior-service Sergeant horrified by new reserve unit's high morale
Iraqi soldier invents 'Inshallah' watch
Army disastrously tries to copy Navy's 'Fleet Week'
Navy posthumously awards Chris Kyle medals he said he earned
Salon Editors: We Should Have Let The Axis Win
B-52s back on tour and 'playing the classics'
Report: Fucking asshole packing his guitar for upcoming training exercise
Admiral in Japan baffled by 900% spike in drug cases
Obama to apologize to Japan for Pearl Harbor
First Marine Infantrywoman: 'POGs are pussies'
Pentagon kills defense reporter after toddler falls into press enclosure
Opinion: Thank you, veterans, for telling me how to celebrate every holiday
Ever wonder why our flag is folded into a triangle?
Many arrests after substance abuse stand down at San Diego bar
Hardest working soldier in battalion wins 'More Work' award
Soldiers authorized to use slit trench 'with which they identify'
Co-workers diagnosed with PTSD due to veteran's inability to stop talking about PTSD
AFRICOM abandons Djibouti 'because of all the giggling'
VA adds 'and a wake up' to automated phone wait time
Hey, it's me, your recurring nightmares
Expert Marksman killed in first gunfight
Army fails to meet First Lady's 'Move 60' fitness goal
Soldier fails to #EarnHisCake on Army birthday, gets other-than-honorable discharge
Shi'a death squads liberate Fallujah from Sunni death squads
Army replaces benefits with rolled sleeves
Journalist who fired AR-15 bazooka awarded National Defense Service Medal
SemperFuxit: Marine Corps votes to exit Dept. of the Navy
Corpsman ecstatic to discover Skittles in wounded Marine’s first aid kit
Report: Rolled sleeves authorized by every commander except yours
Jody willing to stand in for you this Father's Day
DoD regrets using virtual reality headsets for SHARP training
Navy to issue knee pads to sailors deploying to Persian Gulf
Navy veteran fired after party boat detained in Canadian waters
Naval Academy graduate prefers to masturbate with his class ring
Good Idea Fairy revealed as O-3 in Pentagon basement
Coast Guard 'always ready' for massive roboshark invasion
Here's an article full of classified info, because who even gives a shit anymore?
Joint Base Andrews on lockdown over reports of rockets, explosions in sky
Annoyed parents wish deadbeat son would get off the sofa and join ISIS already
DARPA 'pretty sure' socially progressive missile looks like a giant clitoris
Afghanistan rolls eyes, checks watch, lights cigarette as US takes forever to pull out
Report: Grown men who defend country spend all day looking for Pokémon
China builds artificial island in middle of Pearl Harbor
Same stock photo of attractive female officer used for another article about military women
Private who crashed fuel truck not even playing Pokémon GO this time
ISIS claims responsibility for Nice attack, can't remember attacker's goddamn name
Turkish soldiers pissed they have to work this weekend
Nine dead at Pokemon Gym located in Sergeant Major’s parking spot
CENTCOM Commander can’t believe it’s not his problem for once
Spartan Race canceled over 'cultural appropriation' concerns
Man uses ‘vet card’ to win every argument ever
Drone sent to Equal Opportunity for targeting darker-skinned militants
Coast Guard using seized marijuana at morale events
Military community must condemn radicalized veterans say Trump, Congressional Republicans
COCOM Commanders: Are you satisfied with your current force provider?
Soldier who joined military for access to USO Lounges questioning life choices
Soldier gets reamed out for not saluting officer who 'hates being saluted'
Army psychiatrist grateful to attend suicide prevention training geared towards privates
UAV sick of being told he's not a real pilot
Critics say Admiral lobbying for world's largest warship 'compensating for something'
Puddle depth to blame for Coast Guardsman's concussion during swim call
Debt-free, never-divorced staff sergeant loses security clearance
Celebration as 500,000th sailor graduates NETC with zero knowledge
Hasan, Manning, and Bales to form US Army 'Suicide Skwad'
Navy to build USS Thanks Obama for deployment to every disaster
Duty NCO praised for 'meticulous logbook' following mass shooting
Trump calls for Constitutional ban on Gold Star families talking about him
'Military coup' wins poll of troops in a landslide
Paginated Post: 9 Best Places to Go Camping Around the World
Quiz: Which Global War on Terrorism operation are YOU?
Coast Guard: Our birthday was Thursday, thanks for noticing
Opinion: You don't get the haircut you want, you get the haircut you deserve
ADVICE: Leadership strategies for today's new infantry woman
Soldier submits award packet to Chinese hackers after S1 delays
Recent veteran surprised to learn 'OIF/OEF' ball caps not mandatory
Prepper: Obama to become Antichrist, enact martial law ‘any day now’
College class holds meeting on ways to fuck with student veteran
No one knows what that 58-year old DoD civilian actually does
Commandant brings back 'Old Corps' by placing massive order for papyrus
Zarqawi challenges Trump: 'I founded ISIS'
Soldier really phoning it in now that he’s only 12 years from retirement
Report: Ryan Lochte took sniper fire while boarding aircraft in Rio
Officers caught using fake Facebook accounts to spy on subordinates
Obama releases Guantanamo detainees to make room for Syrian refugees
Coast Guard recruits Michael Phelps as only rescue swimmer
Pentagon bans Sperrys, khaki shorts, and pastel shirts for off-duty troops
Marine Special Operators get a codpiece
FBI warns terrorists may have Dihydrogen Monoxide
Report: NSA leak caused by Microsoft’s 'Clippy'
Marine Corps admits Iwo Jima Marines not actually raising a flag
Potential employer says 'veteran status' is 'sooo 2010'
Coast Guard officer diagnosed with PTSD for seven hour work day
Coast Guardsman who saved drowning man is still kind of an asshole
Point/Counterpoint: It's Pronounced Camp Le-JERN vs. I Have Cancer
Navy planning to replace bad uniforms with even worse ones
Hey! My cousin is in the Coast Guard, you probably know him!
Marine vet terrorizes coworkers by slicing apple with Ka-Bar
Embarrassing dad won't stop talking about soldier's potty-training accidents, grisly combat death
ISIS announces 'Pacific Pivot' to Indonesia, Malaysia
Sick call in crisis after 800% increase in price of Motrin
National Security Agency unveils classified dating app: 'StripR'
PETA protests testing of hair products on SEALs
Arab sailor says recent terror attacks have made it impossible for him to get laid
USS North Carolina attack sub retrofitted with LGBTQ-friendly toilets
US looking forward to day GWOT moves out in 3 years, becomes someone else’s problem
CIA officer was ready to give his life on 9/11 inside job
Re-enlistments spike after ITT Tech shutdown
Twice-deployed Airman demands apology from Colin Kaepernick
'We're just as good as men,' Infantrywoman says from back of ambulance
More than 2000 sailors on the USS Eisenhower request paternity leave
Assad hopeful cease fire lets Syria resume normal peacetime genocide operations
New study finds 80% of Army combatives training conducted on wives, bouncers
Hillary Clinton buys Gulfstream G500 at 35% interest to show solidarity with military
Marine Corps exceeds gender quota by ordering men to identify as female
Guy squeezing into his uniform putting a lot of faith in one critical button
DoD plans update clarifying double standards for military justice
New survey of US troops reveals horrifying actual opinions of service members
ISIS claims responsibility for herpes, First Sergeants, and 2pac
Sailor outraged children's discount more than veterans at local aquarium
Chow Hall brown bag lunches featured in Clean Eating magazine
Breaking Barriers: Marine Corps appoints first white male equal opportunity advisor
Report: Terror attack stopped by heroic activist who established safe space in local mall
REVEALED: Army historians find 'Message To Garcia' hero actually a bumbling moron
Marine officer swears she will quit if she sees one more butthole
Veteran who deployed once, never fired weapon, now expert on police use of force
Opinion: Care packages should only contain booze, tobacco, and porn
Russian pilot has 'Aleppo moment', forgets to bomb terrorists instead of civilians
Military hospitals still struggling with mass casualties from presidential debate drinking game
VA to implement prescription drug grab bag policy
Shammers observed in their natural habitat
Sailor who missed mandatory training becomes drug dealing, sex trafficking spy for Russia
Army kicks out racist military working dog
ISIS cancels 'Men Who Stare At Goats' program after sexual harassment complaints
Crew super freaked out by new cook who didn’t join for the signing bonus
Trump on Medal of Honor heroes: 'I like guys who didn't get killed in combat'
Tricare drug contract awarded to Detroit entrepreneur Greg 'Frog Dog' Wilkins
Sailors who are not Navy SEALs finally get to shoot shit
DoD stands up SCENTCOM to unify home-based businesses
Coast Guard confirms new icebreaker will be ready just in time for Hell to freeze over
Marine private drops his pack with more than 3 years left on enlistment
83% of troops support direct action in escalating Chip-Swipe conflict
Army private excited to attack Mosul at 0400 with company-strength element
Marine Corps unveils new recruiting slogan: 'No Balls'
Navy shocked that sailors didn't immediately embrace killing a 200-year-old tradition
California National Guard reports puzzling increase in suicides
VA approves pension claim from Civil War veteran
10 things successful veterans do every day
First sergeant berates kids wearing out-of-regs Army costumes
Early voting data shows World War I veterans overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton
Navy hands down leftover rates to Coast Guard
Professional escort says Marines have the nicest balls
Pentagon scraps Osprey program due to rising fuel costs
Marine on Chicago recruiting duty seeks Navy Cross
Election Day early-voting polls show 'Asteroid' leading with military voters
Defense industry looking forward to next president starting World War III
Iraqis seize hundreds of weapons and tanks ISIS seized from Iraqis in 2014
Report: Shitbag still at the exchange
Chipotle modifies Veterans Day promotion to exclude fat soldiers
Military absentee ballots delivered one day late, would have swung election for Clinton
DARPA to reanimate Eisenhower's corpse in time for presidential election
Air Force orders new $546 billion 7th-generation bomber to consume remainder of DoD budget
Doomsday prepper has no idea what to do with all this ammo now
Report: Lieutenant has resting dumb face
DoD urges troops to move past election, advise Afghanistan on democratic government
Syrian child disappointed she won't get to be drone-striked by the first female president
Report: Thousands of US troops trying to transfer to Canadian military
Multiple Marines hospitalized after birthday ball venue loses liquor license
North Carolina law would prohibit F-35B from using fixed-wing runway
Soldier desperately trying to find picture from his 'skinny time' for Veteran’s Day
Controversial new charity teaches veterans how to use GI Bill, go to college, and get a job
Platoon out in field wowed by 2nd Lieutenant’s flashlight shadow puppets
Opinion: Don’t worry America, you can still survive under toxic leadership
Point/Counterpoint: Gunny, I’m not sure I understand vs. Message to Garcia, Devil Dog!
Trump drops threat to investigate Clinton, forces her into 10-year-long cyber awareness training
Trump to repurpose USS Enterprise into floating hotel and casino
Trump vows to deport all illegal aliens from Area 51
Trump appoints David Petraeus as Foreign Affairs adviser
Pentagon recalls Thanksgiving MREs that were contaminated with real turkey
Mabus plans to rename Navy Cross to 'Navy Plus' medal
Trump picks legendary Marine general for next Secretary of Defense: James Amos
Secret Service wary of Mattis having plan to kill everyone he meets at Trump Tower
Mattis looking forward to 12-hour work days, being blamed for everything military does wrong
New website will allow Marines to share homemade porn videos
REPORT: Battalion OOD passes within 20 yards of barracks party, frightened attendees say
Local VFW trying to figure out how to honor, ban racist WWII veteran
Navy Commander relieved for failing to relieve enough commanders
Army hoping to end 14-year losing streak
Military frantically Googling where Defense Secretary is in presidential order of succession
Trump taps Ashley Madison to lead Veterans' Affairs
Intel analysts instructed to limit briefings with Trump to under 140 characters
Retiring pilot still unsure what 'Hogger' callsign means
Defense Secretary nominee Gen. James Mattis vows to make killing great again
Hot dog-eating contest replaces Army/Navy football game
ISIS plans to use brutal Department of Veterans Affairs tactics to combat US military
Pentagon officials fear ISIS militants now armed with reflective belts
Army engineers fail to lay pipe in North Dakota
Mattis nomination forces battlefield evacuation of Marines in Iraq overcome by giant moto-boners
Sailor commemorates Pearl Harbor anniversary by drinking 75 sake bombs
Army to become 'Land Marines' under Mattis, Dunford-led Pentagon reorganization
Pimpatronic 5000 appointed as Navy Vice Admiral of Vice
New documents show Death Star flaws stem from Pentagon mismanagement
Pentagon to build $6.8 billion center to combat fraud, waste, and abuse
Gods finally call John Glenn back to Olympus
Headquarters Marine Corps orders Marines to stop referring to Mattis as 'God'
President-elect Donald Trump congratulates himself on Army victory
Captain Crunch nominated as Secretary of Scrumptiousness
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Army Heraldry Meanings
Lieutenant replaced by adorable cockney chimney sweep
Florida VA hospital left IG inspector in shower for 9 hours
Boot camp graduate ready for first car, marriage
#WTF? Army ends program to support 'Generation Z' recruits
CO really regrets bringing teenage daughter to battalion Christmas party
Santa’s naughty and nice list hacked in massive data breach
General Neller packs massive lip during Congressional hearing
Marines disappointed to find no strippers at North Pole
Airman finally gets pussy for Christmas
ISIS protests public nativity scene
Navy SEAL leaks true meaning of Christmas in new tell-all carol
Self-described 'sheep dog' actually more of an asshole than anything else
Local boy joins Marines, returns a boy
Meet the underwear model helping military spouses cope with deployment loneliness
Obituary: Gen. Leia Organa, Veteran of the Rebel Alliance
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Minutes from this week's FRG meeting
Coast Guardsman in Bahrain basically a war hero, friends on Facebook report
Veteran misses simpler time fighting unwinnable war against enemy he unknowingly helped create
Former Army sergeant enjoys constantly calling retired Colonel by his first name
First Sergeant declares libo safe space from your bullshit
Veterans Affairs turns away veterans of war on Christmas
Opinion: There's the problem. The fuckin' doohicky ain't in the thingamajig
Vietnam veteran eats at DFAC, complains about acronym
Intelligence community publishes all classified material online to stop leakers
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: The Platoon Sergeant's guide to dealing with Lieutenants
Scientists trace origin of the Dependapotomus to Galapagos
Obama issues 'farewell' Presidential drone strikes
Troops sour on Mattis nomination after he releases 6,000-book reading list
Empowering! This veteran doesn't let his PTSD get in the way of his alcoholism
Mattis attends confirmation hearing wearing only Spartan helmet and 'Fuck ISIS' boxers
NATO called 'obsolete' by Trump, anyone who saw them fight in Afghanistan
Classified briefing reveals FBI Director James Comey enjoyed Star Wars prequels
Major pokes head out of meeting, predicts 6 more hours of useless slides
DoD to require passwords to be changed every day, use at least 27 different letters
Obama still trying to find good hiding spot for nuclear codes
Sergeant Major unable to choose anything except E-9 on vending machines
Trump’s plan for Syrian civil war stalls after Risk board game runs out of pieces
Millions dead after GOP repeals and replaces Obamacare with VA system
Senate repeatedly loses paperwork of Trump's pick to lead Veterans Affairs
National Guard deploys recruiter-filled Taco trucks to enlist protesters
Trump orders 'every swinging dick' to attend transgender training
Grief-stricken Navy mourns the departure of beloved Secretary Ray Mabus
Platoon treated for whiplash after hot wife in sports bra runs past
ISIS paralyzed after admin Marine mistakenly executes orders to Raqqa
Marine disappointed Keystone Pipeline not full of beer
Trump's executive order forgets to issue travel ban on Islamic State
Opinion: I fully support the use of torture
Trump shuffles National Security Council to defend US from feminazis, cucks
Trump disbands Obama's military 'Transgender Command'
Trump reconsiders immigration 'ban' after learning it could affect his future ex-wife
Air Force to allow average looking, uncool people to become fighter pilots
Hollywood to begin filming new Coast Guard movie that no one will watch
Russia names Edward Snowden new Ambassador to the United States
Local veteran sparks outrage after refusing to start military-themed business
Congressman calls for Army basic training to match Marine Corps policy of killing some recruits
Marine sergeant major takes over as spokesman for Yoo-hoo chocolate drink
Corps-wide safety stand-down called for after Marine drowns in pussy
Marine aviators having issues getting it up
Mattis signs order formally recognizing Jalapeno cheese spread as currency at all DoD facilities
Change-of-command fart leads to change-of-boxers
I vigorously oppose Donald Trump's immigration ban because I love spicy foods wrapped in flat bread
Army Surgeon General recommends consuming at least ten energy drinks daily
Trump orders Pershing’s corpse to conduct another punitive invasion of Mexico
Flynn resigns after Mattis and Kelly repeatedly steal his lunch money
SEAL Team 6 raid on Baghdadi home cancelled due to Calibri font use in PowerPoint
Army veterinarian tired of being thanked for her service
Pentagon leaders suspect Trump's understanding of military mostly based on 1980's action movies
'Day without a veteran' protest cripples t-shirt, social media rant industries
'We're making real progress,' say last 17 commanders in Afghanistan
Riot breaks out at Fort Hood dining facility after menu promises chocolate milf
Champagne bottle cracks littoral combat ship’s hull during christening
Coast Guardsman devastated after receiving 'Dear John' emoji during 5-day deployment
M.C. Master spits knowledge outta N.S.C.
Quiet guy at your unit scheduled to say annual weird sentence today
Disgruntled DoD contractor leaks highly insensitive data
US Army begins testing environmentally-friendly ammunition
Sony announces reboot of 'Black Hawk Down'
Russia vows to hire 10,000 US military veterans
'We're winning this arms race,' Mattis says during workout at Kremlin gym
Marine Commandant says those sharing nude photos have no balls
Coast Guard won't come out of its room after dad doesn't get the budget it wanted
'Marine Corpse' weapons project canceled following tragic mishaps
Hundreds of ISIS fighters investigated for sharing photos of women's uncovered faces
Marine Corps diverts 3% of tattoo policy resources to combat widespread nude photo sharing scandal
Nation shocked to learn top spy agency spies on people
Nude photo scandal spurs Marine captain to destroy every computer and phone he uses in fit of rage
Syria unveils its March Sadness Bracket
Strategist’s drinking policy fails to prevent, shape St. Patty's Day hangover
All-Male panel to investigate Marine Corps' nude photo scandal
'Dysfunctional veteran’ actually just dysfunctional
Neller to female Marines: 'Come on baby, trust me'
Army struggling to come up with more offensive cadences
Veterans increasingly filing disability claims due to MRE exposure
ISIS threatens to 'release the Kraken' in new video
High-value target disappointed to be raided by Rangers instead of Navy SEALs
Veteran who scorns 'welfare queens' pads VA disability claim
Civilian who 'loves our troops' has never actually met a troops
Sharing of memes criticizing presidents without military service has decreased by 87%, study finds
H.R. McMaster only authorized to stay in three-star hotels for government travel
Marine with healthy relationships, enormous penis reveals hatred for women is key to success
Leave request from 'Norfolk 4' sailors finally approved after nearly 20 years
Coast Guard involuntarily takes part in 'Month without a Coastie' protest
Opinion: How is it possible that you lost my medical record AGAIN?
Report: Sun to be in your eyes during change-of-command ceremony
Marine Corps study finds men have biological need to share nudes
General with no Facebook account to teach Marines social media etiquette
Trump orders cruise missile strike against one of 3,297 factions fighting in Syria
Michael Flynn fired from local KFC after trying to steal secret ingredients
Signals intelligence analyst under investigation for being normal
Officer's staff college essay completely changes world's understanding of warfare
Captain America counseled for accumulating more than 2,000 days of unused leave
Coast Guard under fire for saving too many straight white males
Navy unable to locate clitoral combat ship
Marine recruit backs out of contract after recruiter can't guarantee he would get laid
Paratrooper with fear of jumping finds help through Airborne Anonymous
Platoon really enjoyed three-hour op order, says lieutenant
Veteran upset by inability to work military service into first date conversation
Wife unsure why Marine husband keeps calling her 'Chesty’ during sex
Local veteran can't believe 'fuck' not considered an acceptable filler word
National Guardsman feared dead returns to life after three days
Syria issues travel ban on U.S. missiles
Veteran on Facebook notes that Aaron Hernandez is not among 22 veterans a day who kill themselves
Pentagon awards contract to United Airlines to forcibly remove Assad
Marine Corps' first female tank officer will also serve as EO, UVA, SAPR
American public learns we're still fighting in Afghanistan after Pentagon drops huge bomb there
Lieutenant, GS-6 battle for vacant office
New check out service allows Marines to sleep through last 3 months of contract
U.S. confirms USS Carl Vinson actually off the coast of Hawaii in 1941
Pentagon axes GI Bill to offset student debt forgiveness plan
Bill Murray to star in 'Groundhog Day II: Afghanistan'
ISIS commander tells suicide bombers: 'Remember, you're an Ambassador for our nation'
'I'd never let some drill sergeant order me around,' says civilian friend working at Applebee's
Pentagon creates new Meme Warfare Center to counter online propaganda
Top secret background check reveals service member has no friends
Recruit starts EAS countdown to be more like a real Marine
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Ernest Hemingway gives your weekend safety brief
North Korea agrees to trade away nuclear weapons for Krispy Kreme franchise
Desperate to retain officers, Air Force appoints Jerry Seinfeld head of personnel center
Navy considers giving up the ship
Trump tells worried nation we have nothing to fear except nuclear holocaust with North Korea
Pentagon to send 460,000 additional US Army advisors to Afghanistan
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Lewis Carroll gives your weekend safety brief
Trump appoints French immigrant Vladimierre Poutin as new FBI Director
ISIS fighter learns innovative torture techniques at Marine Drill Instructor School
US Air Force criticized after removing 64 soldiers from flight
Opinion: I hope you consider reenlisting
45 dead after oxygen sucked out of room during Pentagon planning session
'You going to goddamned black powder' — Trump rails against the Army's search for a new rifle
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Dr. Seuss gives your weekend safety brief
First all-female infantry platoon sets record for misconduct charges
Trump proposes cutting housing allowance for troops with unattractive spouses
Combat veteran unsure whether to stand up and clap for this pogue being honored at ball game
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Cormac McCarthy gives your weekend safety brief
Defense Secretary Mattis running out of things in office to throw after latest Trump leaks
Trump vows to learn identity of unknown soldier during Memorial Day speech
Coast Guard Academy cadets enlist to avoid Trump graduation speech
Trump cancels 'Afghan War' series due to poor TV ratings
Marine guarding Heaven's Gates looks forward to growing beard after apocalypse
Sean Spicer begs Navy Reserve for multi-year deployment to anywhere remote
Mattis forgets to send card to his mother of all bombs
Neighbors confirm Mattis keeps them awake at night
'We lost a lot of good rakes out there' — Army declares victory in Operation Clean Sweep
'Dereliction of Duty' author urges escalation of unwinnable, never-ending war
ISIS condemns Kathy Griffin for cultural appropriation
Battalion commander's list of number one priorities hits 50
Military spouse starts new business selling rank earrings
Pentagon begins arming 'Taliban' militia group to fight ISIS in Afghanistan
Navy to save money by abandoning man overboard rescues
Meet the POG who is going to be your boss in the civilian world
North Korea executes, trains new rocket scientists
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Maurice Sendak gives your weekend safety brief
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Kurt Vonnegut gives your weekend safety brief
Pentagon rebrands DTS as 'Don’t Travel System'
Hobbit Brigade poised for 'mini troop surge' to Afghanistan
Heroic CIF employee refuses to accept triple amputee's bloody plate carrier
Mattis changes title from Secretary of Defense to First Lord of Destruction
Mosul hosts 15th annual IED Hide and Seek Games
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Hunter S. Thompson gives your weekend safety brief
ISIS fighter marks himself safe on Facebook after firefight with US Special Forces team
Signings, trades shift balance of power across the NHL
DoD forced to release Guantanamo detainee who came out as transgender
Army Major disappointed wife didn't want to celebrate D-Day
Reality Winner actually delusional loser
John McCain angered over loss of Hanoi Hilton Honors Points
Sailor jumps overboard to avoid being punished for hiding on ship for a week
Army unveils 700-part op-order process for fighting new wars Americans won't care about
ISIS takes credit for blowing up CO's bathroom
Retiring general starts mail-order Anthrax delivery service
New staff officer chow hall serves nothingburgers, self-licking ice cream cones
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Walt Whitman gives your weekend safety brief
Arizona State ROTC wins Best Rager Competition
Adjutant drops shit on XO’s desk
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Eazy-E gives your weekend safety brief
VA operator still waiting on hold with Comcast
Mattis clears head during evening stroll, 8 killed
'Sorry aboot that, eh' — Canadian sniper apologizes after record-breaking kill shot
Coast Guard intercepts millennial migrant vessel trying to flee to Cuba
VA to shorten hold times by hanging up on callers automatically
Troops 'asking for a friend' to be charged with conspiracy, Pentagon says
Air Force says F-35 pilots may be too reliant on oxygen while flying
Joint Force diagnosed with Arthritis
US Army considering longer dwell time for soldiers stationed at Fort Afghanistan
Professional veteran celebrates Independence Day by making holiday all about himself
Veterans who say they 'miss the war' remind neighbors to not use fireworks
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Jack London gives your weekend safety brief
Grass bent slightly to the left, Soldier in prone reports
Base Long Term Parking office secures deployed troops' SSN, other info with locked door
We got drunk with Jim Mattis. Here’s what he told us.
Army promotion boards for Majors to consider 'face punchability'
Marine Task Force to offer free breast exams to female service members
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Beyoncé gives your weekend safety brief
National Guardsman to get DA Photo taken when he loses 10 pounds, finds jacket
Marine 1st Sergeant admits to walking on the grass when no one is looking
EMPOWERED: Meet the female suicide bomber who shattered a glass ceiling in Mosul
General walks length of headquarters hallway without once being asked a question
Wounded military working dog given service human
Veteran with three confirmed kills still gets ass kicked in bar fight
After declaring victory over ISIS, Iraq returns to being an idyllic paradise
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Jane Austen gives your weekend safety brief
Air Force officer survives seven years of brutal online SERE training
New Chinese Base in Africa sets stage for wacky pranks, horrific global war
Terrorist leaders surrender after Trump bans transgender troops from serving in the military
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: The Beastie Boys give your weekend safety brief
Kelly vows to lead White House through squad push-up
Man with 70% VA disability rating 100% vocal about it
F-35 can't believe how much the military spends on transgender troops
New hookup app notifies Jody when you're deployed
Air Force drone pilots test latest technology for intense chair-to-chair combat
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: George R.R. Martin gives your weekend safety brief
Afghanistan becomes pregnant with new trillion-dollar baby after US refuses to pull out
Base Gym only one passive aggressive sign away from good order and discipline
Army renames JRTC to Center for Live Action Roleplaying Army Preparation
Coast Guard in Mar-a-Lago performs daring rescue of 100 golf balls
Outraged veteran outraged by outraged student activists
General Nicholson claims dog ate his Afghan War strategy
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: An American Bald Eagle gives your weekend safety brief
US threatens to pull this war over if everyone doesn't stop asking for an Afghan strategy break
Army Command & General Staff College grads celebrate perfect record of losing wars
Kanye West ousted from National Security Council
Congress sends Coast Guard a couple of twenties after forgetting birthday
Trump taps decorated Army General for White House communications post
Thousands of Majors sign petition demanding gold rank for Brigadier Generals
Coast Guard Cutter completely lost in the middle of the ocean
SCANDAL: Q-Tips company bribed armorers to refuse clean rifles
Coast Guard Commandant supplements service budget as Lyft driver
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Rick and Morty give your weekend safety brief
Pentagon deploys Mattis to Korean DMZ in massive show of force
Doctors told this wounded soldier he'd never walk again, and boy were they right
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Elsa gives your weekend safety brief
Trump refuses to rule out 'start a military apparel company' option
ISIS suicide bomber actually hoping for 72 experienced sluts
HOT! Complete your Cyber-Awareness Training with this one weird trick
Army planners solve Korea tensions with proposal to move Seoul 300 miles south
Army gets approval to change names of bases that honor Confederates to Fort Trump
UNDERGROUND NAZI BASE?! 90% of neo-Nazis live in secretive 'mom's basement'
Trump asks Marine guarding White House door what he should do in Afghanistan
Texas National Guard halts hurricane recovery efforts to catch up on diversity training
Trump plans to force Taliban to negotiating table by January 2025
Erik Prince: Contractors committing war crimes, not US troops, will save Afghanistan
Coast Guardsman with 'Always Ready' tattoo is never ready
Entire US Military to wear diapers after lieutenant shits pants
Navy destroyer collides with building in downtown Houston
Army needs more young, fit, tender soldiers, Zombie General says
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Stephen King gives your weekend safety brief
Marine who hasn't slept in 32 hours is lazy and undisciplined, platoon sergeant reports
Afghan who excitedly greeted US Special Forces as child now excitedly shoots at them as adult
Marine Scout Sniper sets record for most confirmed divorces
Veteran excited to live off the 'Forever GI Bill'
9/11 anniversary marked by confusion, questions from junior military members
Soldier avenges 9/11 by giving 100-dollar bills to corrupt Afghan contractor
America Studios' new sequel 'Afghanistan 17' panned by critics
MOTIVATING! The 10 best songs from the Global War on Terror, ranked
Southern Poverty Law Center classifies VFW and American Legion as hate groups
Newsletter in the barracks: ‘Veterans totally slaying ass on university campuses'
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: gives your weekend safety brief
Afghanistan says it has endured enough freedom
AWKWARD! This All-American Patriot has ILLEGAL ALIENS fighting for his freedom
Marine with '9/11 Never Forget' bumper sticker too drunk to remember anything
1st Sergeant defies Trump transgender ban by using gender-neutral pronouns
OUTRAGEOUS: Whiny Sen. Rand Paul tries ending the war in Afghanistan after only 16 years
Level 1 Combatives-certified mechanic confident he would dominate Mayweather in a fight
Weirdo waits until after watch to masturbate
'So it begins,' conspiracy theorist says for 1,260th time since 9/11
Atheist, CrossFitting Navy SEAL hasn't told anyone he vapes
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Rudyard Kipling gives your weekend safety brief
Air Force announces 100% promotion rate to major, except for you, asshole
Infantry units with female troops smell better, study finds
Median age of MEPS doctors falls to 97, study finds
Navy heeds Sen. McCain's advice to end 100-hour work week, increases to 168
US Air Force turns 70; looks forward to retirement in spring
Trump orders US military to build giant wall in Afghanistan to keep terrorists out
Female Marine officer poised to graduate Infantry Officer Course recycled after losing canteen cup
Trump and Kim to face off in epic dance battle
Angry Staff God demands PowerPoint sacrifice at 1900
WWII vets gather for solemn reminder to check their privilege
Meet the soldier who holds the world record for 'gay chicken'
Kim Jong-un lashes out at Trump for getting Elton John's 'Rocket Man' stuck in his head
Troops fly happy socks at half mast to honor memory of Hugh Hefner
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps placed on Body Composition Program
War in Afghanistan turns 16, earns driver's license
'Quiet professional' is neither
Point/Counterpoint: We should talk about gun control vs. I'm going to shoot your liberal face
Soldier who failed rifle qualification explains how he would've taken out the Vegas shooter
Trump strikes back at San Juan Mayor, deports Puerto Rican troops back to Mexico
86% of active-duty Marines watching porn right now, study finds
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Mother Goose gives your weekend safety brief
Marine Lance Corporal arrested for lancing corporal at renaissance fair
Dan Bilzerian to meet Dakota Meyer at the monkey bars after school
Bowe Bergdahl to open Escape Room franchise outside Fort Bragg
Pentagon forms 'Symmetric Warfare Group' in case of massive conventional war
New Madden NFL 19 game allows players to realistically kneel during the National Anthem
Army to bring back WWII-era uniforms in lieu of WWII-era victory
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Jason Vorhees gives your Friday the 13th safety brief
Man starts viral video campaign to raise awareness that veterans exist
Trump on Gold Star families: 'Did they ever think of calling me first?'
Bowe Bergdahl wanders off during court-martial
ISIS fighter beheaded after taking a knee during prayer
US cripples ISIS with savage airdrop of PowerPoint presentations
General hopes #MeToo post scores points with hot lieutenant near his office
Meet the Taliban commander moonlighting as a member of the Afghan Parliament
Army to rename slave cables to freedom cables
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Vanilla Ice gives your weekend safety brief
15,000 Troops perish after Ohio woman fails to share Facebook prayer
Jacksonville tattoo parlor celebrates 1000th backwards EGA
Trump designates DragonForce Greatest Hits album as new National Security Strategy
Marine off duty has no friends
New MRE literally just bag of shit
Soldier with 33 ASVAB apparently smart enough to be a suicide-watch battle buddy
Mattis vows to kill next person who calls him 'Mad Dog'
Marine calls Coast Guard to save him from drowning in debt
Salad bar at base dining facility now only consists of single hard-boiled egg
Deployed soldier suspicious after receiving ‘Surviving An Affair’ book in mail
Sergeant Major invites Taylor Swift to Marine Corps Birthday Ball
The 5 best porn videos we found on Bin Laden's hard drive and later masturbated to
Top US Commander in Afghanistan keeps getting beaten by 'xxTAliBan_br0_69' in Call of Duty
Puerto Rico reaches out to Taliban for tips on getting US aid
Veteran stuns military community with viral rant filmed OUTSIDE of truck
Meet the Angry Internet Veteran putting the finishing touches on an 'epic' Veterans Day rant
Woman with sheepdog allergies in critical condition following night with SEAL
First Sergeant invites you to duty for Marine Corps Ball via YouTube
Drowning Navy officer miraculously saved by his inflated ego
New Semper Gumby fitness program stretches limits of Marine Corps PT
Meet the veteran-turned-male prostitute that everyone is thanking for his service
Army to re-design soldiers' uniforms on annual basis
Opinion: You don't have to go to the Marine Corps Ball this year
Point/Counterpoint: Do not reply to this email vs. Please remove me from this distro list
I Came, I Saw, I Stayed: A tourist's guide to Afghanistan
Saudi Arabia beheads first female robot citizen
Opinion: Hey, can you stop comparing me to American soldiers?
Pentagon claims 'no issues' after F-35 float explodes at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
ISIS threatens to behead Bugs Bunny if demands not met
Navy's new recruiting ad promises aviators adventure, ability to draw dicks in the sky
Meet the groundbreaking female Navy pilot who's been drawing sky vulvas for years
Coast Guard begins arresting kite surfers for being annoying pieces of shit
Turkey pardoned by Trump had multiple contacts with Russian officials
Report: Another asshole just tagged you in Facebook post about Veteran's Day
Report: Trump canceled visit to DMZ after learning it wasn't TMZ
Fox News viewer in crisis after white policeman shoots unarmed black soldier
Paralyzed veteran literally can't even right now
Women stranded at sea tell Coast Guard they are fine, just fine, okay? It’s nothing
Heartbreaking! This Airman missed all five of his kids’ conceptions!
Pentagon study: Firefights 96.3% more likely after ear-pro is removed
12 Air Force analysts accuse F-35 of assault on Pentagon budget
Soldier shocked after learning what's in Constitution he swore to defend
Trump announces Afghan troop surge, new Kabul hotel project
Trump taps hand over mouth while saying 'wah wah wah' to honor Navajo Code Talkers
The top 5 ways to enjoy life in the military while being banned from consuming alcohol
ISIS platoon still waiting for IED team after 7 hours
Realistic new 'Counterinsurgency' video game lets you watch troops fuck up until you're fired
Top US Commander in Afghanistan says we 'have turned the corner' in circular reasoning fight
Report: Oh fuck, here comes the Chaplain
Flynn hoping to woo FBI with Williams Sonoma holiday gift basket
Junior enlisted trapped In Okinawa barracks begin eating each other
Afghan policeman promoted after multiple sexual assault allegations
Syrian Christian thankful Trump has made it okay to say 'Merry Christmas' before he is executed
Michael Flynn opens Center for Spies who Can't Tradecraft Good
Veteran gets job helping veterans find jobs helping veterans find jobs
Gunny Claus court-martialed, reduced to Private Claus
ISIS holds caliphate-wide safety stand-down after botched NYC terror attack
Chesty The Bulldog charged with sexual harassment after humping numerous legs
New Army plan to print more PowerPoint slides would boost economies of at least 4 nations
Opinion: My PT score is just, like, your opinion, man
Army officer still married to first spouse gets passed over for promotion
Holiday half-day schedule canceled due to low morale
Army radiologist awarded for spotting softball-size tumor
Army tape test 'incredibly accurate,' says toad-necked sergeant major
SPECIAL REPORT: The gate guard at your base is dating your mom
Soldiers accidentally summon Cthulhu after commander forgets to give weekend safety brief
Army tells Marine Corps Mattis isn't real
Military movies are more enjoyable after being vet-splained, family reports
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Your weekend safety brief, Yoda gives
Bitcoin to jalapeño cheese exchange rate unstable, soldiers say
General still believes in Santa, counterinsurgency
Sergeant Major bans snivel gear at unit Christmas party
Commander screams out first sergeant's name during sex
Everything you wanted to know about GIFTS but were afraid to ask!
Navy Secretary finally updates 'days without incident' board
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Leaders' pet phrases — What do they really mean?
Best advice to find the right gift
Meet the Union Army private who bought a mustang at 46% interest
UAV with only one deployment still droning on about it
War in Afghanistan sues Marvel for copyright infringement over 'Infinity War' film
Progress: Transgender Marine murders straight Filipina prostitute
Air Force attaches parking boots to pilots to stop them from leaving service
'Best galley in the Navy' innovates with small plates, tasting menus
ISIS recruit dines with new Blackwater employee during layover
Green popup targets totally inside Lieutenant's OODA Loop
Meet the Skilcraft pen with 38 career kills
Army’s new 'Holistic Medics' treat gunshot wounds with crystals, essential oils
Navy gets around personnel shortage by making each Sailor 30% larger
Chelsea Manning hopes to become Senate's first openly transgender disgrace
Littoral Combat Ship actually Figurative Combat Ship
Afghan leaders assure US: 'Our government has been shut down for 16 years and we're fine’
Gunny solves unit morale problems with innovative THROATPUNCH System
Top sergeant major plans to personally strangle, beat Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with E-tool
Corps’ top leaders warn Marines to stop eating Tide Pods
Lonely CIF clerk holding out for soul mate in perfect condition
University of Phoenix takes over management of Army's Command and General Staff College
Army to replace 85% of personnel with Velociraptors by 2025
Navy replaces command photos with command mugshots
Ken Burns runs out of hard drive space for Afghan War documentary
F-35 revealed to be horror movie M. Night Shyamalan has been working on for years
New Pentagon plan advises Americans to stop thanking veterans for their service
Turkey retreats after US launches Operation Overwhelming Concern to protect Kurds
Point/Counterpoint: Good morning sir! vs. I am not a dude, moron
Nation reluctantly admits most service-members are not heroes
Coast Guardsman gets pumped after Super Bowl announcer thanks 'all four military services'
Sailor who knocked up Filipina girlfriend suddenly anti-immigration
SHAMEFUL: Homeowner Association orders combat vet to remove flag from his lawn
Mattis is considering a Pentagon cell phone ban after someone screen-shotted his racy Snaps
Soldier realizes identity has been stolen after his credit score improves
Entire military disappointed no one thought to run dick-shaped route in Syria
Lance Corporal-in-Chief delivers triumphant state of the underground address
Operator does 5-mile run in place for OPSEC
Deep State agent amused and annoyed by your conspiracy theories
US unexpectedly replaces entire Olympic Skating Team with Marine lance corporals
Trump orders Pentagon to conduct military parade and make North Korea pay for it
INSPIRING! When this man couldn't join the Army, he started his own Army!
'I would be Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z,' claims Army intelligence analyst
Point/Counterpoint: You’re late for formation! vs. new phone who dis?
Troops save Pentagon over $900 trillion each year, according to performance reports
Pentagon offers new Xbox bundle over Blended Retirement System
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: H.P. Lovecraft gives your weekend safety brief
Navy cook afraid he may have left ship's oven on
North Korean athletes unite around Olympic flame to stay warm
‘I’ll keep my remarks short,’ CO says before hour-long speech
Spirit Airlines forces Army veteran to flush service dog down the toilet
North Korea wins Olympic Gold Medal for ‘Crossing Red Lines’
Marine totally could have made US Olympic team in like 6 sports
Opinion: I support the troops 100% as long as they agree 100% with my political views
'Deploy or get out' policy results in closure of Pentagon
Oh, Christ: The soldier who saved your life in Afghanistan believes in 'crisis actors'
Trump awards self Medal of Honor for hypothetically saving everyone during school shooting
Mattis and girlfriend make plans to go out on Valentine's Day, kill everyone they meet
Flat Earther saves Coast Guard Cutter from falling off edge of the world
Seagull worried someone might notice he snuck onto base without ID
Delta bars veteran from carrying on emotional support flamethrower
Obese lance corporal ‘totally going to sign up' for base gym's new HIIT classes
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: CrossFit tips for beginners
High school acquaintance 'would have totally been Special Forces' had he enlisted
Report: Psychopaths in gym locker room not wearing any shower shoes
The 10 best jobs for veterans during a zombie apocalypse
Opinion: Dear veteran community, it's not you, it's me
Video of warrant officer actually working goes viral
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: President Donald Trump gives your weekend safety brief
Uncle Mattis gives Jared Kushner 'Super Duper Secret Clearance' to stop him from crying
Critics say World War III won't be as good as first two
Opinion: As a veteran, my opinion counts more than yours
Soldier legitimately just wants to go sightseeing in Thailand
Air Force upset nobody wants to steal its valor
Navy SEAL thrown off airplane, demoted to Navy SEL
Army standardizes 'thinking outside the box' procedures
150,000 shooting deaths in Middle East direct result of violent video games, study finds
Millennials flock to join military's new 'Safe Space' force
Talent show on Coast Guard cutter down to that one asshole with a ukulele
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Jesus gives your weekend safety brief
VA Secretary forgets to fire himself after promising to rid agency of corruption
HERO: US Marine rescues cougar trapped in local bar
SHOCK REPORT: General under investigation for misconduct suspends himself and plans to cooperate
Top 10 power vacuums of the 2000s (#7 will surprise you!)
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Holden Caulfield gives your weekend safety brief
Russian Generals optimistic for free and open US elections
Army officer reprimanded after being identified as the I-10 Strangler
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Top 10 phrases used by subordinates, and what they really mean
Army standardizes military intelligence excuses
Soldier with Bob Marley poster really just doesn't need to pee
Pentagon partners with Uber for on-demand helicopter extraction
AAFES celebrates 10 millionth disappointed customer with surprise party
Trump replaces brilliant military strategist with some dude wearing creepy mustache
Sailor late to work faces harsher punishment than officers indicted in Fat Leonard scandal
Army calls for 200,000-man detail to fill sandbags on US-Mexico border
Afghanistan starts asking awkward questions about where small wars come from
ISIS institutes 'blow up or get out' promotion policy
Putin 'deeply troubled' after CIA doesn't interfere in Russian election
Trump deploys National Guard on US-Mexico border to masturbate, eat MREs
Army Specialist earns recognition at company demotion ceremony
Officials Note Progress in Afghanistan, Difficulty for Taliban
Veterans group calls on VA to provide 'thank you for your service' dogs
Army North commander who once failed a land navigation course reports for duty at Army South
'Eternal Flaming Wheelbarrow Full of Cash' picked as Global War On Terror Memorial
Report: Unlicensed Private in driver's seat 'pretty sure' he's got this
Private comes out of the box at NTC with necklace of Donovian ears
National Guardsman refuses to guard nation
CIA receives authorization to spy on MySpace, AOL
John Bolton wakes from terrifying nightmare of world at peace
Obituary: R. Lee Ermey, Marine, Actor, POG
Vincent D'Onofrio gets first full night of sleep in 31 years
Trump rails against US Cyber Command after cyberattack on Russia deletes half his Twitter followers
Lieutenant tells inbound air support he just needs one more minute to figure out where he is
BREAKING: You need to report for a 'random' urinalysis
Congressional leaders baffled by Mattis asking their permission to strike Syria
REVEALED: Tennessee general angered over reenlistment video was abused by dinosaur puppet as a child
This female private is the worst soldier ever, says sergeant who recently asked her out
First annual JodyCon goes out with a bang
Army officer reports stolen valor, found later in duffel bag
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Ayn Rand gives your weekend safety brief
Troops you just prayed for are currently binge drinking, having pre-marital sex
This hometown hero ties your wife down with yellow ribbons when you deploy
Policeman very impressed by drunk driver's 'I Served' bumper sticker
Veterans praise Trump's nomination of dinosaur puppet to lead VA
Navy launches massive show of force with song-and-dance routine in South China Sea
Meet the teenager born after 9/11 who will one day command all forces in Afghanistan
Report: Coast Guard will save thousands of people this year, but not your worthless ass
Ronny Jackson vows to give up drinking next Monday
Marine Corps Base 29 Palms renamed Nine Palms after frigid spring
Admiral Ackbar indicted in 'Fat Jabba' scandal
Kim Jong-un defects to South Korea
Report: 100% of first sergeants think you're a piece of garbage
Africa Command investigates itself, finds no problems
Honorary Chief Bill Cosby forced to resign with O-5 pension and benefits
Pentagon to lift ban on Democrats serving in the military
True Courage: After hitting an iceberg, this Navy Captain went down on his entire ship
National Infantry Museum to host gallery of porta-potty artwork
Pentagon warns Taliban to surrender 80% of Afghanistan it controls or 'face consequences'
Redneck soldier plans to carry on family tradition by marrying war bride
Navy to christen USS Tig Ol Bitties after service allows people to vote online for ship's name
Local man claims he could be US Navy SEAL after Fortnite victories
‘I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck,’ says Sailor who just bought $2,000 Chewbacca suit
White House mints challenge coin to commemorate upcoming failed US-North Korea peace summit
Marine Corps adds 'file to trash bin' to Command Climate Survey procedures
Minot Air Force Base launches search for missing Minuteman nuclear missile
Neller wishes Mattis would hurry up and approve his Memorial Day leave request
Pentagon to station troops at schools for ultra-realistic combat training
The 12 best Memorial Day weekend deals
Mattis says Trump asked the difference between Navy SEALs and seals
Trump replaces Kim with Trump on redesigned peace talks challenge coin
Great Leader Kim Jong-un sheds honored tears of joy over robust economy
Dead veterans agree with President Trump, are happy and proud of low unemployment numbers
Trump says he could have negotiated better deal for those who paid the ultimate price
Cyber Command launches new 'Safe Space' social media platform
USS Arizona Memorial closes until all memorials get their visitation up
Army to issue updated chemical protective suits for toxic command climates
Trump Tower opens in Pyongyang
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: Tucker Max gives your weekend safety brief
French Navy christens new Mimesweeper
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: 15 questions for your new interpreter
Tricare to extend benefits to that girl you hooked up with two years ago
Trump, Kim agree to historic summit as long as McDonald's brings back McRib sandwich
Officer struggles to apply lessons learned from Army Gwar College
Point/Counterpoint: We don't need the Coast Guard vs "OH GOD I'M SINKING! MAYDAY MAYDAY!"
Female Marine transfers to Air Force to get laid
Midrats not f--king around tonight
'Right to try' bill to allow dying veterans to see a physician
INSPIRING! This man left the Air Force as an E-6 and joined the Marines as an E-2
Sailor transfers to Space Force, finally makes weight
Communist West Pointer receives lateral commission into Russian Ground Forces
Apple, Facebook, Google issue joint statement condemning NSA data mining
Virginia Guard's 276th Engineer Battalion recognized for outstanding vehicle maintenance program
Pentagon to outsource all strategy to Booz Allen Hamilton
Soldier stationed in South Korea relieved Trump is canceling exercise
Lost Space Force lieutenant wanders into wormhole
Soldier bragging about 'piling bodies' on last deployment actually piled sandbags
Union Army observation balloon grounded due to lightning within five miles
ISIS Recruit stuffs goat into amnesty box
Cavalry Horse Association votes neigh on military working dog memorial
Col. Sanders, Capt. Crunch decry lack of Air Force rep for Joint Chiefs of Snack
Space Force doctors daunted to learn rocket surgery
Kampai! Pentagon releases sushi MRE
Recently-discharged soldier gains veteran 214
Grammar Nazi keeps correcting your typos in classified chatroom
Report: New Space Force recruits not as tough as the Old Space Force
Space cadet finally commissioned to space officer
Army reveals the only way to become a Chief Warrant Officer 5 is to kill a Chief Warrant Officer 5
Local Firework displays 'No Douchey Veteran' sign on lawn for July 4th celebration
Pentagon wins National Book Award for fictional account of Afghan War
Retiring Staff Sergeant thanks God for blessing him with the strength to be a shitty NCO
New guy in the platoon always reading books, like some kind of nerd
Congress passes new changes to US Flag Code
Sergeant Major gets DUI while celebrating month without DUI
Dog, Veteran fight over places to hide during fireworks
Report: Man in sinking boat shooting flare on 4th of July pretty sure he's gonna die
VA Study: Getting shot in head may lead to brain injury in some troops
DUFFEL BLOG PRESENTS: 10 military skills that will get you fired in the civilian world
Coast Guard nervous over upcoming disabled veterans sailing race
SpaceiLeaks releases correspondence standards for US Space Force
General unsure why every workplace he visits is suspiciously tidy
American Flag wears hat with a veteran patch on it
Army to add classes on embezzlement, insurance fraud to Captain's Career Course
Opinion: 'The Greatest Generation' — What have they done for us lately?
West Point grad who can't change own tire feels called to politics
Navy totally going to turn this ship around if Marines don't stop poking each other
Mattis assures Air Force it will still be loved after Space Force is born
National Guard Soldier keeps saying she's in the Army
Trump gives Putin full control of US military
Private in formation unaware enormous dick drawn on his face
Trump warns rival nations of 'frighteningly random' reaction to any aggression
Delta Force operation routed around rare butterfly habitat
Iranian President responds to Trump with middle-finger emoji
Trump denies Russia hacking while Putin types furiously on laptop during press conference
Navy approves man-buns for sailors
New Coast Guard recruiting commercial: 'We don't do PT!'
US Olympic table tennis team deploys to Kuwait to train with 'best of the best'
ISIS soldier uploads YouTube rant about 'stolen martyrdom' from cab of VBIED
Pentagon spends $50 million on Fraud and Waste Prevention Summit
Air Force Combat Controller shares the best method for clearing a room filled with insurgents
Military slogan contest down to 500 variations of 'tip of the spear'
Taliban shadow government recognized by United Nations for anti-corruption drive
Marine Corps releases 2018 Commandant's Professional Binge-Watching List
Opinion: It’s not ready-to-eat. You have to open, mix, and heat it
Private who snorted three MRE coffee packets during land-nav wanders onto the moon
Pentagon official smokes out Congress during counter-drug testimony
Chow hall coffee to contain caffeine starting in 2019, officials say
Revolutionary new bomb can destroy $3 million of taxpayer money in a single strike
Military’s dumpster fire-fighting plane unveiled by Public Affairs Office
Navy clarifies the difference between RUMINT, scuttlebutt and gouge
Female private files sexual harassment complaint with Space Force IG
Trump signs executive order putting Chik-fil-A on every military base
Pentagon bans physical activity for deployed troops
UN plan to invade America postponed for 26th year in a row
Pentagon says Taliban can just have Ghazni, we didn't want it anyway
Archaeologists discover Roman soldier died waiting for Caesar to sign missing gear statement
Army announces double deep-fried jalapeño cheese ravioli burrito MRE
Navy plans to swell recruitment and retention through increased use of phallic imagery
Point/Counterpoint: I struggle everyday as an amputee vs. My son's Legos will never stop me
Opinion: Is there someone with a little more experience who could draw my blood?
Retro Gem! We found the lost episode where Lassie stops Timmy from over-designing the F-35
Marines’ balls bigger than ever this year
Battle buddies for life? These veterans get together every 5 years to fight the same war
Afghan Army opens Corruption Center of Excellence
Army 'Undercover Boss' filming delayed after Major suffers hazing-induced heart attack
Dishonor Flight brings veterans back to the bar tabs they never settled
John McCain swiftly kicked out of Heaven's Officer Club
Outgoing Specialist holds change of co-sham ceremony
Navy plans to reduce suicide by monitoring sailors at all times
DARPA announces it will no longer do work for Google
Generals conduct change-of-command in Afghanistan for roughly 32,435th time
Opinion: Are we dead or just in Kuwait?
Nike apologizes for forgetting military monopoly on sacrifice
Marine dies waiting for pair-of-socks transplant donor
Google unveils new search tool to help infantrymen find jobs as security guards
Drunk hurricane calls Coast Guard at 2 A.M. asking for place to crash
Air Force dad home from deployment surprises family by pretending to be dead in a coffin
Former PT stud now lives in barn
Deeply-broken Major looks forward to mentoring high-functioning Captains
Wow! This man was born on 9/11 and gets to fight in the same war it inspired
The best Girl Scout Cookie pairings for every deployment moment
Marines mop parking lot in preparation for VIP hurricane
Report: Camp Lejeune Marines sandbagged during their sandbagging mission
Army hopeful new combat fitness test will turn the tide of war in Afghanistan
Mattis says he's 'absolutely not' leaving Pentagon while carrying cardboard box out to his car
Pentagon celebrates first successful F-35 crash in South Carolina
Pentagon bans female service-members from jogging amid safety concerns
Retiring Sergeant Major convinced he was medieval Japanese Samurai in previous life
Cleveland Browns relieve 1st SFAB in Afghanistan
Army sergeant's steampunk top hat springs class III leak in formation
Opinion: Marines on steroids are all the rage right now. Seriously. Please send help
Captain Jack Sparrow named new Coast Guard commandant
Veteran keeps self esteem up by comparing himself to partially down-and-out veteran friend
Space Force seeking applications for transfer to mobile infantry
The untold story behind the name of the US Army Special Operations Command
Pentagon worries that plunging morale might affect morale
SEAL ostracized by teams after passing drug test
Air Force drops pumpkin spice JDAM on Taliban position
First MRE eaten in war in Afghanistan finally pooped out
Jody Moth makes sure soldier's lamp is okay
US says it will stay in Syria until it spends $1 trillion defeating ISIS
Senator proudly cites DNA test to prove he’s nearly 1 percent veteran
Mattis thankful envelopes contained ricin instead of MRE Charms
Now 17, Afghan War still pissed it never had quinceañera
'I still like beer' says soldier at 2nd DUI hearing
Taliban declare ceasefire until Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson get back together
Drinking eight Rip Its a day could help you live longer, study by specialist with no teeth says
Afghan bodyguard seems like real straight-shooter
Coast Guard saves lovable Navy SEAL tangled in net
Navy SEALs no longer allowed to wear blackface
NCO who cares about soldiers screened for traumatic brain injury
US forces did stuff in Afghanistan or something
Alarming study shows average officers indulge in merely five rosewater scones per day
Retired smart bomb takes laser-guided tour of Europe
Air Force removes baptism from basic training graduation requirements
'Top Gun: Maverick' filming halted after entire fleet of CGI F-35s grounded
West Point cadet hoping to sort into Slytherin
New ALARACT authorizes military police to ticket Army regulation violators
Marine who says combat is a drug hasn’t tried either
Army creates cyborg that can become homeless alcoholic 200 times faster than human counterparts
Air Force suffering from massive sky penis envy
Rubber rifle finally gets confirmed kill
Grim Reaper to dress as Secretary Mattis for Halloween
Trump deploys National Guard to New York border to block Pete Davidson jokes
Contractor Who Never Served Showing All The Trappings Of A True Vet Bro
VA executives announce initiative to fill 45,000 vacant jobs: hire friends and relatives
God forgets to capitalize 'Marine'
Duffel Blog Presents: 26 mythological creatures the troops have heard of but never seen
ISIS thanks Air Force for bombing North Carolina with Humvee
Opinion: I secretly want you to pet my service dog
Report: every warrant officer in the Army is still worthless
Marine recycled in Coast Guard sniper school for the fourth time
Cyber Command's first offensive operation: bombing China with dick pics
The ten most mind-blowing lines from Lieutenant Smith’s latest operations order
Dan Crenshaw stabs Pete Davidson in the eye, or whatever
Report: Jody opening your wife's border while you protect ours
Troops deploy to Alamo for dramatic last stand against migrant caravan
General breaks jaw while talking out of both sides of mouth
Veteran with PTSD can’t believe he never thought to murder innocent people before
Thanksgiving declares unconditional surrender in War on Christmas
Air Force can’t figure out why sailor would spend $1,280 on tattoo
Trump Cancels Afghanistan War Due to Weather
Pentagon fails first audit and still gets promoted to Hexagon
Green Beans Coffee lands $3 billion contract to open 2,000 locations along border
Air Force decreases deployments to Afghanistan to a 3-hour tour
Border Wall to be constructed out of unfinished Coast Guard cutters
Level 63 Paladin granted religious exemption to grow neckbeard
Retired Marine General John Kelly relieves White House Chief of Staff John Kelly of duty
'Lazy' federal employee not likely to retire anytime soon
Smart bomb finally destroys something that costs more than a smart bomb
Space Force now soliciting uniform concepts from industry
Army sniper unable to hit toilet bowl
ALL THE WAY! This Airborne Ranger refused to accept a blood transfusion from a leg!
Zip-tied Somali pirates bet on how many SEAL memoirs they'll be in
Duffel Blog Presents: Holiday gift ideas for your favorite vetbro
Pokemon’s Lieutenant Surge hopelessly lost in Viridian Forest
Navy pranks Army with 17 years of sustained land-based combat just before Army-Navy game
Last American president to actually win a war has passed on
North Pole warns of pilot shortage as reindeer leave for commercial sleighlines
Whale gives Coast Guard cutter 'the fin' after being cut off
Meet the woman who got a kidney transplant from an infantryman and woke up craving Monster and Skoal
Pentagon buys F-35 with unpaid GI Bill benefits
Charles 'Wide Neck' McDowell leads USO Tour request voting
Caravan of strippers stopped at Mexican border by soldiers with engagement rings
Navy announces newest occupational specialty: ‘meat gazer’
Navy SEAL: The best way to tell people you're a Navy SEAL is to tell them
Troops on border continue winning hearts and spades
Afghans request US take action on growing feral drone problem
Major military teleconference disrupted by unmuted phone
Touching! This charity helps dying retirees make one last visit to the commissary
California National Guard declassifies “Bro-Code Talkers”
Opinion: General standing in front of us with hands on hips isn’t really making an impression
US quietly builds helipad on roof of embassy in Afghanistan
Duffel Blog Presents: The Twelve Days of Leave
OUTRAGE! This Green Beret may get in trouble just for MURDERING someone!
Mattis looking forward to 'peaceful retirement' spent firing Minigun out door of Huey
Mattis appointed Ghost of Past, Present and Future Wars
Opinion: We were winning when we left
Another round of high-ranking elves implicated in Fat Blitzen scandal
Government shutdown furloughs all 700 non-essential employees
Meet the 'servant leader' who's serving Christmas dinner at the chow hall to avoid his in-laws
Marines with no combat experience haze Marines with equal amount of combat experience
Troops ask to live with Mattis after divorce is finalized
First Sergeant won't let troops leave Syria until they fill out their leave chits
Navy warns sailors who can’t deploy that they will be reviewed for promotion
Syria totally pregnant after late US pull out
Coast Guard begins reselling seized cocaine amid government shutdown
Space Force reservists already volunteering for temporary duty on moon to escape wives
Coast Guard helicopter totally forgot why it came out here in the first place
Army Fortnite Lieutenant Goes Missing During Navigation Exercise
Marine Corps to reduce infantryman's load by recruiting fewer wussies
Lieutenant sets land navigation course record during Bird Box challenge
B-52 crew relieved for drawing self portraits
ISIS unfollows STRATCOM on Twitter after offensive New Year’s tweet
Trump asks new secretary of defense to get Don Jr. job as an “Army guy"
Supreme Court torches appeal in giant, toxic burn pit on front steps
Amazing! Afghanistan's '10-year challenge' picture looks exactly the same
Payday lenders still kicking ass since shutdown doesn’t affect military
Captain Li Shang relieved of command for toxic masculinity
Entire military granted shaving profile following Gillette commercial
Woman who sent 65,000 text messages after one date tapped for recruiting duty
Unit’s position given away by first sergeant's knees
Absence of assassin from future confuses ambitious company commander
Troops in Afghanistan heartbroken after Speaker Pelosi’s visit cancelled
7 habits of highly effective suicide bombers
Skills training program teaches transitioning veterans to stop drawing penises on everything
Leaked: Fortnite revealed to be Ender’s Game
Command climate survey filled out in bile
Are millennials killing the aimless, protracted war industry?
E-4 accidentally joins actual mafia in mix-up
DTRA major wears his uniform for the first time in five years
Afraid of talking on radio, Millennials Snapchat for fire
Obese veteran agrees with Supreme Court on transgender troop ban
Nation's spies enroll in Trump Intel University after president says they should go back to school
Navy and Disney partner to offer ‘the most magical deployments on earth’
Typo causes Coast Guard to spend millions of dollars guarding nation's coats
Optimistic private sees burn pit as half full
Taliban assure negotiators they’ll totally stop fighting after the US leaves
Nation’s cryptologists emerge from SCIF, predict another month-long government shutdown
Lieutenant goes missing after chewing out command sergeant major
Soldier avoids UCMJ by living inside amnesty box
Camp Lejeune residents invoiced for any superpowers developed after water poisoning
ISIS leader has volunteers for suicide bombings but no one will read his screenplay
After North Pole moves, NORAD assures Eric Trump it can still track Santa
Sailor ready to defend nation after mandatory training
Duffel Blog Presents: 5 tips for a killer beach body
Fossils of prehistoric staff officer found frozen in Afghan Conex box
Pentagon announces war lineup through 2030
Army adds "basically 6 feet" height option to Apache flight physical
Bowser withdraws airships from World 7 despite plumber victories
Advice: Ask an NCO's Signature Block
Judge won't hear case on faulty combat earplugs
Battalion commander eliminates all liberty incidents by telling Marines to ‘do the right thing’
Black Mold replaces Black Knights as official Army mascot
Pentagon swear jar funds entire border wall after one week
Opinion: Jerkin' it at sea is a lot like jerkin' it while not at sea
Vandal unable to find statue of Confederate warrant officer to deface
Duffel Blog Presents: 6 signs that your spouse is a Dudependa
Army opens Klobuchar Center of Excellence
Jailed Coast Guard LT claims “plotting domestic terrorism” is how he describes taking a dump
Coast Guard icebreaker draws first sea penis
Army to name new attack helicopter after Elizabeth Warren
Trump enjoyed Vietnam trip, unsure why McCain complained so much
VA tells veterans to use self-aid, buddy-aid before asking for appointment with doctor
Pentagon reinstates 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy for troops on keto diet
Duffel Blog guide to safe for work porn sites
Major forced to go to morning PT spontaneously combusts
Green Beret fights off cougar at local bar
Badge hunter to become latest Army badge
ISIS bride launches bath bomb business on Etsy
The new intel analyst is weirder than the chaplain’s assistant
Rip It teases plan for GWOT 20-year-anniversary can
Carrier forced into early retirement after being exposed as maritime supremacist
134 percent of Marines arrested in nationwide ASVAB cheating scam
Trump to host “Who Wants To Be A Cabinet Secretary?” to find next secretary of defense
Russians training pudgy, tattooed honeypots to target enlisted
Parents bribe service academies to not accept their children’s applications
Opinion: Hey wait, no one ever thanked me for John McCain’s service either
Veteran didn't risk his life at Bagram Pizza Hut just to see U.S. and Taliban sign peace deal
Hippie Taliban defector gets so stoned
NCIS sting: Marines bribe officials for acceptance into University of Phoenix, Strayer University
Space Force already restricted to Earth liberty
Teen becoming officer so he can tell his enlisted stepfather what to do
Service chiefs really tired of this Congressional committee’s crap
Army leaders channel wrong Clausewitz in Pentagon seance
“Don’t worry, this chapter of my book will be awesome” SEAL tells dying teammate
Recruiters hate him! Marine finishes four-year contract in eight months with one simple trick
Boot camp adds fifth phase to re-instill discipline after fourth phase
Marine officer says Marine units should use LSD to gain edge over enemy
Navy eyeing discounted Boeing 737s
Command and General Staff College ranked among nation’s top 500 community colleges
Pentagon press corps establishes fund to locate missing government spokesmen
Forward observer's bracket 'totally screwed' after first round
Air Force warns border wall could distract from golf course construction
Saruman the White selected to oversee implementation of Army-Palantir contract
Congress sets voting, gun ownership, drinking and enlistment age at sixteen
Newly promoted Colonel Dole immediately flagged as non-deployable
“The VA is doing a great job” finds joint study by prescription drug, alcohol industries
Army targets horny teens with Pornhub recruiting ads
Retired General Quixote warns of threat posed by windmills of mass destruction
Fans excited for final season of Afghanistan
Wait training added to Marine PFT
Veteran insecure about not having USAA card at group lunch
Captain goes missing after disappearing up VIP guest lecturer’s butt
Marine Corps predicts future drinking incidents will be caused by near-peer pressure
Crop-dusting ensign set for flight school
JLTVs deadlined due to faulty cassette deck
VA releases new "Sleep Sounds" app to fight veteran insomnia
Trump declares fire stories 'fake news' after 82nd Airborne descends onto University of Notre Dame
Chelsea Manning comes out as cisgender, asks Trump for clemency
Sergeant major of the Army approves new background for official photos
How to avoid urinalysis until you can get a wax
ENDGAME SPOILER: Captain America kills himself in VA parking lot post credits
Coast Guard breaks silence on Row v. Wade
PsyOp drone swarm terrorizes enemies with Nickelback
J.R. Majewski recalls moment he killed Bin Laden
Russia grants Snowden citizenship, sends him to Ukraine
Space Force anthem ensures aliens will never contact Earth
New Russian Army fitness test to include ‘drop, scream, & run’
Former Abu Ghraib guard assumes responsibility for basic training battalion
Russia quietly applies to join NATO
Russia drafts Brittney Griner to fight in Ukraine
Nation’s field grades begin annual fiscal year migration away from food
Supreme Court strikes down 2nd Amendment, citing National Guard marksmanship
Make-A-Wish kid gets 'Day 1 recycled' at Ranger school
Air Force approves new 'Place Saver Medal' until next war
Saudi King marks 9/11 anniversary: 'We lost many good pilots'
On Labor Day, remember brave troops on working parties
Former Soviet leader dies from rare case of old age
West Point halts cross burnings indefinitely
Army scientists develop app to help soldiers navigate DUIs
Biden considers forgiving troops' unpaid Ford Raptor loans
AI will be smarter than humans in 10 years, smarter than Marines in 5: Study
FBI raids China for improperly-obtained classified documents
Army to stop using mold to construct barracks
Family arrested over West Point cheating incident
Russia taps Strategic Has-Been Reserve for war in Ukraine
Afghanistan Commission identifies exact PowerPoint slide that lost War
Marriages triple in Marine Corps after debut of 'Purple Hearts' on Netflix
Trump blasts FBI ‘overreach’ after agents seize ballistic missile
AFGJOBS posts new position for 'Leader of Al Qaeda'
Retired drone reunites with long lost pilot
Top Navy dolphin implicated in ‘favors-for-fish’ scandal
China vows to act like angry toddler for at least another week
Enduring Ukraine resistance linked to US HIMARS, reflective belts
Senile old man in Kabul killed by senile old man in Washington
Yankee Candle rival Confederate Candle smells of defeat
Elon Musk settles for buying Army Knowledge Online
Top 7 worst military memorials
Army garrison admits poison supply contaminated by drinking water
Navy boasts ‘Fat Leonard’-size recruitment bonuses
Mattis finally allowed to move out of barracks
Army drops 'living pulse' requirement amid recruiting crisis
China close to developing own 'Top Gun' film
9 badass quotes Mattis should have left out of his wedding vows
U.K. holds 245th annual July 4 hearings
Oh no, Chaplain just asked if you’ve 'seen the news lately'
Supreme Court overturns Army tattoo policy
Lockheed, Raytheon to develop fetal body armor
Cyber Commander stands up task force on how to open this PDF
McDonald’s debuts McPTSD® on new veteran menu
This soldier ACTUALLY knows your cousin/friend/old dry-cleaner
Soldier gets best MRE in box without cheating
Coast Guard commissions new cutter 'Ashton Kutcher'
Cops mistake Army patrol base for homeless camp
Navy relieves itself of command
Space Force sends recruiters to Buzz Lightyear premiere
Staff ride ends in tears after promised stop for ice cream canceled
Troops suffer thoughts and prayers shortage in wake of mass shootings
Russian veteran-owned vodka company expects record profits this year
Pentagon drops yards, adopts NATO standard 1000-meter stare
Latrine artist hits creative block
Commandant awards personal-pan pizza to each Marine who reads a book
USMC soldier wins Congressional Metal of Honor
Raytheon wins $500 million contract to provide Naval Academy with bigger, greasier pole
Texas Roadhouse offers free Memorial Day meal for veterans who are dead inside
Duffel Blog's tips on how to pretend you’re not having fun on Memorial Day
New Memorial Day poll: Americans grateful for good food, cheap stuff
Inside the push to create SEALs for the Space Force
Country that doesn’t commit war crimes alarmed by Russian war crimes
Finland granted VIP access to Club NATO
Opinion: I call you ‘sir’ but that doesn’t mean I respect you, sir
Finland begs Sweden to join NATO for refer-a-friend discount
Moscow: If Ukraine kills 1 more Russian general, next will be free
Duffel Blog obtains top secret Russian military files
New, quiet lieutenant in unit 'definitely' CID: Report
Ukrainian farmer makes off with entire Russian Victory Day Parade
US Army officers wonder why Ukrainians don't just change status from amber to green
Top Marine enlisted leader tells grunts in foxhole at least they're 'not in the Navy'
Traffic cone promoted to 1st Sgt
General wakes up in middle of the night wondering if he left troops in Afghanistan
Nation’s best intelligence analysts assess this coronavirus thing may get bad
Eddie Gallagher’s Top 5 defense tips for Russians accused of war crimes
Joint Chiefs clean out Pentagon offices in anticipation of first female service chief
Elon Musk offers to buy Russian Army for $100, half-empty bottle of Stoli
Ken Burns documentary reveals the truth about Wagner
War in Ukraine, by the numbers
Congress launches joint select committee to gut-check virility of US military
Russian warship honors Ukrainian request to go fuck itself
Russian navy invades bottom of Black Sea
Army physical therapist prescribes simple 6-hour stretching regimen, four times a day
Army to amputate soldiers' hands to prevent use of pockets
USS Your Mother’s A Whore joins list of controversial Navy ships
Veteran grandfather only mildly excited grandson decided to join Coast Guard
'Til Valhalla' may not apply to Marine who died masturbating in porta-potty
Russian soldier excited to lose war in disgrace like his father did
15,000 dead after longest Russian drill weekend ever
Aww Snap! JAG thinks of perfect defense right after client convicted
April Fools! Russia admits it may have gone too far in ‘friendly prank’ on Ukraine
Putin says Russia has 'turned a corner' in Ukraine
Ukrainian drone dreams of growing up to be US drone
Russian military denied 'need-to-know' on Russian war
Military upset real war is distracting from possible war
Lockheed Martin introduces hastily designed stealth tractor
The Duffel Blog guide to Women's History Month
Pentagon urges Ukrainians to hold the line until bigger FY23 defense budget is approved
Putin sends mercenaries into Ukraine to 'get moose and squirrel'
US to supply Russians with gross MREs
US service members forbidden from playing Russian Roulette
Biden asks grandkids what cyber-measures would work best against Russia
Mike Flynn named National Security Advisor for Donetsk People’s Republic
Guy who totally would’ve joined is just about to go fight in Ukraine too
Putin invites Zelenskyy to discuss ceasefire over nice cup of tea
Director of Naval Intelligence asking if anyone else has heard about this Ukraine thing
Elon Musk, DARPA design military-grade jockstrap for Ukrainian president’s balls
Obama called out of retirement to drone strike some bitches
Russia suffers mass desertion of 2nd lieutenants after Ukrainians remove all road signs
Russian country star Toby Keithovitch releases single “Courtesy of the White, Blue, and Red”
Archdukes across Europe hiring extra security details
Colonel on verge of war with Russia worried about his soldiers’ haircuts
Ranger School to offer remote learning option
Guy who'll 'never make it on the outside' also struggling to make it while in
Critics pan Space Force, claiming the depiction of clueless general is unrealistic
Russia deploys 10,000 red-cockaded woodpeckers to Ukrainian border
Strippers mobilize in support of US troop deployment to Europe
Bored US Navy considering starting some shit with dolphins
Army admits warrant officers aren’t real
Space Force cook swears his hard-boiled eggs did not put that alien growing inside you
NATO puts defense of Europe on hold until ACFT rolled out
Veterans around country running to become next douchebag congressman
Pentagon admits mixing up ‘No-Strike List’ with ‘No, Strike List’
Air Force band Max Impact pulls music from Spotify
Private uses Biden’s open door policy
Clint Lorance and Eddie Gallagher team up to launch ‘Alleged War Crimes Coffee’ brand
Barracks lawyer passes barracks bar exam on ninth tequila
Amid Omicron surge, National Guard called up to man entire DoD
British Navy uses giant bowl of rice to repair F-35 that crashed into Mediterranean
Green Beans Coffee deploys recon teams to Ukraine to scout locations
Argument over critical race theory ruins 5K base fun run
Navy submarines to be equipped with reflective belts to avoid future collisions
Army announces development of ‘Mother of all Vaccines’
Military to begin sending thoughts and prayers after drone strikes
GS-15 quotes himself in his own signature block
Taliban sergeant major yells at new recruits for walking on his sand
SECDEF exaggerating symptoms to keep staying at home
Montana militia discharges 24 soldiers for being vaccinated
CIA analyst accidentally shoots Russian sub captain, XO
Stuart Scheller to regain credibility with appearance on Tucker Carlson